COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Malcolm Hatfield and Cllr John Watkins
IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk
The following written report was received:
There is nothing to report crime wise for the Llangwm/Llansoy area since the last meeting and reports of rural outbuilding/shed breaks in the other areas of rural Chepstow are receding thankfully at the moment.
But please continue to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity/crime at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency. If it is low level incident and not an emergency you can also email contact@gwent.pnn.police.uk to report.
4/4/19 - Report of a 2 vehicle non injury rtc in a side lane at the Duffryn in Llangwm. 2 vehicles had collided in the lane and one ended up on its side. The lane was obviously closed for a while for the vehicles to be recovered.
Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 19th March 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct
Minutes of the Special Planning Meeting of 2nd April 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.
5a) Update on Broadband and Mobile Phone Signal
The Chair, Cllr Peter Gough gave a brief report of the Special meeting which was held on 25th March with the MCC B/B Officer, Mike Powell.
Mr Powell spoke about the situation in rural Monmouthshire and he would be attending 2 meetings in the next few weeks with the Welsh Government, where he will get more information. He spoke about several independent companies such as Bogons and Spectrum who may be worth contacting.
The Chair stated that he has his B/B service from Bogons, but unless properties were within line-of-sight, they could not be connected to this service. He stated that he didn't think they would be adding any more local masts.
We have had an email from Graham Adams from The Reddings who was disappointed he missed the B/B meeting, but stated he gets his service from Bogons.
AGREED - that the Chairman will organise a meeting with local interested residents, plus Cllr Hatfield and Cllr Watkins and invite Spectrum to attend, who had contacted LCC.
It was also NOTED that: Economy & Development Select Committee had a Welsh Government Officer at their meeting to discuss Broadband on 10th April, and the meeting is on YouTube.
5b) Update on Bridge Inn
The Clerk reported that she had written to the Enforcement Officer who stated that: 'I have nothing to report with regards to the Bridge Inn but that's not to say we aren't trying to resolve the issues here'.
AGREED to ask if there was a Deadline for the Enforcement Notice, and if it is past, when was it followed up?
5c) Update Speed Reductions for Llangwm & Llansoy
The Clerk received the following reply from MCC Highways:
'Thank you for your recent query regarding an update on where we are at reference the above proposed Traffic Regulation Orders.
I can advise it is intended to consult and advertise on statutory 30 mph speed limits within the central core areas of Llangwm (including on the B4235 where it traverses through the core of Llangwm village and in the core of Llansoy village with also a 40 mph speed limit buffer limits on some approaches to each of the two villages in the new financial year .
In all likelihood we will be publically consulting in May of this year and this is what we are currently aiming for as a consultation date i.e. to be out for public consultation by the end of May this year.
I hope this update proves useful'.
AGREED - that the Clerk write to the Officer asking if the Council could see the plans prior going out to public consultation, so they could see where signs would be placed etc.
5d) To Update Asset Register
AGREED - Cllr Evans offered to survey the Council's assets and report back to the next meeting.
5e) Update on Road Signs for Llangwm
It was noted that MCC's CEO Paul Matthews had forwarded our letter to Roger Hoggins and Paul Keeble and Mr Hoggins now wants to come to our next meeting, as he agreed with us, that this project has been going on long and enough, and needs to be dealt with.
AGREED - To invite Mr Hoggins to the May meeting and although it's the AGM, this item would be discussed at the start of the meeting.
a) Update on Matters Reported
ii) B4235 Between Toll House Wern Panna and Coal Chips Meadow Farm - Deep Pothole - Potholes made safe on 26/3/19
ii) Route 80 Between School House & Trevine Farm - Small Give Way sign broken off - Rectified 28/3/19
iii) Route 80 Between Trevine Farm and Ty Bach Farm - Right hand bend sign broken off - Rectified 28/3/19
iv) B4235 Near Mill House - Junction sign in hedge - Rectified 28/3/19
v) Route 66.3 Several Potholes on Georges Delight - Potholes made safe on 26 & 27/3/19
vi) Chevron near Oakfield Farm - Chevron replaced 1/4/19
vii Inspection of Local Lanes - Clerk wrote to Head of Operations - it seems as if this request had slipped though the net, but the Officer in charge of organising inspections of routes, has now passed this on to the Inspectors.
