COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans and Cllr Trevor Heywood
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Dave Beale, County Councillor Bob Greenland and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
1a) Footpath at Gaer Fawr
Mr Dave Beale spoke about the long established footpath crossing Gilver House from the telephone box at Beech Tree Corner (on the Duffryn to Newchurch Road) to the gate on the drive of the property (on Uplands Road). This path has been used for over 64 years and is a very useful short-cut to the post box and bus stop where Uplands Road meets the B4235 at Goytre Crossroads.
Concern has been raised by many local residents that the proposed Planning Application for the replacement dwelling (DC/2017/00544) at Gilver House, would compromise this path, and it was hoped that this public right of way across the property's grounds will be preserved.
Mr Beale was gathering evidence as it is intended to apply for a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO) on this footpath, and it was AGREED to write a letter of support from the Community Council to Mr Beale.
County Councillor Bob Greenland stated that he would make enquiries with the Rights of Way and Planning Officers at MCC.
1b) Police Report - the following report was presented:
24/6/17 - Report of a 2 vehicle non injury RTC in the narrow part of the lane near The Star, Llansoy.
4/7/17 - Report of a 5 month old calf believed taken from a field on Llanynant road Llangwm. A wide search was made but the calf was not found.
Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity / crime at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 20th June 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.
5 a) Defibrillators/CPR Training
This will take place on Thursday 13th July commencing at 7pm in the Hall. Numbers have now gone down to 10, due to several people being on holiday, so Cllrs were asked if they have other family members to bring them along.
Cllr Evans will open the Hall and provide biscuits and milk, and Cllr Williams will bring along tea & coffee.
The Clerk explained that Mr Hill would like to know if he can order a cabinet for the AED? It was noted that the cost would be approx. £600 and following a discussion, it was AGREED that if the Village Hall Committee agree to put 50%, the Community Council would pay the other 50%.
Cllr Gough said that the Village Hall Committee would be meeting soon and it would be discussed.
5 b) Llansoy Bus Shelter
It was noted that John Powell has said he will let the Clerk know when he starts work, but it will be a few weeks, due to other commitments.
5 c) Bridge Inn
The Head of Planning has replied to say that he will look at an Enforcement Notice again which will cover both the Car Park and the Building.
Cllr Trigg mentioned that he had actually gone into the building and it was in a horrendous condition with water damage everywhere.
AGREED to continue to liaise with MCC on this matter.
a) Update on Matters Reported
i) B4235 Pavement between Yew Tree Cottage and Mill House is covered in moss
I agree with the comments made regarding the state of the path. However due its very low footfall it is classed as a very low priority against all other work throughout the county. It will be added to a list to repair. I am unable to provide a date at this time.
ii) Route 60.9 Where Court Robin Lane meets the B4235, there are 2 drains either side of the lane which are completely covered by silt causing the lane to flood, and both need to be re-discovered and cleared
Done week commencing 12/6/17
iii) B4235 Verge markers have been broken off opposite The Mill House next to the Village Hall Car Park
Will programme repair
iv) Route 60.11 Bridge Inn Car Park Verge Markers
Very Markers now done
v) B4235 Chevron Sign near Oakfield
This is still on list to do
vi) Route 60.2 Potholes along lane
Cllr Williams reported that this has now been done
b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors
There were none
c) New Highway Issues raised by others
Road Closures
Mr Dave Bennett had concern over Trelay Lane as he had to run cattle down the road for TB Testing on 10th July, but the workmen had been off site for 2 weeks, and had left 3-4 chambers exposed with just a sheet over them. The Clerk reported that she had found out who the contractors were and passed on, and hopefully the issue was resolved.
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 29th June 2017 was £2,604.20
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51
Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for June/July - £55.23 Chq no 685
AGREED that this invoice is paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of June 2017 was:
Receipts £1,503.60
Payments £1,011.85 (Net)
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 23 hours since the last meeting.
From MCC
a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings BB
b) Various Press Releases including: Council to enhance safety measures at Usk recycling centre, MonLeisure Summer Fitness Plan, Caldicot Castle rocks, Council Appoint new Chairs for Select Committees etc.
c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for June - Nothing for Llangwm Ward
d) Notes from the Induction to Planning Training
One Voice Wales
a) OVW Meeting - Papers for the AGM & Meeting on 13th July
b) New Councillor Training on 19th July
c) OVW AGM in Builth on 30th Sept
d) OVW Newsletter - emailed to Cllrs
a) Letter asking for financial support from Monmouthshire County Citizen Advice
New Applications
a) Application No DC/2017/00544 Gilver House, Uplands Road, Gaer Fawr, Llangwm NP15 1HJ - Proposed replacement dwelling.
It was noted that de-forestation of the site had taken place prior to the Application being approved by MCC.
Following viewing the plans, and a lengthy discussion, some Councillors approved of the futuristic design of the building and others were against it, so it was AGREED to recommend that the application be decided by the expertise of officers of Monmouthshire County Council's Planning Department.
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report:
The Velothon had gone off without too many issues and the roads had been opened by 12:30pm, and as the Feed Station was in the Car Park, the rubbish was contained in one place, which was much better than the previous year. Next year the organisers will not be holding a Pro Race, so it is hoped that a rolling road closure will lessen the time the roads are closed. It was also hoped that the businesses in Usk have a more profitable time.
Cllr Trigg queried the loss of 8 parking spaces in the Maryport Street Car
Park, apparently done for Health & Safety reasons to do with lorries going
into the Civic Amenity site.
CC Greenland stated that this had been done without his knowledge, as local residents/businesses had not wanted to loose these spaces. He would be looking into how perhaps some more spaces could be found within the Car Park.
The Chair, Cllr David Williams congratulated CC Greenland on his recent ordination into the church of Wales as a Deacon for the Usk Diocese.
There were no Ward Reports
a) Internal Auditor - Cllr Trigg offered to deliver a small gift to Mr Royds when he returns from holiday.
Date of Next Meeting,
It was noted that there would be no meeting in August and the next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 19th September 2017.
Meeting closed 9.06pm