COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands and Cllr John Watkins
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland (part time) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
There wasn't a Police report nor the CSO in attendance
County Councillor Bob Greenland asked if he could present his report (Agenda Item 10.) early in the meeting due to having to attend another meeting. AGREED by the Chair and reported under Item 10 in these Minutes. Cllr Greenland left the meeting at 20:10.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Malcolm Hatfield
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 15th January 2019 were agreed and signed as a true and correct
Record, with one small amendment under 9c) the words 'from the area' to be deleted.
5a) Update on Broadband and Mobile Phone Signal
Cllr Watkins stated that he had been unable to write the letter to the WG as he was still trying to get sufficient facts and figures about the contract for Phase 2 from WG or their website.
The Clerk had been in touch with Mike Powell who was the Broadband Officer with MCC and he said that he would know more about the rollout of Superfast Cymru 2 later on in March. He was also waiting to hear about the WG community scheme.
He stated that there were approx. 20 communities in Monmouthshire with similar issues with Broadband.
The Clerk noted that the Economy and Development Select Committee are due to have a presentation on Broadband by the WG at their meeting on 28th March.
a) That a meeting be arranged with Cath Fallon and Mike Powell from MCC and Clerk to ask them for several dates, and then the Chair can get the small B/B working group together.
b) Clerk write to David Davies MP regarding the Mobile signal explaining the issues Llangwm have with lack of signal causing issues in the village with Defibrillator, no roaming signal etc.
5b) Update on Street Signs
The Clerk reported that she had drafted a letter to the CEO and Chief Officer, and would be sending it next Thursday.
5c) Update on Bridge Inn
The Clerk wrote to Enforcement Officer and stated that the Enforcement Case was closed due to the owner of the site having complied with the Order!!
It was noted that MCC seems to be under the impression that the Planning Application for 2 Houses on land north of the Bridge Inn has been applied for by the owner of the Bridge Inn. The Clerk had informed them that this is not the case.
LCC were assured that 'MCC will continue to chase the owner of the site and that it is something we will keep trying to do, and please be aware that we aren't just going to forget about the site'.
Cllrs at the meeting stated that the side door was now insecure and there were holes in the doors plus windows exposed. The dilapidation during the winter months had been severe.
AGREED the Clerk will pass the latest information onto MCC Planning.
5c) Bus Stop at Ivy Cottage
The Clerk received an email from MCC Public Transport Officer and he has said there are bus stops called Camp Farm and the 63 Bus is a 'Hail & Ride Bus'.
Although Cllr Trigg was delighted to hear this news, the person who wishes to return to Rogiet after a day's work, has evidence that he has been denied the 'Hail & Ride' facility at the Camp Farm stop, and the 5.19pm bus is the last one he can catch to get to his destination. He now continues to walk into the village to catch a bus, as he doesn't want to be stranded.
AGREED - Clerk to write to MCC again about this traveller
a) Update on Matters Reported
i) Route 81 Jnt of B4235 to Camp Farm - potholes that are becoming dangerous
These potholes were made safe sometime in January '19 as per GH.
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) Cllr Trigg reported the following:
Route 63.1 - Outside Llanynant Cottage - Pothole
Route 80 - Between Jnt. B4235 and Ty Bach Farm - Numerous potholes
B4235 - Beaufort Farm Llangwm - Dangerous Left hand bend sign has been damaged
B4235 - Near Oakfield Farm - one of the Chevron signs has broken off its pole and is still flat on the verge
The Clerk will report the above via MyMon App.
ii) It was also noted that the Footpath sign which is 20mts from Mill House is rotten and has broken off.
The Clerk will report this to Countryside Services.
iii) B4235 Road Closure
Councillors reported that due to a burst water pipe between the Toll House and Coal Chips Meadow Farm, Welsh Water closed the B4235 on the night of the 7th/8th February and did not re-open until the Sunday afternoon which was 10th February.
Road diversions were put up with drivers from the north being diverted at Gwernesney past the Gliding Club on Route 75 and then onto Route 71 up through Llansoy to join the B4293 into Chepstow, and the same from the south.
During this period, drivers of all sized vehicles were using the local lanes instead of the lengthy official diversion, which has resulted in numerous near misses with road traffic accidents.
Due to increased traffic there has been catastrophic damage to these lanes, and Councillors suggested that MCC Highways Inspector/Engineer should survey the following routes:
a) Route 63.1 Llanynant Road Jnt. B4235 to the Almshouses
b) Route 60.6 Lane between the Glider Club on R75 and the R71 near Llansoy
c) Route 60.2 Lane between Llansoy and Nantygelli Crossroads
d) Route 80 Wolvesnewton road which is the lane from the B4235 through Wolvesnewton up to Cobblers Plain.
AGREED that the Clerk writes to Head of Operations with the above request.
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
There were none
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 29th January 2019 was £3,040.44
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2018 - £1,771.20
i) Shirley Hughes £136.01 - Salary for Feb - Chq no 735
ii) Mrs J Bennett - £97.39 Best Kept Village Donation - Chq no 736
iii) One Voice Wales - £57 Annual Membership - Chq no 737
iv) Llangwm Baptist Chapel £100 - Chq no 738
v) St Tysoi's Church Llansoy Donation - £100 Chq no 739
vi) Shirley Hughes £61.28 - Expenses for Jan/Feb - Chq no 740
vii) Parish Hall Llangwm £201.60 Hire of Hall & electricity - Chq no 741
viii) Friends of St Johns Church £100 Donation - Chq no 742
AGREED that the above invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for February was:
Receipts: £6,301.10 (Includes £30 from HMRC for VAT refund)
Payments: £3,781.08 (Net) (this does not include all of February Payments)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
A copy of last year's Financial Regulations had been circulated to Cllrs with the Agenda and additional copies were available.
