COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr John Watkins


IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Mick Sheath, Mr Ted Royds, Caroline Evans, Trevor Heywood (local residents) Inspector Phillip Morris (Gwent Police) Paul Keeble (Monmouthshire County Council) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk




Inspector Morris had been invited to attend to clarify the action Gwent Police were taking regarding speeding traffic, particularly motorbikes on the B4235 and the issues around the continuation of the Community Speed Watch in Llangwm.

During a full discussion, the following points were made:

·        Bikes cannot be stopped using the B4235 if they are not doing anything wrong, but will be stopped if they commit an offence such as overtaking on double white lines, and that the route is very appealing to bikers who travel from the Bristol area to mid-Wales on dry days, and is in fact advertised on various bike websites. Intend to work with colleagues in Abergavenny as this is a through route.

·        From March onwards, Gwent Police intend to check bikes for a few hours 1 - 2 times a month (mainly on a Sunday morning) at Chepstow to see if bikes have correct exhausts, number plates and are legally roadworthy to use on the public highway, if not, will be turned back.

·        Gwent Police Officers are undertaking specific training on defaults on motorbikes so they know what to look out for.

·        There are no regulations within Environmental Health on volumes emitting from motorbikes

·        Cllr Colin Evans stated that outside his house on the long straight, bikes were well in excess of 100mph.

·        Insp. Morris stated that they need to know where the real speeding issues are, so he can place his officers in the correct place, so it would be down to the local community to supply this information.

·        Covert cameras would be a good idea to judge the problem.

·        Paul Keeble mentioned that the Flashing Speed controls that moved around the county could be requested for Llangwm.


Inspector Morris stated that the B4235 received the most complaints in the county about speeding traffic, but there was very little data on accidents, as 'near misses' were not recorded. The Fire Service would hold some data.

He concluded by stating that his Officers would have more visibility and more structure to their approach with regards to speeding motorbikes during 2017.



Caroline Evans stated that the Llangwm Community Speedwatch were very disappointed and felt very let down with regards to misinformation regarding Insurance and Health & Safety. All had been verbally confirmed but there was no paper trail, and this included equipment issued to the group. The whole scheme felt very disjointed.


Insp. Morris said that the Sgt who started up several Speedwatch schemes in Monmouthshire had been moved on, and CSW was now under a new Police Inspector.


Paul Keeble stated that by having a presence in High Vis vests would educate drivers and raise awareness.

Cllrs asked if the 50mph limit implemented on the Abergavenny/Usk road had shown any reductions in speed, but Mr Keeble stated that it was too soon to collect this data.

Community Councillors felt that a Covert Speed Management plan would be the best way of collecting evidence of speeding vehicles.



That any future meetings of GoSafe/MCC/Gwent Police hold, a representative from Llangwm CC would be invited to attend.



Following the November meeting when Mr Sheath & Mr Royds had attended and requested road signs be erected to help delivery drivers and emergency services find their way in the village of Llangwm, the Clerk had written to Highways regarding Street/Road signs for Llangwm. The Officer had forwarded a list showing the road names that MCC have in the Highway Register, and this was read out.


Residents can then decide if they would like to go through with the process of naming any unnamed roads, but this will require two thirds of the residents affected to agree and the Community Council will need to put suggested names forward for MCC to consult with the Local Land Register and Property Gazetteer Team.


If any of the currently registered roads do not have nameplates, then the CC can inform MCC and they would be able to order them and get them installed.


Paul Keeble explained that MCC would cover the costs of road signs for roads that were registered with MCC, but any new names of roads/houses would require local resident's approval and payment.


AGREED - Mr Sheath and Mr Royds would work on the list of road names provided, and would get back to the Clerk to progress this action.


The Chair then thanked Inspector Morris, Paul Keeble, Caroline Evans, Mr Sheath and Mr Royds for attending the meeting and at this stage they all left the meeting.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Peter Gough



Community Councillor Gwyn Rowlands declared an interest under Item 9 - Planning Applications.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 15th November 2016 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record.


5 a) Casual Vacancy

The Clerk reported that following the notice of the Casual Vacancy, one resident came forward to show an interest in taking up the post.

