COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Malcolm Hatfield and Cllr John Watkins
IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk
There wasn't a Police report nor the CSO in attendance.
Cllr Rowlands reported that the Wern Farm had been broken into approx. early March, with strimmers and hedge cutters etc. stolen.
AGREED - The Clerk write to the Police asking for a written report, as nothing had been received for several months.
Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 19th February 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct
Record, with 2 amendments:
i) 8a) Cllr Trigg has also attended the meeting in County Hall in 2014
ii) 10) County Councillor Bob Greenland had asked for an alternative paragraph be added to his report regarding the regeneration of Usk and Maryport Street North Car Park.
5a) Update on Broadband and Mobile Phone Signal
The Clerk reported that she has written to David Davies MP but no reply as yet.
With regard to MCC B/B Officer, Mike Powell has responded and has given 25th or 27th as proposed dates for a meeting in the village with Councillors and the small group of interested residents.
It was noted that Llanddewi Rhydderch is undergoing a Pilot Project using 5G which is supported by an outside company and MCC.
Cllrs were informed that at the Economy & Development Select Committee on 10th April at 2pm, Rural Broadband will be discussed.
AGREED - that if the Parish Hall is free, a meeting would be held on Monday 25th March commencing at 7.30pm, and Cllr Gough would contact the interested residents.
5b) Update on Street Signs
The Clerk reported that she had drafted a letter to the CEO and Chief Officer, and would be sending it this week.
5c) Update on Bridge Inn
The Clerk reported that she had had a visit from a past owner of the Bridge Inn who made the following comments:
i) the double cellar doors are now wide open and anyone can walk into the property
ii) the flat roof (which can be accessed from the back lane) has holes in it and if anyone walks on it, they could certainly fall through
iii) the grass verge at the back of the property is falling into the car park, and if any cars/farm vehicles mount the verge to pass another vehicle, they could easily topple down into the car park as the lane is single file
iv) he also visited the neighbour who lives opposite and said that her property would have been £40k more if it wasn't opposite the Bridge Inn!!
The Clerk said she had written to the Enforcement Officer with the comments made at the last meeting, plus the ones raised by Mr Evans. She had also sent photographs from Google Earth which had been taken 10yrs ago, and would be sending up to date photographs of the same views of the site, to show the change in the site over the last 10 years.
a) Update on Matters Reported
i) Route 63.1 - Outside Llanynant Cottage - Pothole Pothole made safe on 5/3/19 (reported that this has not been done)
ii) Route 80 - Between Jnt. B4235 and Ty Bach Farm - Numerous potholes - Potholes made safe on 5/3/19 (reported that this has not been done)
iii) B4235 - Beaufort Farm Llangwm - Dangerous Left hand bend sign has been damaged - No reply as yet
iv) B4235 - Near Oakfield Farm - one of the Chevron signs has broken off its pole and is still flat on the verge - Will arrange for the Chevron to be replaced ASAP
v) Route 60.2 Llansoy to Nantygelli - Budget only allows MCC to make safe and unsafe potholes-not whole road Cllr Williams reported that a number of potholes have been filled
vi) Footpath 365/22/1 sign which is 20mts from Mill House is rotten and has broken off - Clerk has reported this to Countryside Services.
vii) MCC Highways Inspector/Engineer should survey the following routes:
Route 63.1 Llanynant Road. Jnt. B4235 to the Almshouses
Route 60.6 Lane between the Glider Club on R75 and the R71 near Llansoy
Route 60.2 Lane between Llansoy and Nantygelli Crossroads
Route 80 Wolvesnewton road which is the lane from the B4235 through Wolvesnewton up to Cobblers Plain.
Head of Operations has agreed to send an Engineer to Survey these routes
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) B4235 Between Toll House Wern Panna and Coal Chips Meadow Farm - Deep Pothole
ii) Route 80 Between School House & Trevine Farm - Small Give Way sign broken off
iii) Route 80 Between Trevine Farm and Ty Bach Farm - Right hand bend sign broken off
iv) B4235 Near Mill House - Junction sign in hedge
v) Route 66.3 Several Potholes on Georges Delight
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
Cllr Rowlands asked what was happening about a previous request to lower the Speed Limit from 40mph to 30mph in the village of Llansoy. Residents have complained to him that the volume and speed of traffic is now tremendous, and that mothers walking to the school bus stop feel that with only 21inches of pavement, it is not safe. Residents will be writing to MCC to complain.
