COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans


IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present.


CSO Andy Jones had sent an email stating he would not be in attendance and there were no crimes to report. It was noted that there is a new Police Inspector for Monmouthshire called Neil Jones.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Gwyn Rowlands and Cllr Trevor Heywood.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 12th September 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.



5a) Defibrillator/CPR Training

Cllr John Watkins will be taking the training sessions and these would now be held on Wednesday 22nd and Monday 27th November, at 7.30pm in the Parish Hall.

Approx. 8 Trainees will be attending each session, and Colin Evans will provide refreshments on 22nd and Dave Williams on 27th.


AGREED that the Clerk liaise with Phil Hill regarding purchasing the Cabinet, with LCC donating 50% of the cost, and the Village Hall Committee paying the other 50%.


5b) Bridge Inn Update

The Clerk had written to the Head of Planning and the Enforcement Officer, and they confirmed that the Section 215 Notice would be served to the landowner by the end of November.


Cllr Trigg reported that very large vermin had been seen coming out of the building, and the Clerk to inform MCC.


5c) Road Signs

The Clerk reported she has been chasing up the road signs and the Officer who was dealing with it has moved to another department, so the Clerk has emailed Paul Keeble saying 12mths waiting for action is not acceptable.


5d) Maryport Street Car Park

Cllr Trigg reported that just 2 extra car parking spaces have been incorporated into the car park


5e) Proposed closure of St John's Church

Cllr Watkins informed the meeting that he had spoken to his daughter about the status of the Village Hall, and she will look into it for the Committee.



a) Update on Matters Reported

i) B4235 Pavement between Yew Tree Cottage and Mill House - is covered in moss, and there are serious H&S issues as residents have to walk in the road as the path is unstable. This pavement is used and this is very dangerous due to bend in road and fast moving traffic. We appreciate we have reported this issue several times. We will inspect and programme any works that are required - MWW

AGREED to report this issue again as several runners had complained as they have had to run on the road.

ii) Routes 60.9 Where Court Robin Lane meets the B4235 - there are 2 drains either side of the lane which are completely covered by silt causing the lane to flood, and although this work was done in June, both need to be cleared out again. We will inspect and programme any works that are required - MWW. Drains inspected 9th Nov, and both seen to be working with gratings free cleared free from debris 9thNov. NLF 13/11/17


iii) Route 60.9 Opposite The Reddings - the passing bay needs restoring and clearing out as it's now a busy lane. We will inspect and programme any works that are required - MWW

Passing bay inspected 9th Nov, slight/minimal grass build up moved to verge and passing point clear


iv) 60.3 Chapel Lane - near to bridge parapet, opposite Pumping Station, there is a subsidence of the grass verge with exposed wires. Aware of the issue, we have just completed repairs to the culvert and will inspect and programme repairs. SJB 2/11/17.


v) Route 71 Near Geneva Cottage - a telephone post has been replaced, and the engineers have sited it on the grass verge and not in the hedge as previous (so don't have to pay landowner!) It is so close to the highway as it is a danger to passing vehicles. Just a quick update re the BT pole; this was referred back to BT this week and they have now instructed their contractors to look at getting it moved as soon as possible. **email issued to Shirley Hughes, from Kelly Santaana, Fri 10/11/2017 10:28**


vi) B4235 Left hand bend sign by Rockfield Farm - has rusted off and pole need replacing

We will add to programme to be renewed. Inspected 9th Nov, sign repositioned vertical 10th Nov 17


vii) National Speed Limit Sign - on the right hand side as you enter Llangwm from Chepstow, is no longer visible, as covered in vegetation Passed to Martyn Evans to inspect and issue hedge notice


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Entire Ward - Gullies need cleaning out prior to winter months

ii) Grit Bins - need replenishing throughout the entire Ward


c) New Highway Issues raised by others

There were no issues raised by others.


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 27th October 2017 was £3,445.58

Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51



Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for Oct/Nov - £37.25 Chq no 692

AGREED that this invoice is paid. 


