COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Trevor Haywood, Cllr John Watkins


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



Mr & Mrs Knox and Lucy Ralph attended the meeting to answer any questions on Planning Application No. DC/2017/00400


The Chairman proposed that item 9c) would be discussed at the commencement of the meeting, so the Applicants and Agent could leave the meeting.


9 c) Application No: DC/2017/00400 - Land adjacent to Caer Dwmlyn, Caer Dwmlyn Road, Llandenny, NP15 1DA - Stabling and creation of all-weather outdoor arena.


1) Cllr Trigg asked if the Stabling and Arena was for business or private use - Mrs Knox confirmed that it would be for Private use. She stated that for her business, she goes out to see clients.

2) Cllr Williams asked what the pegging was in the field - Lucy Ralph stated that this was for levels as they had moved the build further down the field so that it was less obtrusive.

3) Cllr Trigg also asked if the owner was hoping to tack around the area as there were no suitable roads from the site as the Chepstow to Raglan road at the Crossroads was very dangerous with vehicles travelling very fast - Mrs Knox stated that they had enough land at the site for riding.


Therefore it was AGREED to recommend approval for this application.


Mr & Mrs Knox and Ms Ralph then left the meeting.



CSO Andy Jones was not in attendance, but gave the following written Report:

The only incident to note is:  On The 1/4/17 around 5am we had a strange call that there was a person with a flashlight walking through Llangwm knocking doors as they made their way through the village towards the main road. An area search was made later by officers but all was quiet. We had no other calls regarding this.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Gwyn Rowlands and Cllr Peter Gough.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.


       Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21st March 2017 were agreed and signed as a true and correct




5 a) Road/Street Signage in Llangwm

The MCC Officer had responded by saying that due to the 'pre-election period' (PEP) she was unable to work on this until after the Elections however she had spoken to her manager and they were scheduling in a meeting to decide how many they can install in their next order because obviously it's whatever their budget will allow. As soon as possible, they will let us know which ones they are going to install first.

5 b) Community Council Elections - 4th May

The Clerk reported that there will be NO Community Council Election on 4th May as both the Llangwm and Llansoy's Wards were uncontested.

There will be an election for the Devauden Ward, as there are two people going for one seat.

Notices were to go up on the 3 Ward Noticeboards.


5 c) Defibrillators/CPR Training

The Clerk has been in contact with Phil Hill, and we are just waiting to get a date that the Hall is free, and an email list of people to advertise the training.

The Trainer can do 6-8 per trainer, but may be able to arrange another trainer, or have a second night

The Clerk had made some posters to go out around the village.

It was noted that a cabinet will need to be purchased and as yet not sure how much this will cost.

The Trainer had stated that a Tues/Wed/Thurs is best for him commencing at 7pm.


5 d) Flash Flooding on Llanynant Road

The Clerk had written to the MCC Officer to ask to re-open this topic, but due to 'PEP' nothing can be done until after the Election.

Cllr Haywood stated that according to the Land Registry, his property was rated high on the list for potential flooding, so therefore his Insurance is very high as they 'blanket' all the properties in the area.

The Chairman stated that if there was a Grant available from the Welsh Government, we should be applying for it.

County Councillor Greenland stated that when the road was flooded 6 years ago, remedial work had been done, but it was obvious that further work needs to be done to alleviate the flooding of houses etc. Cllr Trigg stated that the tubular railings that were suggested for the bridge would need to be strong enough to prevent cars from entering the brook.

Cllr Heywood was handed the Minutes from the 1980's that the Clerk had previously read through and highlighted the occasions when LCC had discussed the issues of flooding.


5e) To Receive Asset Register Update

The Chairman had inspected all of the assets and Cllr Williams stated that he had not been able to get a quote for the work on Llansoy Bus Shelter, so it was AGREED that the Clerk contact John Powell to give a quote for replacing the facia and barge boards.

Other works on Noticeboards etc. will be done in the near future.



a) Update on Matters Reported

The Clerk reported that we had not received anything from Highways from the report sent in 30/3/2017.


