COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans and Cllr Trevor Heywood, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk
1a) Police Report - the following report had been received and was presented:
New Neighbourhood Officer at Chepstow, PC Carly Powell who will be attending a meeting when able in the near future to introduce herself.
There have been a couple of incidents to note that have happened in other rural areas of Chepstow.
Overnight on the 2nd of Sept into the 3rd of Sept 3 shed breaks in Mathern village where 3 high value bicycles were taken from one address and tools etc. were taken from the 2 other properties. Also 2 vehicles had a window smashed to gain entry to get items that were on show inside.
Overnight between the 5th and 6th of Sept we had a report of a farm burglary in the Trellech Grange area of Tintern where a 350cc off road motorcycle and a big bear quad bike were taken.
Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity/crime at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency.
There were no apologies for absence, but both Cllr Williams and Cllr Watkins arrived late, so Cllr Gough took the Chair for the first part of the meeting.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 11th July 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.
5 a) Defibrillators/CPR Training
It was noted that the planned training on the 13th July, didn't happen as planned as Phil Hill was unable to come along.
Cllr Watkins stated that Mr Hill had arrived after everyone had left, but he left the Defibrillator with Cllr Watkins. Cllr Watkins stated:
a) Cllr Watkins has now been trained as a Trainer so he is qualified to do the training himself, and he will borrow equipment from Mr Hill
b) The Cabinet would now have to be purchased with a power supply going to it, at a cost of £600. It was noted that the Hall Committee had met, and although not a full meeting, they agreed in principle to fund 50% of the cost of the cabinet.
c) Combination number will need to be registered with the Ambulance Service so they have a GPS for Ambulances directions if required
AGREED that Cllr Watkins will let the Clerk know some provisional dates for the Training
It was noted that the AED was now installed in Llansoy in the open shed at the Bush Farm in the centre of the village.
5 b) Bridge Inn Update
MCC have confirmed that they will be issuing a Section 215 Notice on both the building and the Car Park. AGREED that the Clerk write to the enforcement Officer stating the building looks worse than ever.
It was noted that the owner had responded to Mr Royds's email stating that he intends to instruct his Architect to look at the building prior to Christmas.
Cllr Trigg reported that the windows overlooking the Car Park had been boarded up recently by a Security company and put new locks on the doors. The windows to the front of the property were now falling out with glass panels falling onto the pavement and highway.
AGREED that Cllr Peter Gough send an email to Mr Chris Thomas the owner stating that the site was a total eyesore now, and was a blight on the approach to the village.
5c) Keep Free Bay
The Clerk reported she had written to 14 local properties nearest to the Bay, and had no negative responses. It was noted that a small car was still parking there for long periods of time.
AGREED to ask Highways again to repaint the lettering
a) Update on Matters Reported
There were no updates
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
i) B4235 Pavement between Yew Tree Cottage and Mill House is covered in moss, and there are serious H&S issues as residents have to walk in the road now as the path is unstable, and this is very dangerous due to bend in road and fast moving traffic.
ii) Route 60.9 Where Court Robin Lane meets the B4235, there are 2 drains either side of the lane which are completely covered by silt causing the lane to flood, and although this work was done in June, both need to be re-discovered and cleared out again.
iii) Route 60.9 Opposite Reddings, the passing bay needs restoring and clearing out as it's a busy route
iv) Route 60.3 Chapel Lane near to bridge parapet, opposite Pumping Station, there is a deep hole in the verge with exposed wires
v) Route 72 near to Geneva Cottage a telephone post has been replaced, and the engineers have sited it on the grass verge and not in the hedge as previous (so don't have to pay landowner!) It is so close to the highway it is a danger to passing vehicles.
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
i) Road Closures Cllr Rowlands stated that he had seen a sign near Wern Farm stating that the Llansoy to Star Hill Road was being closed for several day.
It was noted that Llangwm Community Council had not been informed of this by Highways.
ii) B4235 Left hand bend sign by Rockfield Farm has rusted off and pole need replacing
iii) B4235 National Speed Limit Sign on the right hand side as you enter Llangwm from Chepstow, is no longer visible, as covered in vegetation.
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 29th August 2017 was £4,012.11
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51
Invoice - MCC April/Mar/June Clerks Salary - £502.83 Chq 686
Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for July/Aug - £41.61 Chq no 687
AGREED that these invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of August 2017 was:
Receipts £4,764.57
Payments £1,607.77 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
The Clerk reported that slight changes had to be made to the Asset Register, but otherwise 'There were no matters which came to our attention which required the issuing of a separate additional issues arising report'
Therefore is was Proposed and Seconded that the Auditors Report for 2016/17 was concluded and agreed to be a correct record of Llangwm Community Council's Finance.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 25.5 hours since the last meeting.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings
b) Various Press Releases including: Welsh Language Progress, Proposed Speed reduction on Pwllmeyric Hill, Green light for Monmouth's new Leisure Centre, Report on A Level & GCSE Results, Caldicot new school opens, Thousands join MCC at Usk Show etc.
c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for July and August - No breach at Rose Cottage Gaer Fawr
d) Introductions email from new Development Management Services Craig O'Connor (Planning)
e) Agenda for Usk Cluster Group meeting - Wednesday evening (Clerk will attend)
f) Planning Service Update - emailed to Cllrs
g) Rob Tranter asking if anyone would like to attend Code of Conduct Training?
One Voice Wales
a) OVW Training Schedule
b) Email asking members to attend MCC Cluster Groups
c) OVW AGM in Builth on 30th Sept and Motions going forward
d) OVW Monmouth/Newport Area Agenda Meeting on 5th October
Welsh Government
a) RET Newsletter including info on the Cardiff Capitol Region funding for Semiconductor Industry
b) Older People's Commissioner for Wales Newsletter
a) Info for Well Being Open Day at the Palmer Centre on 15th Sept BB
b) GAVO Third Sector Network on 13th October Clerk may attend
a) AB Patient Voice Newsletter
b) AB Annual Report - emailed to Cllrs
c) Gwent Police and Crime Commissioner Event on 27th Sept at Rodney Parade
a) Email from Mark Potter Abersenny Ltd regarding Tree Planting at New House Farm and require comments
b) Countryside Alliance Awards - Nominations now open
New Applications
a) DC/2017/00768 To Erect a steel Frame building to agricultural design at Llangwm Isaf Farm, Llangwm, Usk
As this application came in the day following the July meeting, Cllrs had made comments and the Clerk has sent in the LCC Representation Form recommending approval
GILVER HOUSE - It was noted that there has been a hold up on this planning due to further plans needed to be submitted.
UPPER MARDY FARM - The Clerk informed the meeting that the Appeal to the Gypsy Site was held on 7th September outcome not known.
County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance, so no report was given.
There were no Ward Reports
a) Maryport Car Park - Cllr Trigg pointed out that there are now 18 car park spaces being taken up by the Civic Amenity Site and this was causing lack of parking when people need to travel into Usk by car to shop or attend Drs appointments.
AGREED to write to Roger Hoggins and signed 'concerned of Llangwm', but suggesting as most people travel in vehicles to the Amenity Site, that it should cause no problems to anyone if the Civic Amenity Site was moved to the Coleg Gwent site or Woodside. Cllrs also thought that being so close to a Food Outlet (Co-op) surely this is not very hygienic?
Date of Next Meeting,
It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 17th October 2017.
Meeting closed 9.00pm