COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk




CSO Andy Jones was not in attendance, but gave the following written Report:

There has been very little crime reported thankfully since the last meeting for LLangwm and Llansoy, but the following incident came in today.

14/5/17 - Report that sometime over the weekend an unoccupied property was entered in Church Lane, Llansoy. Nothing was taken from the property but footprints were found in a wet concrete floor.

Just so you are aware we have recently had a shed break in St Arvans village where various STIHL garden equipment was taken and another attempted break to a garage, also a theft of an Alter cloth and 2 other cloths taken from the church in Shirenewton.

We have continued with our patrols on the B4235 but as you are aware in Autumn and Winter the issues generally subside. Where numbers are concerned at least. We will continue to monitor as a priority and attend when able.

It was noted that there had been a motorbike accident near Tredegar Farm recently and the Police attended.



Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland and Cllr Trevor Heywood


Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 18th April 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record.



5 a) Community Council Elections

The Chair congratulated everyone on surviving an Election!

Cllrs had all been sent details about the Code of Conduct Training on 23rd & 25th May, and Cllr Heywood has indicated he would like to do the training, but can't make the dates.

The Clerk stated that all Councillors MUST send in an Expense Sheet (even as its NIL) by the 2nd June. These were circulated and filled in and the Clerk will take them to the MCC Election Office.


5 b) Defibrillators/CPR Training

The Clerk reported that so far, 7 people have indicated they want to do the CPR Training and a further 8 names came forward at the meeting, making 15 in total.

Cllr Watkins reiterated that damage would be done after 3 minutes unless CPR was done, so the Training was more important than getting the Defibrillator.

Cllr Rowlands stated that in Llansoy they called a residents meeting and people donated to purchase the machine/cabinet, which is going to be placed at the Bush Farm.


It was noted that the Cabinet would cost £500 if bought through Jacks' Pledge, and will be sited in the porch of Llangwm Village Hall.

When asked if a call to the Ambulance Service was necessary to access a code to open the cabinet (noting the poor mobile signal in Llangwm), Phil Hill has said 'that the Ambulance service can hold the code. HOWEVER the code is to stop vandalism / theft etc (very rare but does happen). As purchasers you would have the code as well on purchase and everyone trusted can keep it on their own Mobile phone password system / fridge etc. It would be you who actually pass the code to us for storing - passing out to others in an emergency'.


AGREED - Cllr Watkins volunteered to front a village meeting with Dr Jarrett to discuss the importance of people being trained in CPR.


5 c) Flash Flooding on Llanynant Road

The Clerk wrote to Martyn Evans following the last meeting, and he has replied stating:

'All older schemes are under review at the moment Llangwm being one of them. We will be in touch if we are ready to proceed if there are enough points there to proceed with a scheme'


5 d) Llansoy Bus Shelter

Mr Powell sent the following email:

On inspection can I just point out the cement verge strip running up both sides of the roof is badly damaged and when you remove the old facia boards it will fall off. Best to price in new verge strips and cement if that's alright?

The facia boards are white at the moment, so paint new the same colour?

Last question, there is old guttering on front and back, which will come off with the old facia, shall I include new guttering and downpipes in my quote? 


AGREED - to ask Mr Powell to quote for all of his suggested work, with the facia boards being stained the same colour brown as in Llangwm, and replace with black guttering and downpipes.


5 e) Bridge Inn

Cllrs expressed great concern about the state of the site of the Bridge Inn as no work had been done on the building for at least 10 years, and the condition was now unacceptable due to several reasons:

a) Ragwort vigorously growing in Car Park

b) Glass falling out of the windows

AGREED to write to the Senior Officer at MCC to ask for advice what LCC can do about this property.



a) Update on Matters Reported

i) 60.10 Horse Sign stolen at the top of Pentre Lane - a replacement sign will have to be ordered and fixed when resources allow NOTED this has now been replaced

ii) 60.2 Finger Post at Nantygelli Cross Roads - Will pass to Public Rights of Way as not a highway issue


iii) B4235 Pavement between Yew Tree Cottage and Mill House covered in moss - We are aware of your concerns from prior queries. Unfortunately this is very low on the priority list to do as the risk is very low as footfall is extremely low

Cllr Trigg asked for this to be put on the next enquiry Form due to making the village look good for Best Kept Village


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Trigg reported that Ms Dunster had stated Route 60.9 Court Robin Lane that the two drains either side at the bottom of the lane where it joins B4235 are completely covered by silt and useless, causing the lane there to flood.  Both need to be re-discovered and cleared.

ii) Cllr Trigg also reported that Ms Dunster had contacted MCC regarding emptying the litter bin by the Bus Stop and they had stated that it was the responsibility of Llangwm Community Council.

