COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr John Watkins (Chair), Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Malcolm Hatfield


IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Roger Hoggins, MCC Head of Operations, Mr Ted Royds, Mr Mick Sheath and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



The Chair welcomed Mr Hoggins to the meeting, and thanked him for attending to discuss Road Signs in Llangwm.

Road Signs - Cllr Watkins set the scene by stating that this issue was first raised in November 2016 by Mr Sheath & Mr Royds, who are both in attendance, and were concerned that emergency vehicles and delivery drivers had difficulty locating properties, due to no Sat Nav able to work in the village. During this period LCC were told that MCC would pay for the signage, to now being told that LCC would have to pay 100% of the costs. The Council felt that this was unacceptable, as other villages had signs.


Mr Hoggins stated that signs were not high priority for MCC, and that emergency vehicles do not rely on road signs to locate properties. Mark Watkins had quoted £421 per sign, and confirmed that this was to purchase and install. It was noted that the signs would have to be bilingual, with the Welsh translation being first. He appreciated that this had gone on for far too long, and a mutual solution must be found.


In his experience as an Out Of Hours Doctor, Cllr Watkins said that when he goes into a new area, he relies on road signs to locate patients.


Mr Royds stated that he had lived in the village for 40yrs, and always thought he lived on Chapel Road, and during this process, discovered it was Llanynant Road.


Although the original suggestion was to have all lanes from the village sign-posted, the Council had prioritised 4 main ones, being: Llanynant Road, Chapel Road (with a No Through Road logo on), The Duffryn and Millbrook.


Mr Hoggins stated that for the 4 signs, MCC would be prepared to split the costs 50/50.


AGREED that this project should move forward, and that LCC accepted the above, and Cllr Gough proposed that the signs are ordered as soon as possible. The meeting agreed.


Speed Reduction limits in Llangwm & Llansoy

Mr Hoggins was asked about the request made several months ago about the reduction from 40mph to 30mph in both Llangwm & Llansoy, and the Clerk had been told that a draft order would be out in May for consultation?

Mr Hoggins stated that now that MCC had become the Civil Parking Authority, and the enforcers, they were aiming to combine all the Orders together, publish them and then hold a consultation period, but due to other work, this had been delayed. There were many factors involved to reduce speed limits, namely:

How many accidents; number of properties; commercial properties; schools etc. LCC were urged to keep evidence of any 'near misses' also. Go Safe were involved, and speeding traffic was a High priority for MCC


Cllr Gough asked if it would be possible to see a Draft Plan of the both villages before it goes out to consultation, and he was happy to monitor the anti-social behaviour of the speeding motorbikes and pass onto Mr Hoggins to take to the Strong Communities Select Committee, where this will be discussed.



Road Closures for Utilities

Cllr Trigg asked why Welsh Water closed The Duffryn Lane for 4 days whilst the job took just half a day to complete. Also the main B4235 near Wern Panna was closed from Friday morning and not re-opened until Monday, and vehicles were using the local lanes as 'rat-runs' and caused a great deal of damage to verges and banks along the narrow lanes.


Bridge Street in Usk

Cllrs asked Mr Hoggins was it true that MCC were looking to pedestrianise Bridge Street?

Mr Hoggins stated that this was not the case, but both Usk Town Council and MCC had received favourable comments when it was closed when the Gas pipe was renewed, and they were looking into ways to create a better environment for pedestrians, businesses and traffic in Bridge Street. Cllr Hatfield stated that he was looking in a shop window, when a lorry mounted the pavement and nearly took him off his feet.


At this stage, Mr Hoggins was thanked for attending and left the meeting, as did Mr Royds and Mr Sheath.



CSO Andy Jones had sent an email stating that there had been no crimes reported between 15/4/19 - 13/6/19 for the Ward.



Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21st May 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct




5a) Update on Broadband and Mobile Phone Signal

Cllr Peter Gough had spoken to Richard Williams, but no meeting held to date.

