COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr John Watkins (Chair), Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Malcolm Hatfield,
Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, Katy Hoar (Country Connect) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
CC Greenland gave his report at the start of the meeting, as he had to leave and his report is under Item 10 in these minutes.
a) Country Connect
Katy Hoar from Country Connect explained that Mark had set up the company 4 yrs ago, had a team of 8 engineers who set up masts for line of site broadband. They put up discs on houses and BB travels a long way. A lady she met at Usk Show lives in the area, and her property covers most of the village of Llangwm. Llansoy is already partially covered. Their prices range from £23.99 a month, and £33.99 20mgbt with unlimited broadband.
The Chair explained that other companies have come and gone, starting with AB Internet, and then Boygon's bought them out, and some residents are signed up with them.
Cllr Gough said that some properties may not be liable for a Welsh Government grant, and it was important that everyone in the village is covered, as residents felt very wounded in the past by unreliable companies.
Kathy explained that their engineers usually do surveys on their computer, and then visit each and every household to guarantee line of sight.
AGREED that the Councillors draw up a list of properties who find it difficult to get broadband, and the Clerk will pass it onto Kathy Hoar.
The Chair thanked Kathy for attending the meeting, and she left the meeting.
It was also AGREED that a small sub-group be formed of Cllr Hatfield, Cllr Gough and Cllr Watkins, plus Richard Williams, meet on either a Monday or Thursday evening, and report back to the next meeting.
AGREED that Broadband should go on every agenda.
There were no Police present, but CSO Andy Jones had sent correspondence stating that there were no crimes in the area to report since the last meeting.
There were no apologies for absence.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 17th September 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.
The Clerk apologised for the lateness in sending out the Agenda and Minutes due to IT issues.
a) Speed limits in Llangwm and Llansoy
The Clerk has received notification to say that the Local Authority is now seeking approval to progress the speed limit reduction to 30 mph in both Llangwm & Llansoy.
AGREED that although the consultation period has closed, to ask Cllr Bob Greenland to make enquiries if the 40mph limit in Llansoy could be extended as far as Brecon Court, which would slow down vehicles before they hit the 30mph limit.
b) Mobile Phone Signal
No progress had been made, so it was AGREED to write to David Davies MP, Nick Ramsay AM, and also County Councillor Sara Jones with the information received from Mr Newall.
c) Heavy Vehicles using Llanynant Road
It was noted that heavy vehicles were using Llanynant Road as a way of avoiding the lorry ban through Usk, and a large lorry with pallets on was stuck near the Carna, which was going to Usk Garden Centre. It was AGREED that perhaps a 'Not Suitable for Sat Navs' sign should be erected at the end of Llanynant Road.
a) Update on Matters Reported
Overgrown Trees on Llanynant Road - OPEN.
The Clerk has also sent this report to Martyn Evans, as well as on MyMon App.
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) Cllr Trigg reported that on the B4235 from junction 90.9 to Belmont Farm (Usk bound) the gullies are all covered over with debris.
ii) Cllr Evans reported that although outside the Ward, on the B4235 between Eagle House and Route 59.6 to Bully Hole Bottom (Usk bound) the road is continually flooded.
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
There were none
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 27th September 2019 was £3,509.05
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2019 - £1,783.53
i) Green Grafter - £47.00 for grass cutting on 10th September - Chq no 769
ii) Shirley Hughes £177.95 - Salary for October - Chq no 770
iii) Shirley Hughes £42.54 - Clerk's Expenses for Sept/Oct - Chq no 771
AGREED that the above invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for October was:
Receipts: £5,346.30
Payments: £2,170.85 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 27.75 hrs since the last meeting.
It was AGREED that the Clerk writes to Beverley and Williams to say that her hours have changed from 1st October to 5.5 per week, as per the September minutes.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Council News
c) Rights of Way Improvement Plan (Public Consultation Poster and Cards)
d) Dates of forthcoming Usk Cluster Group Meetings
e) Climate Change Emergency Response
f) Dates of MCC Chair's Fundraising Events
g) September Enforcement Cases (Nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy)
h) Dates when roadworks are closing Severn & Prince of Wales Bridges
i) Letter etc. regarding the proposal of closing Mounton House Special School
One Voice Wales
a) Minutes of the Area Committee on 3rd Oct
Welsh Government
a) Planning Aid Wales event on 11th November in Monmouth
a) AB Health Board - Can you help the Health Board Connect with your Community?
a) Planning Application No: DM/2019/01445
General Purpose Agricultural Building - The Carna, Pentwyn Lane, Llangwm, Usk, NP15 1LT. Cllrs mentioned that this is planned away from the Carna down the lane.
Cllrs stated that they had no issues with the Building, so would offer no objections.
Shipping Container-tool store for woodland maintenance equipment - New House Farm, The Duffryn, Llangwm.
The clerk wrote to Planning because of the confusion over dates etc. and had replies back from both Andrew Jones and the Kate Bingham from MCC.
Cllrs stated that nowhere does it say where the container is to be sited, as its probably away from the farm?
Land adjacent to Oakfield
Farm has apparently been sold, and had heard back from the Enforcement Officer
stating she would keep an eye on the site.
The Clerk had written to Mr Gregory, Mrs Pike & Nick Holmes and Mr Gregory rang thanking the Council for all they have done.
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report.
Budgets were under pressure more than ever, and Children's Services was the highest cost ever. There seems to be more and more children entering the system, so MCC have no idea what the costs are going to be each year.
Cllrs Williams and Rowlands asked if the 40mph limit in Llansoy, be extended to Brecon Court, so that vehicles slow down before they enter the 30mph limit.
AGREED that CC Greenland would pass on this suggestion to Highways.
The Clerk informed CC Greenland that the road signs have now been ordered.
Cllr Gough asked about the Boundary Commission report, as it seems as MCC and the Welsh Government did not take any notice of the letter Llangwm CC had sent with comments against the changes. Cllr Greenland stated that it seems as if the decision has been made, and the 2nd stage, which is the County Councillor Ward reorganisation, seems as if that will be going ahead as well.
There were none.
a) Payment to Councillors - the Clerk has sent off the Annual Return to the Welsh Government stating that no Councillors had claimed any expenses for their role.
b) 2020 Diary Dates - The Draft Dates of Council Meetings during 2020 were circulated and approved.
c) Parish Hall Fundraiser - This will take place on Saturday 16th November
d) Bridge Inn - Councillors once again reports the state of the site at the Bridge Inn at Llangwm, and although there have been several Enforcement Orders on the building and the car park, it is now looking worse than ever, with doors being broken off and access into the building, which is very dangerous. AGREED to write to both MP and AM to see if they can influence any changes to the site.
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 19th November 2019
Meeting closed 9.10pm