NOTED that in the past this bin has always been emptied by local residents and put out in a Black Bag with their own rubbish.


iii) Overgrown Hedge at Tyr Nant - It was noted that this has still not been cut back so the Clerk was asked to contact the MCC Officer.


iv) B4235 - Verge markers replaced opposite The Mill House next to the Village Hall Car Park


v) Route 60.11 Verge markers required at the rear of Bridge Inn Car Park as bank is not defined


vi) B4235 Chevron sign is no longer in situ by Oakfield Farm but is laying in the grass verge


vii) Route 60.2 Potholes along the whole length of this lane between Llansoy and Nantygelli, but in particular south of Pen-y-Lan Farm.


c) New Highway Issues raised by others

There were no other items brought forward.


d) Road Closures

The CC had received 2 Traffic Road Closures both within the Llangwm Ward:

i) Trelay Road C63.3 will be closed from its junction with the B4235 to its junction with the C63.1. This Order is required to allow contractors working on behalf of BT Openreach to lay new service ducting and construct six new chamber's in a safe manner.

The Temporary Traffic Regulation Order closure will be in operation from 08:30 on Monday the 8th of May 2017 until 16:30 on Monday the 21st of August 2017.

AGREED to write to MCC stating that the timing of this closure was in the middle of harvesting and several landowners use this lane to transport silage and hay.


ii) B4235 will be closed from a point 10 metres east of the vehicular access to Ty Fry House for a distance of 850 metres in a generally southerly then easterly direction. The closure is required in order to remove forestry from both sides of and adjacent to the B4235 carriageway in a safe manner.

The Temporary Road Closure will be in operation from 08:30 on Monday 12th of June 2017 until 16:30 on Friday 16th of June 2017 and from 08:30 on Monday 19th of June 2017 until 16:30 on Tuesday 20th of June 2017.

AGREED to write to MCC stating that the timing of this closure had not been thought out as it was during exam time and at least 6 children from Llangwm would be affected plus others from Shirenewton and all along the B4235. Other students who travel to Monmouth to Private Schools will also be inconvenienced at this very important time for them. Cllrs also stated that they didn't think the diversion could deal with School Buses.



Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 28th April 2017 was £3.544.33

Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2017 - £1,761.51



Invoice - Zurich Insurance - £306.55 chq 682

Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for April/May - £46.03 Chq no 683

AGREED that these invoices are paid. 

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of April 2017 was:

Receipts £3,265.00

Payments £631.41 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 22 hours since the last meeting.


The Chair reported that the Clerk had been employed since January 2015, with an increase in April of each year by one Spinal Column Point.  


Therefore it was AGREED that from April 2017, the Clerks hourly salary will be increased to SCP 17, and be back dated to April 2017.



From MCC

a) Agenda's for various MCC Select Meetings

b) Various Press Releases

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for April - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Emergency Contacts for Llangwm & Llansoy? AGREED Cllr Gwyn Rowlands for Llansoy and Cllr Bob Trigg for Llangwm


One Voice Wales

a) Name of OVW representative - NOTED that the Clerk will attend if able.

b) Copy of Social Media Policy Template

c) Motions for the AGM by 30th June

d) OVW Newsletter - emailed to Cllrs

e) Model Local Resolution Protocol


Welsh Government

a) Appointment of Chair of Meat Promotion Wales - closing date 30th May



a) Community Energy Wales Newsletter

b) Patients Voice News Bulletin

c) Notes on External audit from Wales Audit Office

d) FREE Planning Training on 12th June (circulated to Cllrs by email)



a) Details of Gwent Best Kept Village Competition - forwarded to Mrs Bennett

b) Monmouthshire Home Start Invite to AGM - circulated to Cllrs



New Applications

a) Application No: DC/2017/00353 - Great Llanolway Farm, Cae Dwmlyn Road, Llansoy - Alterations, extension and conversion of barn to a dwelling

After discussion and viewing plans, it was AGREED to recommend approval of this Application.



There was no report



There were no Ward Reports



There was no further business.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 20th June 2017.


Meeting closed 9.07pm