Councillors went through the document and there were no changes.
AGREED - It was proposed by Cllr John Watkins and seconded by Cllr Bob Trigg that the 2019 - 2020 Financial Regulations be adopted.
A copy of last year's Risk Assessment had been circulated to Cllrs with the Agenda and additional copies were available.
Councillors went through the document and there were no changes.
AGREED - It was proposed by Cllr Colin Evans and seconded by Cllr Gwyn Rowlands that the 2019 - 2020 Risk Assessment be adopted.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 33.75 hours since the last meeting
From MCC
a) Agenda's for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Numerous Press Releases: Monmouth Pool Opens, warning over Council Tax Scam, Consulting over school catchment areas etc.
c) January Enforcement Cases - nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy
d) Invite to Commonwealth Day Flag Raising Event - 11th March at 10am County Hall
e) Invite to Chairman's Charity Showcase by Gwent Music - 15th March Monmouth Comp
f) Council News - forwarded to Cllrs
g) Poster RE new Chatbot for MCC
h) Who's Who in MCC
i) Poster & Booklet on new recycling which starts on March 4th
j) Copies of the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales - Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire TO DISCUSS AND RESPOND
One Voice Wales
a) Guide to their Services & advantages of being a member
b) Frequently asked Questions about OVW
c) Minutes of Area Meeting
d) OVW Newsletter - forwarded to Cllrs
e) Code of Conduct Training in Trellech on 8th April
Welsh Government
a) Internal Audit Arrangements for Town & Community Councils in Wales
b) Financial Management and Governance 2017 -2018
c) Audit Fee Scheme for 2019-2020
d) Free Planning your Place Training on 4th March in Rhiwderin
e) 2019/2020 Sum under Section 137 will be £8.12 per elector
f) Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report
g) Governance, Financial Management & Internal Audit Report
a) Planning Aid Wales Place Planning for Communities
b) NHS Talk Health News - Today
a) Llangollen International Eisteddfod - asking for donations
8a) To Discuss Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales - Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire
The Community Council had received copies of the Report and Recommendations of the Review of Community Arrangements in the County of Monmouthshire.
This report proposes that Llangwm CC is amalgamated with Llantrisant Fawr CC and Llangwm would be represented by just 3 Community Councillors, whilst Llansoy would be represented by just 1 Community Councillor.
Cllr Gough and Cllr Evans reported that they had attended a meeting in County Hall in 2014 along with Llantrisant CC and had voiced their objection to any amalgamation, and followed up with correspondence confirming this.
The Report wrongly states that there had not been any representation by Llangwm CC, and it was
AGREED that the Chair contacts Llantrisant Fawr to see what their response is going to be, and then send similar comments to the Boundary Commission, which will be strongly against amalgamation of the two Community Councils - all of which have to be in by 13th March.
a) DM/2018/01306 - To renew the life of this approval (development shall be begun within 5 years) Barn at New House Farm, The Duffryn Llangwm
The Council recommends Approval of this application.
b) DM/2018/02086 - Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling with annexe - Bay Tree Cottage, The Crosshands to Old Quarry Road, Llansoy NP15 1DF
Following a discussion, Councillors felt that to make this property any larger would be a travesty and maintain that to enlarge this property further, would be an eyesore.
Therefore the Council recommends Refusal of this application.
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report.
It was the time of the year for the Annual Council Budget, and some very difficult decisions have had to be made. The Council Tax will be raised by 5.95% and this was due to the pressure on the LA which they have no control upon. For example Teachers' Pensions have been raised and so has the budget for Adult Social Care. There have been some changes that have been made following the Public Consultations:
- Blue Badges - Instead of charging for parking, Blue Badge holders will get 2 hrs free and then charged
- Free Parking at Christmas - This will remain
- Usk Recycling Centre - This will remain open but will be closed one day a week
The Chancellors Autumn Statement allocated money towards Business Rates, and Monmouthshire received £63k and have made it up to £100k. As yet, the scheme of how Businesses can apply for a grant has not been agreed.
The regeneration of Usk will be a priority, but there may be parking charges implemented on Maryport Street North Car Park. It seems that quite a few people use this car park to meet up early in the morning to share lifts, then shoppers and people attending the Doctors find there are no spaces.
Cllr Trigg said that both Doctor's Surgeries are accessed from the Car Park and patients should not be charged. CC Greenland stated that there will be an area for limited Free Parking for an hour for people going to the Doctors, such as in Abergavenny.
The Post Office in Usk will be moving to the Community Hub once it closes in Bridge Street, and additional staff will be employed and trained by the Post Office.
The Clerk attended the Usk Cluster Group meeting on 24th January, where the following was discussed:
- CC Phil Murphy gave a presentation on the Budget. Council Tax will be 5.95% increase
- 'Scale back not withdraw Services'.
- Presentation by Mark Hand on the new LDP. The first callout for candidate sites is out and the final call will be November 2019. The MCC Website will be updated regularly when new sites come in. The Deposit Plan of Candidate sites will be agreed by 2020, with the LDP Plan adopted in 2021.
- The Clerk complained about the 13 Officers and 50 emails regarding Road signs and the new Chief Officer of Enterprise took a note of it, and promised to follow it up.
There was no further business
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 19th March 2019
Meeting closed 9.30pm