COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Peter Gough


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, CSO Geraint Reynolds and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present.


POLICE REPORT - CSO Geraint Renolds gave the following Police Report:

13/3/2017 The Star Inn at Llansoy was broken into overnight and a quantity of cash stolen with the till being found in a local field.


PC Louise Thorpe has moved onto Caldicot, and PC Matt Screen has replaced her.


A schedule for officers to patrol the B4235 will commence on Sundays between April and September and Abergavenny Officers will be conducting similar on the Abergavenny to Usk road. Officers will use activity sheets to record any results of the number of bikes seen/stopped, incidents reported and accidents.

On one Sunday in April, July and September there will be 3 larger operations organised in partnership with MCC Highways, Go Safe, Environmental Health and the Fire Service, plus Police Officers will have training to identify illegal exhausts.


Due to Councillor Greenland having to leave the meeting early and with the Chair's agreement, Item 10 - County Councillors Report were discussed at the commencement of the meeting and recorded in the minutes in numerical order.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Trevor Heywood.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21st February 2017 were agreed with one amendment under Item 12 which should have read - 'Cllrs Trigg, Evans and Gough stated that they knew about the flooding issues in Llanynant Road and that they had been ongoing for years'. They were then signed as a true and correct record.


5 a) Speeding Traffic

Following the last meeting, the Clerk wrote to both Paul Keeble and Insp Philip Morris and only the Inspector has replied so far, as Mr Keeble is on Annual Leave.

Inspector Morris replied stating that he had passed on the comments from the Community Council in January to PC Matt Screen, and his actions have been recorded under Police Report earlier in the meeting.




5 b) Road/Street Signage in Llangwm

Following a meeting between Mick Sheath, Ted Royds, CC Bob Trigg and the Clerk on 2nd March with the MCC Officer, a proposed list of signage was drawn up and distributed to the meeting. Cllr Trigg stated that we cannot expect all the signage immediately, but if a few signs per year were erected, that would be a good start.

AGREED that the proposed list be sent to Sian Lamrick from MCC.


5 c) Community Council Elections - 4th May

The Clerk has received Ward signs for the Election for local Noticeboards, and these were distributed to Cllrs to put up on the Nantygelli and Llansoy Noticeboards.

Following an email from John Pearson (which had been forwarded to all Cllrs) the Clerk will be unable to take Nomination Papers to County Hall.

The Chair reminded Cllrs to get their forms in by the closing date which is the 4pm on 4th April.


5 d) Defibrillators/CPR Training

Cllr Rowlands stated that Llansoy residents were arranging their own training and defibrillator which will be sited at the Bush Farm.


Cllr Watkins stated he had made contact with Phil Hill who is an Advance Trainer with the NHS and he was willing to do the training FOC, but donations from the individuals could be given to 'Jack's Pledge', who will supply a Defibrillator for Llangwm.

AGREED that an evening should be held in May or June, and Cllr Gough will get a list of email addresses so that the Clerk can email a notice to local residents. If enough people respond, 2 sessions may have to be held, and the Clerk will liaise with the Trainer.


5 e) Overgrown hedge

The Clerk reported that the lady from Brook House has received the 2 letters from MCC, but returned them as their house is now called Ty Nant! The Officer has now delivered a 3rd letter by hand, and has asked Grounds for a Quote for cutting the hedge.


5 f) Flash Flooding on Llanynant Road

Cllrs have now received an electronic copy of the Report from MCC which was completed in June 2009.

The Clerk reported that in answer to both Cllr Heywood and Cllr Gough's question about a decision by LCC to reject the work, the Clerk has read through the Minutes from 2008 - 2011, and although there was numerous references to the flooding issues, no vote was ever taken by Llangwm Community Council to agree or reject the Flood Alleviation Plan.

AGREED although Cllr Heywood was not at the meeting, he had expressed his comments by email, and Cllr Gough proposed that the Clerk write to the MCC Officer and state that LCC would like to re-visit this scheme as there are vulnerable properties along Llanynant Road.



a) Update on Matters Reported

Route 64.3 3 x blocked/covered gullies between jnt. of Nant-y-Merch Farm

Has been added to existing program to be done. WH 13/03/17

Route 71 Although outside the Llangwm Ward. Between Wern Farm and the Star Inn there is a large deep crater in the middle of the highway

This has been made safe to a degree a couple of weeks ago. Will monitor and act again if need be. WH 13/03/17

Route 60.9 Cul de sac sign at bottom of Court Robin Lane has had the top bracket damaged so the sign falls forward. Footpath Finger post damaged during verge cutting

I take it you are referring to the 'No through road' sign?? If so I will add to the general program of work

to be done when resources allow. Footpath finger sign is for Public Rights of Way to maintain, so will

forward on, WH 13/03/17

Countryside Services have stated that the Finger post was a low priority but it will be renewed at some stage.