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) Route 63.1 - Outside Llanynant Cottage - reported early March and has still not been done
ii) B4235 Near Mill House - Junction sign for Route 80 has broken off and in the hedge
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
i) Cllr Watkins stated that his neighbour had complained about a dangerous hole near the bridge on Chapel Lane, and it has been like it for 2 years. Cllr Trigg had put orange barrier around the hole, but it was extremely dangerous.
ii) B4235 - Pavement between Mill House and Yew Tree Cottage is overgrown and covered in debris and prevents walkers using it, and they have to walk on the road which is extremely dangerous.
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 27th March 2019 was £1,768.97 (less £102 for unpresented cheque to HMRC for Clerk's Tax)
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2018 - £1,771.20
i) S Hughes £177.95 - Salary for April - Chq no 747
ii) S Hughes £57.75 - Clerk's Expenses for March/April - Chq no 748
AGREED that the above invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for March was:
Receipts: £1,666.97
Payments: £235.70 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
7a) To Receive Grass Cutting Quote
Steve Beale has sent in his quote for 2019 and it will be £47 per cut for the normal cutting outside the Village Hall. AGREED - that this was acceptable
The Clerk reported that she had worked 31.75 hours since the last meeting.
Councillors were asked to note that from 25th April, Shirley will be working 2 days a week in County Hall as a Support Worker for her ex-colleague on RDP project, paid by the DWP as her ex-colleague was returning to work after 12 months following a stroke.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Numerous Press Releases: Dementia-friendly Cafe opens in Chepstow, School admission and catchment areas approved, Children's activities over Easter, Funding boost provided for Borough Theatre, Warning over Council Tax Scam
c) March Enforcement Cases - Potential breach at Land adjacent to Oakfield Farm
d) Notice that at the Adults Select Committee on 29th April, there will be an update on existing Hospitals in Monmouthshire plus the new Llanfrechfa Grange Hospital
e) Notice of Consultation open until 28th May on the new LDP
f) Arrangements for Civil Parking Enforcement - sent to Cllrs
g) MCC are publishing any new info on 'Brexit - getting ready' on their website - sent to Cllrs
One Voice Wales
a) Minutes of the OVW National Executive meeting
b) Joint event with SLCC on 15th May in Swansea
c) Presentation and FAQ from Health Board on Clinical Futures
d) Training Dates for April - July in area
e) Documents online that are available from WG
Welsh Government
a) Letter from Welsh Government confirming they have received our letter RE: Boundary Changes and our views will be included in the advice to the Minister
a) Letter asking if LCC would like to Sponsor their Annual Volunteer Awards
a) Your Local Health News
a) Details of Calor Rural Community Fund
b) Great British Spring Clean
a) DM/2019/00446 - Notification of Agricultural Shed on land adjacent to Oakfield Farm, Llangwm.
It was noted that the Enforcement Officer has said that she would be contacting the land owners in the near future but assured LCC that the matter was in hand.
It was reported that the Applicant has now proposed moving the shed near to the Stable Block and making it much smaller (12.2meters long by 9.150 meters wide. The eaves would be 4.3m high and 5.1 to the ridge. The roller shutter doors will be replaced with barn doors.
Objections had been received from 3 local residents and the Community Council's comments could be found on the MCC Planning Portal. The Clerk had also received phone calls from 3 other residents.
AGREED to write to MCC Planning with the following comments/queries:
1) The owner of the land had registered 2 waste exemptions for the site (U1 and S1) with Natural Resource Wales, which was incompatible with what the site was to be used for
2) NRW had visited the site and stated that there was far more waste dumped on the site than what was needed for a track to the stable block and new shed
3) Now that new plans have been drawn up, is there a new deadline for a decision to be made?
4) Are the buildings within the permitted distance from highway?
5) Can you apply for 2 buildings on one site, after previous Planning Report for the Stable Block stated 'it was better to have one building than several smaller ones'?
6) The previous Planning Application involved 'Change of use to Equine' so does that mean it reverts back to agricultural use now?
7) Does the Notification now need to go to Full Planning Permission due to the objections etc?
County Councillor Bob Greenland was not able to attend the meeting, so no report was given.
There were no Ward Reports
a) Nominations for Officers for 2019/2020
The following nominations came forward in readiness for the AGM in May
Chairman: Cllr John Watkins
Vice-Chairman: Cllr Malcolm Hatfield
Parish Hall Representative: Cllr Peter Gough
One Voice Representative: Clerk if available
Usk Cluster Group: Clerk if available
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be the AGM, followed by the Ordinary Meeting and be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 21st May 2019
Meeting closed 8.57pm