The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of October 2017 was:

Receipts £4,764.57

Payments £2,974.19 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.



A copy of the last 4 year's Budgets, plus the previous year's Actual Finances were distributed and the Clerk compared to this financial year, plus some of the recommendations from the Internal Auditor that our payments will increase slightly for the forthcoming year,

For example:

-         Subscriptions - OVW £60

-         Training - £35 per session, so if the Clerk did 2 training events per year = £70

-         Admin - This is the cost of the Payroll from MCC, and at £6.75 per month = £75

-         Grass Cutting - anticipate it will be = £240

-         Hall Hire - approx.= £240

-         Audit - new company so not sure how much = £220

-         Insurance - Slight increase = £320

-         Grants to Churches/Best Kept Village = £300


Along with the Clerk's Salary, expenses and other costs, these payments roughly add up to £5,169.



a) To look at possible repairs to Notice Boards

Receipts - £6,266 - this includes Precept of £4,500 and Building Society of £1,761

Payments - £5,169


A Final decision on the Budget and Precept will be taken at the January Meeting.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 26 hours since the last meeting.



From MCC

a) Agenda's for various MCC Select Meetings

b) Various Press Releases including: Views sought over Caldicot Country Park, Safeguarding and anti-bullying activities, Temporary service at Mon LC, Fly-tipping fixed penalty, over 6,900 attended fireworks in Caldicot Castle etc.

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for October - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Vale of Usk - Community Leadership Programme - Training Dates

e) Rural Transport Solutions for Monmouthshire & Rural Newport Seminar on 24th November

f) Letter from M Jones Highways informing residents that the Little Mill to Usk road will be replacing the Gas pipe commencing January 2018 for 9 months, so road would be closed and delays would be lengthy.


One Voice Wales

a) Copy of the CEO Speech at the AGM

b) List of dates for meetings to discuss the Review of the Community & Town Council Sector

c) Launch of the OVW Innovative Practice National Awards for 2018

d) Minutes of the 5th October meeting

e) Papers from the above meeting including heads up on the 2017 Audit


Welsh Government

a) Written Statement by Mark Drakeford on the Revised Local Government Scheme 2017

b) Details of Consultation for LA Capital Finance & Accounting Regulations



a) Training Programme for Autumn & Winter



a) Details of local Consultations regarding Major Trauma Services in South Wales (open for 12 weeks)

b) New Police Inspector Monmouthshire South - Neil Jones

c) Info from Zurich's Local Community Advisory Service

d) Link for updated Ombudsman Casebook



a) CAB AGM on 4th December at Sessions House

b) Leaflet for Messagemaker Speed Signs - prices start from £1,900 +VAT



New Applications

a) DC/2017/01237 Oakfield Farm, Llangwm - Second story extension and garage conversation

It was noted that although all AGREED to offer no objection to this application, Planning had informed the Clerk that this was a 'Fast Track Application', and it had been Approved on the 17th November.


b) DC/2017/01258 Court Farm, Court Robin Lane, Llangwm - Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of replacement dwelling.

AGREED - After some debate it was proposed to recommend Approval of this application.


c) DC/2017/01147 Great Llanolway, Cae-Dwmlyn Road, Llansoy - Alteration, extension and conversion of barn to a dwelling.

AGREED - After some debate it was proposed to recommend Approval of this application.


The Clerk pointed out that Gilver House, Gaer Fawr has also now been approved by Delegation Panel, but with quite a few conditions.



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance, so no report was given.



There were no Ward Reports



a) 2018 Meeting Dates

The Clerk tabled a Draft List of Diary Dates for the 2018 Community Council meetings, and this was approved and will be circulated to interested parties.


b) Broadband in Llangwm

Cllr Watkins stated that his Broadband had dipped recently and it was noted that BT were having serious problems with the new ducting they had recently installed.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held in the New Year at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 16th January 2018.


The Clerk wished everyone a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year


Meeting closed 9.10pm