Route 60.9 Court Robin Lane towards Belmont Farm - Gullies need emptying

Has been added to existing program to be done. WH 13/03/17


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Trigg reported Route 60.10 - Triangle Horse Riding sign at the top of Pentre Lane has been stolen, but the post is still there.

ii) Cllr Evans reported that at the junction of Route 60.2 & Route 80 at Nantygelli Crossroads the Footpath Finger Post has broken off.

iii) Cllr Gough reported that the pavement on the B4235 between the Mill and Yew Tree Cottage is now very dangerous due to moss build up on it.


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 27th February 2017 was £2,707.39


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 1st March 2017 - £1,758.45

(It was noted that this figure shows the transfer of £600 from MBS to BB)



Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for Feb/March - £65.49 Chq no 677

Letter - Llansoy PCC - Donation - £50 Chq no 678

AGREED that these invoices are paid. 

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of February 2017 was:

Receipts £5,180.24 plus £1,758.45 (Building Society)

Payments £4,529.92 (Net)

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


The Clerk reported that she had received a quote from Green Grafter for cutting the grass during 2017, of £43.50 per cut.

AGREED to accept Mr Beal's quote



The Clerk reported that she had worked 39.45 hrs since the last meeting, but this had included 2 additional meetings attended for the Council.



The Chair Cllr Evans had inspected all the Council's asset's and gave the following report:

Noticeboard - Llangwm - In need of painting and hinge loose

Noticeboard - Llansoy - In need of paint

Noticeboard - Nantygelli - Post broken and key missing

Litter Bins - Llangwm - Both in good condition

Bus Shelter - Llangwm - Good condition but outer ground level soil needs lowering

Bus Shelter - Llansoy - Rotten facia and barge boards and guttering needs cleaning out


AGREED Cllr Williams will ask a resident of Llansoy what the costs would be to upgrade the Llansoy Bus Shelter so that it looks presentable.


From MCC

a) Agenda's for various MCC Meetings

b) Various Press Releases including: Keep Wales Tidy, New Play Area opens in Usk, Prince William visits Llanfoist School, Flag raised for Commonwealth Day

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for February - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Invitation to the Chairman's Schools Music Showcase on 31st March in Monmouth LC - Tickets £5 each

e) Invitation to the Chairman's Charity Golf Day on 6th April at Raglan Parc Golf Club

f) FAQ regarding the findings of responses about the proposal of a new delivery plan for certain services, such as Leisure, Tourism, Outdoor Activity, Museums, Youth Service etc.


One Voice Wales

a) The next meeting of the Monmouthshire/Newport Committee is on 6th April, Jeffrey Cuthbert the Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner will be there. Being held at the Sessions house in Usk at 7pm

b) Training sessions being held locally


Welsh Government

a) Planning Directorate Consultation link for guide on Gypsy, Traveller and Showman's applications



a) Wales Audit Office Annual Report (sent Cllrs link) but copy of the section on Finance for CC

b) Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales have agreed a very modest increase in Councillors basic salary

c) Boundary Commission for Wales Consultation link which is open until 27th March



a) Email from Bright Green Future looking for a weeks' placement for a young student called Ruth from Llansoy who wants a weeks' placement mainly to do with planning issues. AGREED to refer them to MCC Planning Department

b) Letter from Wales Air Ambulance looking for donations BB

b) Letter from CAB asking for donations and also to speak at meeting? BB



New Applications

There were no new applications this month, but it was noted that the Shepherds Huts at Ty Gwyn has now been approved.



County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report.

The Budget for 2017/18 has now been agreed and that Council tax would increase by 3.95%. MCC had now entered PEP (Pre-Election Period) which was formally called PURDAH, and so Members were unable to make decisions until after the Election on 4th May. 25% of sitting members are retiring, so the Council will look quite different.

At the previous meeting several Cllrs showed concern for the proposed 20mph speed limit through Usk, and C Cllr Greenland said that he now knew about the proposals and was meeting with Usk Town Council the following evening so would know more about these plans, as there is a real issue with Air Pollution.

Cllr Evans mentioned the parking by the Chip Shop was causing great delays at rush hours, and CC Greenland said he would pass this information on.


Cllr Trigg mentioned the Consultation Cllrs had received regarding Travellers/Gypsy/Showman's accommodation and it was noted that both the local sites at Llangeview and Llancayo were contravening their planning applications by putting in roads, electric and water.

The Velothon was being held on 9th July and Usk were going to embrace the event and hold a Festival over the weekend to encourage visitors to stay in Usk. The roads would not be closed all day and for the main races, there would be a rolling road block put in.


11.       WARD REPORTS

The clerk reported on the Usk Cluster Group Meeting she had attended on 14th March.

Points to note:

a) Planning Aid Wales will be having another training evening

b) There could be a review of the LDP in the near future

c) If any CC would like any IT Training, there will be some organised following the Election

d) BT say that 75% of premises in Monmouthshire should be able to access 24mgb?



There was no further business.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 18th April 2017.


Meeting closed 9:02pm