- Household signs.
Any number of colourful window stickers are supplied, to warn potential
intruders that the household is in a Neighbourhood Watch scheme. (See
Additional signs - small rigid plastic triangles suitable to mount on
a gate - were also made available at the start of the scheme, but the
present cost is somewhat excessive and we are trying to negotiate something
- Security Car Tax Disc.
Did you know that vehicle tax disc fraud has become the fastest rising
car crime in the U.K?
Worth up to £160, the tax disc on your car can be stolen in moments,
and, once in the hands of thieves, can be altered and used on ANY vehicle
to make them appear legal. We have a simple but ingenious licence holder
that works by effectively laminating the licence with a special synthetic
disc. Once applied, it is impossible to remove without ripping the licence,
rendering it of no market value to the opportunist thief. The device
is supported by the Police throughout the UK, and has already helped
prevent car crime.
The cost is just £1.00 for each disc; it comes with full instructions
and a coloured Neighbourhood Watch logo on the reverse.
- Gwent Vehicle Watch.
The police are continuing to run this scheme, whereby a car carrying
their sticker can be stopped by the police if it is travelling after
midnight. The rightful owner carries an identifying Vehicle Watch membership
This scheme has been very successful in preventing vehicle theft and
also recovering stolen vehicles very quickly.
If you wish to join, obtain windscreen stickers and an identification
card from the Usk police station.