COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland (Part-time), John Newell (part-time) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
Mr John Newell attended to speak about Broadband and Mobile Phone signal in Llangwm.
County Councillor Bob Greenland asked if he could present his report (Agenda Item 10.) at the commencement of the meeting due to having to attend another meeting. AGREED by the Chair and reported under Item 10 in these Minutes.
CSO Andy Jones sent the following report:
There is very little to report for the Llangwm and Llansoy area in the last month, and thankfully apart from the following incident:
18/1/18 Report of damage to a padlock on a gate at a farm on Church Farm Road in Llangwm. No access was gained and no reports of anything taken.
Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity/crime at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Peter Gough
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16th January 2018 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.
5a) Defibrillator/CPR Training
Cllr Watkins stated that he now has both the Cabinet and AED from Mr Phil Hill, and this will be passed onto the Parish Hall Committee so they can install the AED.
5b) Bridge Inn Update
The Clerk reported that the Enforcement Officer has confirmed that an Enforcement Case (E17/423) was lodged on 24th December, so the Landowner will have 3 months to do appropriate works, and covers both the building and car park.
5c) Co-Option of Community Councillor
The Clerk reported that by the 15th February, MCC confirmed that there had not been any applicants for the post to fill the Casual Vacancy, and therefore a by-election will not be required. LCC can now co-opt a Councillor for the Vacancy.
Councillors stated that they would now go out and see if anyone is keen to take on this role, but Cllr Evans stated that a few people he had approached felt that due to the proposed Boundary Changes, some felt it was not worth becoming a Councillor. It was noted that these changes would not come into force for several years, if at all.
5d) Street Signs
The Clerk reported that although an email has been sent to the Officers involved, there had still not been a response, and a paper trail of correspondence over the last 13 months have been forwarded to the Local Member, but CC Greenland had not had a reply either. AGREED that CC Greenland would follow this up once again.
5e) Broadband
Mr John Newell spoke about his frustration about the lack of Mobile Phone Signal by O2 and slow Broadband speeds from BT. He stated that previously he had good O2 signal, but no more. He has been in touch with both companies, and they stated that unless they have lots of complaints, they will not do anything about it.
CC Greenland stated that the Tetra masts have been de-commissioned, and the Emergency Services were now using the O2 masts.
It was noted that BT had advertised in the autumn that there would soon be Superfast Broadband in Llangwm, and people had changed to BT in the hope of receiving this service in light of the extended roadworks in the village, when ducting had been put in for the new fibre cables.
Councillors all felt that this had been a total waste of Tax Payers money as when the contract between the Welsh Government and BT ended on 31st December, the ducting was left empty with no signs of any Superfast Broadband coming to the village.
Mr Newell had contacted David Davies MP about the situation, stating that people who need to work from home can only upload/download late at night!
CC Greenland would pass onto the Clerk an email regarding RCDF Grants which were available.
After a full discussion, it was AGREED that Llangwm Community Council write to both BT & O2 CEO's about the lack of connectivity in Llangwm and Cllr Watkins offered to pen a letter and will pass onto the Clerk for distribution.
Both County Councillor Greenland and Mr Newell left the meeting at this stage.
a) Update on Matters Reported
No report from MCC.
i) Cllr Trigg reported that the drains/gullies on Duffryn Lane had been jetted on 26th January.
ii) Cllr Rowlands stated that the BT pole at Llansoy has now been re-positioned.
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) Cllr Watkins asked if a new street light could be installed on Llanynant Road between Tir Efail & The Croft as there is a very dark area
ii) Cllr Trigg reported that the sink hole on Chapel Lane by the Bridge has not been dealt with, so it is to be reported again, as if anyone fell into it, they would land up in the brook
iii) Cllr Watkins reported that there had been an incident at the Jnt of the B4235 and Llanynant Road, where damage had been done to a wall at South End Cottage, by a large agricultural vehicle that had trouble turning due to a vehicle parked in the Keep Free Bay.
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
There were no issues raised by others.
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 29th January 2018 was £3,228.32
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51
MCC Election Recharge - £93.26 - Chq no 695
Llangwm Baptist Chapel - £50 - Chq no 696
Mrs J Bennett, Best Kept Village Expenses - £99.81 - Chq no 699
MCC - Clerks Salary Oct/Dec - £502.83 - Chq no 700
St Tysoi's Church - £50 - Chq no 701
OVW Membership - £54 - Chq no 702
Green Grafter Grass Cutting - £174 - Chq no 703
S Hughes - Jan/Feb Expenses - £56.48 - Chq no 704
Llangwm PCC Donation - £100 - Chq no 705
AGREED that all the above invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for January/February 2018 was:
Receipts £6,264.57
Payments £4,643.55 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
Copies had been circulated by email prior to the meeting, and extra copies were available at the meeting. The Clerk noted that the only amendment that may have to be done is the way the Clerk is paid, if LCC change the Payroll administrator. AGREED
Proposed by Cllr Bob Trigg
Seconded by Cllr John Watkins
AGREED to remain at this the same level for 2018/2019.
