COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Trevor Heywood, Cllr Peter Gough


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present.


POLICE REPORT - CSO Andy Jones sent his apologies and sent the following Police Report:

10/2/17 - Report of a 1 vehicle RTC on the road between Raglan and Llansoy. The vehicle had flipped over onto its roof. The driver was shaken and was taken to hospital to be checked over.


On another note there have been 2 reports lately of household oil thefts in the Tintern area so if you have a tank please make sure you have adequate security. Make sure you have a good lighting system and alarm/ lock on the tank and check it regularly. If you are away let your trusted neighbours know you are so that they can keep an eye on your property for you.


Due to Councillor Greenland having to leave the meeting early and with the Chair's agreement, Item 9 - Planning Application and Item 10 - County Councillors Report were discussed at the commencement of the meeting and recorded in the minutes in numerical order.

There were no members of the public at the meeting.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr John Watkins.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 17th January 2017 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record.


5 a) Speeding Traffic

Although Cllr Peter Gough was unable to make the meeting in January when a full discussion took place but he felt that it was unclear, who was responsible to action for the points listed in the January Minutes.

AGREED - that the Clerk write to both Insp. Morris and Paul Keeble to ask who is going to move these points forward.


5 b) Road/Street Signage in Llangwm

It was noted that Mick Sheath and Ted Royds had worked hard to compile a long list of roads and road names throughout the village. They had talked to local residents and looked up historical information about road names.

Councillors felt that they would not like to see every road in the Ward with signage as it would urbanise the rural vista, but certain roads do require signage.

AGREED that the Clerk organises a meeting with the relevant Officer from MCC, along with Messrs Sheath and Royds, and that Cllr Trigg also attend due to his knowledge of the village over many years.

5 c) Community Council Elections - 4th May

The Clerk had picked up the Candidate Application Forms from MCC and these were distributed along with an Election Timetable and a letter from the Welsh Assembly

If need be, Councillors are asked to contact the Clerk to ask for Elector Numbers when they have got their Proposer & Seconder agreed.

AGREED that the Clerk enquires with MCC Election Office regarding delivering the completed Nomination Forms.


5 d) Defibrillators/CPR Training

Cllr Watkins has agreed to put together an email/poster to advertise the CPR Training, which would be

Free, but donations given to the Charity.

Cllr Gough offered to get the email database, which he will send out to residents of Llangwm, but asked what the maximum numbers would be and length of training session?

AGREED that the Clerk would ask these questions to Cllr Watkins.

Cllr Rowlands stated that Llansoy residents were arranging their own training and defibrillator which will be sited at the Bush Farm.


5 e) Overgrown hedge

The Clerk had been in contact with the relevant MCC Officer, and apparently the letters have been returned to MCC due to being wrongly addressed! A letter has now been hand delivered now.


5 f) Water discharge on Llanynant Road

Following the recent rainfall, it was noted that the water was now discharging onto the Highway.



a) Update on Matters Reported

No report received.


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Trigg reported Route 64.3 - 3no blocked/covered gullies between jnt. of Nant-y-March Farm


ii) Cllr Rowlands reported that although outside the Ward, Route 71 between the Wern Farm and the Star Inn there is a large crater in the middle of the road.


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 27th January 2017 was £2,742.34


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



Invoice - One Voice Wales - Annual Membership - £52.00 Chq no 670

Invoice - Wales Audit Office - External Audit - £165.45 Chq no 671

Invoice - MCC Clerks Salary Oct/Nov/Dec - £515.85 Chq no 672

Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for Jan/Feb - £44.66 Chq no 673

Invoice - Llangwm Parish Hall - hire for 2016 - £180.00 Chq no 674

Letter - Llangwm PCC - Donation - £100 Chq no 675

Letter - Llangwm Baptist Church - Donation - £50 Chq no 676


AGREED that these invoices are paid. 

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of January 2017 was:

Receipts £4,580.24

Payments £4,134.43


This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


It was noted that there may be a cash flow issue by the end of March, due to the costs of repairs to Llangwm Bus Shelter, so it was AGREED that £600 be transferred from the Building Society Account into the Barclays Bank Account.


7 a) to review financial regulations

Copies of the Llangwm Financial Regulations were circulated which was set up in 2016, but requires to be reviewed each year.

It was Proposed and Seconded that the Financial Regulations as they stand are adopted for 2017.



Copies of the Llangwm Risk Assessment were circulated which was set up in 2016, but requires to be reviewed each year.

It was Proposed and Seconded that the Risk Assessment as it stands is adopted for 2017.



It was noted that the External Auditor has requested that the Risk Assessment must contain the following:

-         Date item was acquired

-         Purchase Cost

-         Value of replacing

-         Location


AGREED Cllr Evans offered to undertake a survey of the Council's Assets, and this to be done before the end of March.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 36 hrs since the last meeting, which was 5 weeks previous.



From MCC

a) Agenda's for various Area and MCC Meetings

b) Various Press Releases including: Country Market to be held at Usk Hub on St David's Day, Request for customer feedback on the library Service, Public Meeting on future of Chepstow Tourism provision etc.

