COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans,


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, Ted Royds and Shirley Hughes, Clerk




CSO Geraint Reynolds was in attendance, and gave the following report:

Unfortunately the latest 'Your Voice' figures for your area came back as very low due to technical

difficulties and a low uptake online . Speeding on the B4235 will remain a Priority for the

Llangwm area for the next 5 months which is also a priority for Shirenewton obviously. Hopefully

you have seen a marked increase in police activity on this road in the last few months of which

we will continue to do so in the coming months .


It was noted that there had been a two car accident in the lanes during the B4235 Road Closure, and on 16th May, chainsaws and disk cutters had been stolen locally.

CSO Reynolds also reported that Sgt Matt Screen had moved on and that at the end of the Summer, we will be informed how the Speeding initiative had gone.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Trevor Heywood and Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16th May 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.



5 a) Defibrillators/CPR Training

The Clerk reported that so far, 17 people have indicated they want to do the CPR Training and a date will now be arranged.

Cllr Watkins stated that he would be willing to approach Dr Alan Jarrett and between them, they would head up the Training Session and discuss the importance of people being trained in CPR.

It was noted that the Cabinet would cost £500 - £600 and will be sited in the porch of Llangwm Village Hall. This will need to be funded, and this must be discussed at the next meeting.


5 b) Llansoy Bus Shelter

Mr Powell sent the following quote:

-         New timber facia boards, stained dark brown

-         New cement verge up either side

-         New black half round guttering and downpipe, both sides


Quote includes all labour and materials for above work and removal of building waste from site for the sum of £725.


AGREED - to ask Mr Powell to proceed with the work


5 c) Bridge Inn

The Clerk has written to the Head of Planning to ask if he could advise us how we could move forward with the state of the building, but no reply as yet.

Councillors reported that:

a) Ragwort vigorously growing in Car Park and that it was not acceptable as it was so close to the water course

b) Glass falling out of the front windows

c) Garage doors been broken into

Both Cllr Gough and Mr Royds had emailed the owner but had no reply

AGREED to wait to until guidance comes from MCC


5d) Overgrown Hedge

Martyn Evans visited the site and stood with the owner at the junction and he can't see that it's a problem with vision onto the B4235 from Llanynant Road. He did offer to meet with Councillors on site to discuss the issue. The owner had cut part of the hedge back.

AGREED that Cllr Bob Trigg will meet Mr Evans on site.


5e) Turning Bay

Several Councillors reported that vehicles were parking for long periods of time in the turning bay in the centre of the village, which was not a Bus Bay as some residents think, but an area to help larger vehicles to turn down into Llanynant Road whilst coming from the Chepstow direction.

One local resident with a 4x4 and a horse box had to drive along to Pentre Lane and come back from the Usk direction to turn into Llanynant Road.

AGREED that the Clerk write a circular letter to the local properties to point out the issue.


5f) Report from Internal Auditor

Mr Ted Royds reported that he had undertaken the Internal Audit on 15th June and gave the following Report:

'The present Clerk, Miss Shirley Hughes, has recovered from the difficult position inherited last year, and it is my considered opinion that she is presently carrying out the duties of RFO for this Council with the necessary competence. With regard to the three issues raised by the external auditors, I believe that the necessary recommendations have been implemented by the Clerk and by the Council'.


Copies of the full Report were circulated to Councillors.

The Chairman thanked Mr Royds for his work in undertaking the Audit.



a) Update on Matters Reported

The last report that went in has not been returned, but:

a) Route 60.9 Court Robin Lane - two drains either side at the bottom of the lane where it joins B4235 are completely covered by silt and useless, causing the lane there to flood - NOTED these have now been cleared


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) B4235 near Belmont Farm - signage unstable on post

ii) George's Delight - Not suitable for HGV Sign is obscured


c) New Highway Issues raised by others

There were no other items brought forward.


d) Road Closures

The Clerk had circulated the response she had received from MCC regarding Llangwm CC concerns on both of the recent Road Closures.

Cllrs reiterated that more thought should have gone into timing of these closures by Highways, and not during harvest time or school exams.

It was noted that there had been an accident on George's Delight with local drivers who were avoiding the B4235 closure.



Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 26th May 2017 was £2,650.23

Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51



Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for May/June - £36.86 Chq no 684

AGREED that this invoice is paid. 

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of May 2017 was:

Receipts £1,503.60

Payments £974.00 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.



The Clerk read through the annual Governance Statement (Part 1) and (Part 2) and the Chairman of the Community Council signed them as being a true and correct statement of the Council's Annual Financial Statement.

All AGREED, and these would be sent in prior to the closing date of 30th June.


Copies of the Annual Accounts were distributed and confirmed by the Council.

Proposed: Cllr John Watkins

Seconded: Cllr Colin Evans



The Clerk reported that she had worked 49.5 hours since the last meeting, and this had been mainly down to preparing for the Annual Audit.



From MCC

a) Agendas for various MCC Select Meetings

b) Various Press Releases including: CC Maureen Powell new Chairman of MCC, Boat in Chepstow gone from 0 - 4 in Food Hygiene, warning on Fly-tipping etc.

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for May - Nothing for Llangwm Ward.

d) Code of Conduct Training - does anyone want to do this later in the year?

e) Monmouthshire LDP Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance - consultation open until 13th July.


One Voice Wales

a) OVW Meeting - 13th July - Clerk will try and attend

b) Plant a Tree Charter Legacy Tree

c) OVW/SLCC Joint event for Clerks - 12th July in Flintshire

d) OVW Newsletter - emailed to Cllrs


Welsh Government

a) National Development Framework for Wales - emailed to Cllrs

b) Funding for small scale renewable energy proposals from the EU

c) Historic Environment Info - emailed to Cllrs



a) Request from GAVO for Sponsorship for Volunteer Achievements Awards



a) Details of Cycle Event on 19th August - emailed to Cllrs

b) Email from Welsh Council Audit regarding Clerks payroll

c) Public Health Wales - Info regarding outbreak of Measles



a) Netwise Training - Best Council Websites

b) Letter asking for financial support from Gwent Cruse



New Applications

a) Application No: DC/2017/00699 - Great Nant-y-Bwthyn, Chapel Road, Llangwm NP15 1HG - Detached Double Garage


After discussion and viewing plans, it was AGREED to recommend approval of this Application.



County Councillor Bob Greenland noted that AB (Broadband provider) has gone into administration, but it was hoped that the company may be bought out. Since that time there have been problems in Grosmont, and BT and the Welsh Assembly will be meeting with MCC in the next week, in the hope that Broadband will improve across the whole of Monmouthshire.

The new Council were in the process of 'bedding in' and there are 17 new County Councillors out of the 43 seats.



There were no Ward Reports



a) Signing External Audit Papers

Cllr Williams arranged a date when he will sign off the papers so they can be sent to the Welsh Auditors.


b) Website

The Clerk reported that in the future, the Council may have to look into a new website as the Annual Governance Statement indicates that each Council should have a stand-alone site.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday 11th July 2017. This would be the 2nd Tuesday of the month due to school term times and holidays.


Meeting closed 9.15pm