AGREED - the Clerk will write to Highways to ask what is happening with the Speed Limits in both Llangwm & Llansoy
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 27th February 2019 was £2,837.34
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2018 - £1,771.20
i) Shirley Hughes £136.01 - Salary for March - Chq no 743
ii) HMRC £102.00 - Tax & NI for Jan-March - Chq no 744
iii) S Hughes £39.72 - Clerks Expenses for Feb/March - Chq no 745
iv) Beverley & Williams Accountants £39.36 - Admin & Postage for Payroll Jan-March - Chq no 746
AGREED that the above invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for March was:
Receipts: £6,301.10
Payments: £4.593.21 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
The Clerk reported that St Tysoi's Church and Llangwm Baptist Church have both rang to thank the Council for the very generous donation to the Churches, and also a letter received from Catherine Westbury.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 33.75 hours since the last meeting
It was noted that from 1st April, the Clerks Salary will rise by 21p per hour to £10.37 per hour, and there is a new format for Spinal Column Points from NALC.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Numerous Press Releases: MCC take on parking responsibility from Gwent Police, Grounds team boost for environment with changes to mowing, Celebrating International Women's Day, Commonwealth Day celebrated etc.
c) February Enforcement Cases - nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy
d) Invite to Chairman's Fashion Show - 3rd April
e) Invite to Chairman's Afternoon Tea - 7th April
f) Letter & Press Release regarding the new Recycling & Waste changes It was noted that the Green Glass Boxes seem to blow all around after emptying
g) Consultee letter regarding the Consultation on the closure of Mounton House Special School in Chepstow
h) Notice from Highways regarding the new Electric Utility Cables being installed between Glascoed & Little Mill on the A472 between June & August
i) Invite for the Clerk to attend a 'Clerks Council' Training Day on 23rd May
One Voice Wales
a) OVW Innovative Practice Annual Awards on 28th March
b) Latest list of Training Dates for the South
a) Your Local Health News
a) Details of Calor Rural Community Fund
b) Wales Air Ambulance asking for funding
c) Someone asking to purchase 10-20 acres of land for market garden & sustainable woodland project
8a) To Discuss Response to the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales - Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire
The Chair stated that he had contacted Llantrisant Fawr CC and they kindly sent their response which showed that both Community Councils were against the merger, and for similar reasons.
The response was sent prior to the closing date of 13th March, and the Clerk has received notification that it has been received.
The Clerk had also received a letter from One Voice Wales clarifying the confusion with MCC over how the local Community Councils could respond. CC's were told not to respond to MCC and to wait until the Welsh Government held their Consultation.
a) DM/2017/01192 - The Clerk reported that she had a visit from Bob Evans regarding his application for the 2 Executive Houses in Llangwm.
He queried the statement made about low cost housing, for local young people, so I told him that we had amended that minute and taken out local.
He mentioned that he will Appeal if MCC turn him down, and would be up for altering the plans to include 2 x Semi-detached affordable housing. The Clerk suggested he spoke Craig O'Connor (Planning Officer) and also MHA before he goes through the cost of getting new plans drawn up.
b) DM/2019/00446 - The Clerk noted that she had seen an application on the MCC Portal for a 20 x 23mt Agricultural Shed on the land adjacent to Oakfield Farm at the bottom on the field, but had not received a Consultee Letter as yet. Cllr Evans stated that as a near neighbour, he had not received notice either.
It was noted that although the owner had Planning Permission for a stable block with a 4mt track down to it, approximately 1/4 acre of land nearest the B4235 had been covered in logs, concrete slabs and old bricks. Lorries were being emptied on a daily basis.
AGREED - that the Clerk speak to the Planning Officer for this application.
County Councillor Bob Greenland was not able to attend the meeting, so no report was given.
There were no Ward Reports
There was no further business
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 16th April 2019
Meeting closed 8.42pm