AGREED - that Cllr Gough will organise in the near future.



a) Update on Matters Reported

i) Route 63.1 - Outside Llanynant Cottage - reported early March - Made safe 28/5/19


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Rowlands stated that there was a large pothole between the Bush Farm and the Old Lane towards Raglan

ii) Cllr Trigg reported that the pothole outside Llanynant Cottage was still not filled

iii) Cllr Watkins stated that the road surface of the B4235 near Turnpike Cottage towards Usk is breaking up due to numerous potholes that have been filled up, but due to water running on the road, it's now dangerous - Cllr Watkins will send email with exact position


c) New Highway Issues raised by others

i) Clerk reported that the Junction sign on the B4235 opposite the Hall indicating Llanynant road was no longer visible, as the hedge had grown out so much

ii) Cllr Williams stated that Catherine Westbury had asked if a sign could be provided indicating where the Chapel was. AGREED that when the new Road Signs are installed, there would be one for Chapel Road indicating NO THROUGH ROAD

iii) Catherine had also asked if the Hall could provide 2 x Disabled Parking spaces on the grass area outside the Hall. AGREED that this was not a CC matter, and the Parish Hall representatives stated that perhaps bollards could be put out if and when required


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 29th May 2019 was £3,279.08 (this includes 1st Precept payment received)


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2019 - £1,783.53



i) Green Grafter - £47.00 for grass cutting on 28th May - Chq no 753

ii) Shirley Hughes £177.95 - Salary for June - Chq no 754

iii) S Hughes £38.37 Clerk's Expenses for May/June - Chq no 755

iv) HMRC £5.40 Tax & NI for April - June - Chq no 756

v) Beverley & Williams Accountants £39.36 Salary Admin April - June - Chq no 757


AGREED that the above invoices are paid.

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for June was:

Receipts: £3,513.30

Payments: £1,115.80 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


The Clerk asked the Cllrs to note that her Salary & Expenses Cheques for April was still missing between the Post Office and her Bank, and the Bank Statement for May, shows that these cheques have not been cashed.

AGREED that they are re-issued, and the previous cheques cancelled. (chq no's 747 & 748)

i) S Hughes £57.75 Clerk's Expenses for March/April - Chq no 758

ii) Shirley Hughes £177.95 - Salary for April - Chq no 759



The Clerk reported that she had worked 24.5 hours since the last meeting.



From MCC

a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings (MCC are trying to get more people to attend)

b) Press Releases: Council to finalise Budget

c) May Enforcement Cases - Nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy

d) Road Works Schedule (plus events) - sent to Cllrs

e) Usk Cluster Group Meeting - 2nd July

f) Civil Parking Guidance Booklet - Sent to Cllrs


One Voice Wales

a) Woodland Trust are looking for amazing Trees

b) OVW June Newsletter Sent to Cllrs

c) OVW Basic On-Line Learning Modules

d) OVW Innovative Practice Conference - 10th July

Welsh Government

a) Introduction to Planning Enforcement - 24th June in Rhayader

b) Older People's Commissioner's Newsletter



a) Big Lottery has changed its name to The National Lottery Community Fund



a) Your Local Health News



a) Community Health Councils are looking for Members (Poster for VH)

b) Map of UK Cycling Race Wye Tour on 31/8/19 sent to Cllrs



a)  PLANNING APPLICATION NO. DM/2019/00812 - Proposed Muck Shed at New House Farm, Llansoy, Usk NP15 1DE

Councillors discussed the application and AGREED that they had no objection to this application



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not able to attend the meeting, so no report was given.



There were no Ward Reports 



a) Clerks Council - The Clerk reported that she had been invited by the Head of Law & Monitoring Matthew Phillips to attend a Clerks Council in County Hall on Wednesday 26th June between 10 - 4pm


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 16th July 2019


Meeting closed 9.10pm