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for January - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Confirmation of payment of CC Precept for 2017/18

e) Invitation to the Chairman's St David's Day Concert with Caldicot Male Voice Choir - Tickets £7 each

f) Usk Cluster Meting - 14th March 6pm in Usk County Hall - SH will attend

g) Verge Sponsorship Policy

h) Public Service Board - Draft Well-being Assessment

i) Email re: Broadband in Village Halls


One Voice Wales

a) Minutes of the OVW Meeting and copy of GAVO Presentation at the January meeting and the next meeting on 6th April, Jeffrey Cuthbert the Gwent Police & Crime Commissioner will be attending

b) Copy of PR RE: Investment in Third Sector by Local Authorities

c) Financial Management & Governance in Community & Town Councils - invite from Audit Wales to the Clerk to take part in a Webinar

d) OVW /SLCC Joint Event on 12th July for CC Clerks

Welsh Government

a) The Social Research and Information Division of Welsh Government have put out a Survey

b) Letter from Mark Drakeford AM RE: his White Paper 'Reforming Local Government - Resilient and Renewed'

c) Appointments of Chairs to NHS Health Boards and Trusts



a) Wales Audit Office say CC need to improve Financial Management and Governance

b) Patients Voice News Bulletin

c) Boundary Commission for Wales Consultation link



a) GAVO Membership - AGREED not to join

b) MBS Rates from 1st March 2017

c) Letter from Abergavenny Eisteddfod asking for Sponsorship

d) Letter from Teenage Cancer Trust asking for Sponsorship

e) Details of Walk for Life for Kidney Wales on 23rd April



New Applications

a) Application Number DC/2017/00066 - Ty Gwyn, Llangwm Usk NP15 1LT

This application is for change of use of land to Tourism use to site 4no proposed shepherd huts with utilities within each unit for visitor accommodation purposes. Councillors had looked online at the plans prior to the meeting, and A4 plans were circulated.

CC Bob Greenland stated that this was the first application of this type since there had been some lobbying to the Planning Committee to look more favourably upon new Tourism facilities. Monmouthshire requires extra bed-stock to accommodate the visitors to the area.

After a full discussion, it was AGREED to recommend approval of the Application, with the following comments taken into consideration:

-         Signage should be the responsibility of the Applicant

-         Llangwm Community Council are happy to see new businesses being formed which will give additional bed stock for tourism purposes in rural Monmouthshire

-         That any conditions that are laid down by the Planning Committee are strictly enforced by MCC



County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report.

The 2017/2018 Draft Budget had been discussed at all levels and this will be taken to Council in late March. Social Care was the one section of the Council which will have their costs going up as there is an aging population in the county. Although Monmouthshire CC works well with NHS to provide Monnow Vale, which helps to cut down on bed-blocking in Nevill Hall. The Social Care budget was a difficult one to gauge, as a child could move into the area and this could cost up to £250k per annum.


Cllr Bob Trigg mentioned that in England were closing down small hospitals and hoped this would not happen in Wales.

CC Greenland stated that it was difficult to get highly paid staff to come to work in Wales, but WAG were looking into GP Surgeries taking on small injury clinics, which would free up A & E Departments.


Cllr Evans and Trigg both showed concern for the proposed 20mph speed limit through Usk, and C Cllr Greenland said there were several traffic management plans proposed for Usk - one being a 'Shared Space' proposal for Bridge Street. Cllr Evans said that during the Xmas Fayre traffic was backed up to the duel carriageway.

AGREED that the Clerk would send a copy of the Ben Hamilton-Baillie Report which gives suggestions for traffic management for towns and villages.

11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports



a) Flash Flooding on Llanynant Road

Cllr Heywood stated that following:

1.         He was aware of four flooding instances - 1993, 2000, 2007 and last year 2016.

2.         These instances of flooding are normally associated with intense rainfall causing an increased volume of water attempting to flow through the three bridge culverts in Llangwm. Currently when this condition occurs the culverts act as flow constrictors and the water overflows in to the surrounding areas. The results can be seen in the pictures. (Cllr Heywood distributed photographs)

3.         Certain properties incur water damage and clearing/cleaning to repair and make good. The 2007 instance illustrates the extent of this. Also general road cleaning also has to be carried out on each occasion. 

4.         The events of 2007 are particularly disturbing in terms of what happened and raise a number of questions and issues.

5.         In 2008 surveys were conducted to seek remedies to the problem. The plan then was to rebuild two of the bridges and also carry out remedial work (information available). The building costs then were estimated at £732000. It was understood that three options were considered:- Do nothing, log catching barriers? and the high capex option. Nothing happened due to cost including the remedial work which could have been carried out locally at very low cost (information available). He does not understand why nothing was done at all or if that point is entirely correct. In any event it is thought that MCC should have done something and looked far more closely at the issues.

6.         It is considered there is another issue to look at (2007 car write off) carefully in terms of Health and Safety to the public at large.

7.         Cllr Heywood asked 'where do we go from here? Review and start again?'


Cllrs Trigg, Evans and Gough stated that they knew about the flooding issues in Llanynant Road and that they had been ongoing for many years. They were aware of a consultancy being brought in by MCC to do a survey of the issues, but didn't know what the final report actually said, and what the outcome was?


AGREED that the Clerk would look through the LCC Archive material to see if the Flood Alleviation Report could be found.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7:30pm on Tuesday 21st March 2017.



Meeting closed 9:45pm