COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Bob Trigg, Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Malcolm Hatfield, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr John Watkins (part of meeting)


IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Ted Royds, Mr Mick Sheath and Shirley Hughes, Clerk




CSO Andy Jones has the following report: No crimes had been reported in the Llangwm or Llansoy area but there had been shed break-ins in Trellech & St Arvans. Thieves were targeting power tools, chainsaws etc. Councillors were informed that Travellers were in the area.

CSO Jones informed all present that Gwent Now had replaced the OWL system of getting information direct to local residents by regular emails, and it was AGREED that CSO Jones will get some posters to the Clerk, who will then put them on local Noticeboards. CSO Jones was thanked for attending, and he left the meeting at this stage.



Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 18th September 2018 were agreed and signed as a true and correct

record, with 2 small amendments, (1) page 1 highways issues should read Ty-Fry and (2) page 4

Highways issues should read culvert not gully



5a) Street Signs

At the last meeting we had received a response from Roger Hoggins (as per minutes) and therefore Mr Royds & Mr Sheath were invited to tonight's meeting to decide a way forward. The list of suggested road signs were circulated.

The following points were made during the discussions:

a) Mr Royds stated that recently an ambulance had been called to Millbrook, and the crew called to say

they were unable to find the patient, so his wife had to stand on the side of the B4235 to direct the ambulance into Llanynant Road.

b) Mr Sheath mentioned that he had a delivery driver knock on his door in Millbrook, to look to deliver a garage door, which was in fact for Cllr Watkins in Cefn Bychan Close! Mr Sheath also mentioned that the Fire Service have the same Sat Nav as the Ambulance Service, but as the same Post Code covers a wide area in the village, people get very lost in Llangwm.

c) Cllr Colin Evans stated that there is no public phone within the village, and mobile phones do not work as there is no signal within the village.

d) Still awaiting example cost for signs from MCC.


i) Once the costs of signage is received, prioritise signs in order of most relevance

ii) Meet with MCC Officer to discuss position of signs - Cllr Trigg volunteered to meet with Officer

iii) Enquire what contribution MCC require from the Community Council

iv) Order a few signs each year

v) Just concentrate on signs for the village

vi) MCC to do Welsh translation

vii) Clerk to investigate costs of signage if purchased by the Community Council


Mr Royds thanked the Clerk for her perseverance over this matter over the last 12 months


Cllr Hadfield reported on a meeting he had attended at Llandewi Rhydderch where the Welsh Government Minister Julie James had attended and confirmed that although Superfast Cymru 2 Broadband contract was due to be announced weeks ago, they were not in a position to do so due to being still in the procurement stage.

At this event Monmouthshire County Council were informed that the Superfast Cymru broadband 1 roll out had achieved its targets. However, they are in a position now where they have 'stranded assets'.  There is extra funding in the sum of £80 million released for Superfast Cymru broadband 2.  These are the harder to reach properties and will not be a fast roll out in the second phase.  


The Minister was encouraging communities that were at the point of connection to look at a local community solution. The Authority is keen to hear from communities that are a 'stranded asset' to see how they can work with them individually.


Cllr Hadfield stated that it seems that the Welsh Government do not know what 'stranded assets' they have, as the BT Contractors did not leave any plans, so would welcome local communities passing on this information. It seems that Shirenewton and Earlswood are in a similar situation to Llangwm, and maybe collaboration working would be a good idea.


The Chair Cllr Gough quoted the 2017 Welsh Government Manifesto which said 'that every property in Wales would be connected to high speed Broadband'. It was obvious that this has not happened.