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Trigg reported Route 60.9 Court Robin Lane - Footpath Finger post damaged during verge cutting

ii) Cllr Evans reported that on the B4235 between Oakfield and Ty Coch, the Chevron Sign has come off its post and is lying in the verge/hedge


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 29th March 2017 was £2,083.94


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 1st March 2017 - £1,758.45


Invoice - MCC Salary for Jan/Feb/March - £485.31 chq no 679

Invoice - Llangwm Best Kept Village - £102.24 chq no 680

Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for March/April - £39.61 Chq no 681

AGREED that these invoices are paid. 

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of March 2017 was:

Receipts £6,938.69

Payments £4,579.92 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 25.5 hrs since the last meeting.



From MCC

a) Agenda's for various MCC Select Meetings BB

b) Various Press Releases including: Extra acts to join Little Mix, Grants made available for MCC Highways projects, Book Amnesty until 29th April, Council publishes list of Candidates etc. BB

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for March - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Notice of Uncontested Election for Llangwm CC and Persons Nominated for Devauden Ward BB

e) Update on where there are Defibrillators around the County - Clerk has updated Llangwm & Llansoy's position BB

f) Training on Ethics and Standards and Code of Conduct for new Councillors on either 23rd May in Caldicot or 24th May in Abergavenny - emailed to Cllrs


One Voice Wales

a) New Councillor Induction Training available BB

b) Minutes of OVW Meeting BB

c) Presentation from the Police & Crime Commissioner BB

d) Manifesto for Community & Town Councils BB

e) Notes on the new requirements of the Audit


Welsh Government

a) Library Copy of the Good Councillors Guide - link to download your own copy has been sent to Cllrs



a) Zurich Insurance saying that their renewal documents will be arriving very soon

b) Papers from LBDO ready for the Annual Audit

c) Financial Management and Governance for CC from Wales Audit Office

d) Potential funding for small scale Renewable Energy Proposals BB

e) Workshop to discuss Welsh Water up till 2050 BB



a) Details of Village of the Year Competition



Cllr Williams reported that in addition to the 3 Applications coming before this meeting, on the MCC Planning Portal there was another Application for Llansoy, and that was for Great Llanolway Farm.

The Clerk stated that she had not received a Consultee Letter for this, but would contact the Planning Office to see if it could come before the May meeting.


New Applications

a) Application No: DC/2017/00394 - 1 St Tysoi Close, Llansoy, NP15 2EF - 2 Storey rear extension, single storey side extension and front car port extension  

After discussion, it was AGREED to recommend approval of this Application.



b) Application No: DC/2017/00379 - Lower House Farm, Cwrt-y-Gollen Road, Llansoy - Agricultural portal frame building to house livestock

After discussion, it was AGREED to recommend approval of this Application.


c) Application No: DC/2017/00400 - Land adjacent to Caer Dwmlyn, Caer Dwmlyn Road, Llandenny, NP15 1DA - Stabling and creation of all-weather outdoor arena




County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report.

Due to the 'Pre Election Period' there was very little to report due to Committee's not meeting until the next Council was elected.

Cllr Evans raised concern on the madness on the roads that had occurred during the Tour de Gwent Cycle Race as with the speeding motorbikes as well, the B4235 was very dangerous. CC Greenland said that the Council had no connections with this race.

Cllr Trigg asked about the new hospital that is due to be built at Llantarnam, and would it have enough parking?

CC Greenland stated that as far as he knew the funding and planning was through for the 'Major Trauma Hospital', and they were doing levels at the minute. He also thought that the A & E departments would still remain at Nevill Hall and the Royal Gwent Hospitals.


11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports



a) Nominations for Officers at the May Annual General Meeting

i) Chairman - David Williams

ii) Vice-chairman - Peter Gough

iii) Parish Hall Representative - Peter Gough

iv) One Voice Wales Representative - Clerk if available

v) Usk Cluster Group - Clerk if available


b) Apologies - Cllr Heywood gave his apologies for both the May and June Meetings


c) Bank Holiday Meetings - Cllr Trigg suggested that if a Council Meeting is planned and comes during a Bank Holiday week, we should change the date. All AGREED.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 16th May 2017.


Meeting closed 8.45pm