Llangwm Census Project
- The intention is to create a dataset of information that can be queried
using computer tools, not to create an exact transcription. Guidelines
- A 'superset' of columns, to cover the information captured in all
censuses from 1841 to 1901 is prepared for each census row.
- An extra column is added for Census Year.
- An extra column is added for Notes, to highlight any changes made
to the data.
- Where 'Do' (Ditto) was shown in the census it is extended to the full
- All house details (e.g. schedule number, name, occupancy) are included
for each person, in order to allow later sorting of the data.
- Names (e.g. people, occupations and places) should normally have the
spelling and capitalization exactly as shown in the census, not any
modern version. If a word cannot be deciphered then it is to be indicated
with a ?.
- If a firstname is shown in the census with a standard abbreviation
(e.g. Wm for William, Thos for Thomas) then this should be expanded
to the full word.
- If an occupation is shown with a standard abbreviation in the census
(e.g. Ag Lab for Agricultural Labourer, F.S. for Female Servant, M.S.
for Male Servant) then this should be expanded to the full words and
a comment made in the Notes field.
- Abbreviations in the census for 'Relation' should be extended to the
full word, e.g. Daughter for 'Daur'.
- Marital status should be one of M (for Married), S (for Single), W
(for Widow), WR (for Widower), D (for Divorced) and U (for Unknown)
if blank.
- Where age is shown in months or weeks etc in the census, then this
should be converted to decimals of year, e.g. 15 months to 1.25.
- Gender should be a capital letter (F or M) or U (for Unknown) if the
age is left blank, unless it is obvious (e.g. because Relationship is
- 'Where Born' is extended to three columns. If only a county town is
shown in the census (e.g. Hereford) then this should be used for both
the County and Village/Town columns. The county is shown verbatim, i.e.
not extended to 'shire'. If only the country is shown (e.g. Ireland)
then 'Unknown' is used for the County and Village/Town. If N.K (Not
Known?) is shown anywhere then 'Unknown' is used. If the census-taker
has a few misspellings of either of the two Llangwm village names, then
this is corrected to the norm and a Note made accordingly.
- For those years where 'Language' was captured (1891 and 1901), then
where it is blank this should be 'Infant' if age is 3 or under, otherwise
Any comments or suggested amendments should be e-mailed to the Webmaster.