AGREED that Cllr Gough would continue to monitor the broadband issue with the small group of interested local residents.



a) Update on Matters Reported

The Pro Forma from the 2nd October had been received as follows:

a) Route 80 From Junction of B4235 to Nantygelli Crossroads there are many Potholes

Area will be inspected and any pot holes added to the prioritised worklist - Highways ops


b) B4235 From Ty Fry to Llangwm Village - warning signs and chevrons hidden by vegetation and also covered in green algae

Area to be inspected and actioned accordingly - Highways ops


c) Route 71 St Tysoi Close

Cllr reported that 30mph signs are erected at the entrance into St Tysoi Close, when the village have requested 30mph signs for Route 71 though the village. First requested 8/3/18

Further investigations including an automated 7 day vehicle speed/volume count are required in order to determine if the R71 currently subject to a 40 mph speed limit should be changed to a 30 mph speed limit. If after conclusion of all our investigations it is deemed correct to alter the 40 mph speed limit to a 30 mph speed limit then this request would be considered for funding in next financial year along with the other requests that the council receives relating to road safety and traffic management. A new Traffic Order would be legally required to be consulted upon to introduce a reduced speed limit on the R71.

Phaedra Cleary 3-10-18


d) Approx. 100m Usk side of the Bridge Inn blocked 300mm diameter culvert is still blocked and hazard still exists - First reported via Pro Forma on 27/3/18. Also reported on 16/3/18 by Cllr Bob Trigg via the Hub, and online this now shows that the case is now closed, but hazard still exists?

Will re-inspect

The Clerk had asked Highways for who were the responsible Officers, and have been informed that they are as follows:

Mark Watkins - Highway Issues

Graham Kinsella - Traffic Issues

Steve Harry - Street Lighting issues


Also requested 'Target Date for completion of works', and MCC answer was UNKNOWN.


Street Lights - it was noted that a new lantern had been erected opposite the Bridge Inn, and the light by the Car Park had also been fixed.


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Gullies - Cllr Trigg stated that the gullies throughout the Ward were all blocked and need attention

ii) Speed Limits in Llangwm & Llansoy to be lowered - Noted that this issue needs to be followed up.


c) New Highway Issues raised by others

There were none


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 28th September 2018 was £2,596.18


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2018 - £1,771.20




i) Shirley Hughes £136.01 - Salary for Oct - Chq no 724

ii) Beverley & Williams Accountants £39.36 - Admin fee for operating Payroll July/Sept - Chq no 725

iii) Shirley Hughes £35.03 - Expenses for Sept/Oct - Chq no 726

AGREED that the above invoices are paid.


The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for September 2018 was:

Receipts £4,771.20

Payments £2,596.02 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 21 hours since the last meeting.



From MCC

a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings

b) Numerous Press Releases: Parents advised to meet deadline for school places, GAVO Awards for volunteers, plus several Council News from the App (forwarded to Councillors)

c) Rights of Way Improvement Plan letter & Questionnaire for Groups AGREED to fill one in on behalf of the Community Council

d) Enforcement Monthly Case List for September - nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy

e) Draft MCC Road Safety Strategy 2018 - 2023 (forwarded to Cllrs)


One Voice Wales

a) OVW Minutes of National Executive Meeting on 14th Sept

b) Invitation to attend an Evening with the Lord Lieutenant of Gwent Brigadier Robert Aitkin CBE on 21st Nov

c) September Newsletter (forwarded to Cllrs)


Welsh Government

a) Welsh Government are Recruiting

b) Independent Review Panel on Community and Town Councils in Wales - Final Report

c) Independent Review Panel on Community and Town Councils in Wales October Newsletter

d) Email from Leighton Jones asking for comments on above by 27th Nov



No planning applications had been received.



As County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance, there was no report.



There were no Ward Reports



a) 2019/2020 Budget - The Clerk reported that she had figured out what was required by the Audit Office so will ensure this is shown when planning the following year's budget


b) Mobile Phone Signal - Several Councillors stated that their Mobile Phone Signal had become worse over the last year and wondered why this was?

It was noted that now that the Red Phone Box had been taken away, there was no public phone to use, and the Defibrillator outside the Hall requires a call to the Emergency Service, so people cannot use it.

AGREED The Chair, Cllr Gough suggested that the Clerk look to OFCOM to see what the Standard of Service should be in rural areas.


c) Bridge Inn - Cllrs asked to what is the present situation of the Bridge Inn - AGREED Clerk to enquire with Planning Department


Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 20th November 2018.


Meeting closed 9.07pm