This was:
Proposed by Cllr. John Watkins
Seconded by Cllr Bob Trigg
The Clerk reported that she had done some research and have come up with a company called Beverley & Williams from Cwmcarn, Newport, who already do the Payroll for Goytre CC.
Other companies who do Payroll, weren't really interested as it was just one salary and just 4hrs per week.
A quick calculation shows the following rates:
- at present, the Payroll costs for LCC from MCC is £75 per annum
- after April 1st, it would cost £754 (£200 to open a new PAYE Scheme) & £554 per annum
- Beverley & Williams - Opening a New PAYE Scheme £25 (one off payment) then £10 per month (all costs are plus VAT) TOTAL £145
There would be a change as Cara from Beverley & Williams would send a PDF of the monthly Payslip to the Clerk, and then LCC would have to pay the Clerk by Cheque.
Cllr Colin Evans proposed and Cllr John Watkins seconded and it was AGREED, that as of the 1st April, Beverley & Williams would administer the Payroll for the Clerk.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 31 hours since the last meeting, which was 5 weeks ago.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Various Press Releases: Council works towards Plastic-free for Takeaways, Half Term activities, Approval to move forward with the ADM etc. AGREED to ask how much this has cost through a FoI request. This to include Officer's cost, Consultancy Fees and Legal Advice.
c) Funding available for Armed Forces Day Grant
d) Chairman's Fundraiser - Music Showcase on 13th March in Chepstow
e) Give Dog Fouling the Red Card
f) Poster RE: Well-being Plan
g) Updated Register of Electors - MCC will be emailing copy to Councillors
h) Confirmation of Precept and when it's paid
i) GDPR Training at County Hall on 27th February - Clerk hoped to attend
One Voice Wales
a) OVW Minutes of meeting on 18th Jan
b) Details of what GDPR MUST be in place by 25th May 2018
Welsh Government
a) Independent Review Panel Update Engagement Events
b) Review of Community & Town Council Sector February Newsletter
c) Vacant Land Tax
d) Women's Suffrage Centenary Grant Scheme
a) Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council Patients Voice News
b) Zurich have a new Insurance for Community Groups
c) HMRC - New rules regarding PAYE for Community Council Clerks
a) Details of the Bee Friendly Scheme
b) Details for Audio Visual Aids such as Hearing Loops/Projector etc.
There were no new Planning Applications
The Clerk pointed out that the Planning System will shut down on 16th February while they replace the system with new software called Idox Uniform. It should be up and running again by 6th March.
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report at the commencement of the meeting.
MCC have now balanced their 2018/19 Budget which will be finalised on 1st March. Council Tax will be increased by 4.95% with other Counties such as Pembrokeshire who are aiming to raise their's by 12%. Some will be lower, but that is because they have higher reserves.
MCC Staff & Teachers are due a 1-2% salary increase and the Before School Service, a charge will be made of £1 per pupil to cover costs of staff. School meals will raise from £2.10 - £2.45.
Additional money that may come from Welsh Government will have to go towards Social Care, as MCC have no idea how much this will cost annually, as by just having a few children move into the County who have special needs, can increase costs considerably.
Cllr John Watkins hoped that it there was any spare money, it should go into improving Social Care.
The ADM will be going ahead and that would involve Leisure, Culture, Countryside and parts of the youth service, will form an 'Arm's Length' organisation with a Trading Arm, Charity and Techno Company. This will have a £1.5M tax advantage over 3 years. The Council will not lose control of these services and if it goes wrong, MCC will be able to bring it back into the fold. The individual budgets will be guaranteed for 4 years. CC Greenland was asked how much this has cost, and he stated that £70k had been put aside to be spent between now and October, when it was hoped the new Company could begin.
County Councillor Greenland then left the meeting.
The Clerk reported she had attended the Usk Cluster Group Meeting on 23rd January, and the following points were noted:
- BRIDGE STREET would close on 19th February, but assurance was given that Usk businesses were open as normal
- PARKING TICKETS From 31st Dec, Police will no longer be responsible for Parking Infringements, and MCC will be employing Parking Officers
- COUNCIL TAX 4.95% increase in Council Tax 2018/2019
- LDP Should it be tweaked or re-written? MCC have a shortfall on new houses and views were sought
- NEW SETTLEMENT - Possible site may be the old Parke-Davis Site
- WELL BEING ACT - Posters were handed out giving headlines of what this means for Monmouthshire residents
- GDPR - training on 27th February - Clerk to attend if possible
Cllr Colin Evans advertised that there would be a Skittles Match and Ploughman's on Friday 16th March at £5 per ticket. This event would be to raise money for the Cabinet to house the Defibrillator.
Date of Next Meeting
It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 20th March 2018.
Meeting closed 9.40pm