Llangwm Community Council can now use their powers to Co-opt a new Councillor.

Mr Trevor Heywood was:

Proposed by Cllr John Watkins

Seconded by Cllr David Williams

The Chairman Cllr Colin Evans welcomed Cllr Trevor Heywood to the Council, and both Cllr John Watkins and Cllr Trevor Heywood signed their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and received a copy of Llangwm CC Standing Orders.

The Clerk distributed Posters advertising 2 Briefing Sessions on 26th & 31st January for all prospective County and Community Councillors.


Cllr Rowlands asked when Cllrs would be receiving their Application Forms, and the Clerk stated she was attending a Clerk's Briefing Session on 24th Feb regarding the 4th May Election, and would inquire.


      5b) Defibrillators/CPR Training

Cllr Watkins has spoken to a Trainer who would be able to do the Training at very little cost. So it was AGREED that details would be circulated via the Village email list to see what interest there is before training is confirmed.


5c) Overgrown hedge

The Clerk had been in contact with the relevant MCC Officer, and he was due to inspect the hedge at Brook Cottage, and if the hedge was not cut, he would send a 2nd letter to the landowner giving 2 weeks to comply. Failure to do so will result in MCC doing the work, and recharging the landowner.


5d) Points raised with County Councillor Bob Greenland

      CC Greenland had sent the following reply to comments made at the November meeting:

1) Bike Race Signs - Officer will be emailed to remove them - now removed

2) 20mph through Usk - Not aware of this traffic order

3) Llangwm road names etc. - have been addressed earlier in the meeting


5e) Water discharge on Llanynant Road

The Clerk has spoken to the Highways Engineer who stated that it is illegal to discharge water directly onto the Highway.

He visited the site and placed 2 sandbags there, but due to recent work, felt it was not an issue at the minute.



a) Update on Matters Reported

i) B4235 Road falling away near Huntsman Inn - TO DATE, NO INFORMATION



 ii) 60.9 Cul de sac sign at bottom of Court Robin Lane & Finger Post - TO DATE, NO INFORMATION


Cllr Trigg asked the Clerk to email Mrs Dunster to see if this has now been resolved


b) New Highway Issues raised by Councillors

i) Cllr Trigg reported Route 60.9 Court Robin Lane towards Belmont Farm - Gullies need emptying


Barclays Bank

Balance at the Bank as of 29th December 2016 was £2,789.84


Monmouthshire Building Society

Balance as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



Invoice - Sylvia Fowles - Website domain annual fee - £34.95 Chq no 668

Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for Nov/Dec/Jan - £47.50 Chq no 669

AGREED that these invoices are paid. 


The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at the end of December was:

Receipts £4,580.24

Payments £3,360.22


This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


Councillors were asked if they could contact their local Churches to ensure they get their requests for a donation prior to the February meeting.


The Clerk was asked to contact Mrs Dunster regarding Llangwm Chapel and also to get a Grass Cutting quote for 2017 from Green Grafter.


7 a) To Set 2017/2018 Budget

Copies of the Draft Budget were circulated which now includes £500 for Street Furniture, and the balance for the Building Society Account.


 The Budget for 2017/18 was discussed and AGREED.



It was noted that the Precept was risen last year to £4,500 which enabled the Council to do the repairs to the Bus Shelter.

This year, there may be items that LCC will have to pay for that MCC have paid for in the past, such as 2nd cut of verges etc.


Proposed by Cllr Watkins and Seconded by Cllr Williams that the Precept for 2017/2018 would be set at £4,500



It was proposed by Cllr Gwyn Rowlands and Seconded by Cllr Bob Trigg that Mr Ted Royds be appointed as Internal Auditor for the 2016/2017 financial year. This was AGREED by the meeting.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 47.5 hrs since the last meeting, which was 10 weeks previous.



From MCC

a) Agendas for various Area and MCC Meetings (some will be discussing the Draft 2017/18 Budget)

b) Various Press Releases including: Draft Budget proposals, Plans for Monmouth Leisure unveiled, new free Car Park opens in Monmouth and Little Mix coming to Caldicot Castle,

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for November & December - Nothing for Llangwm Ward

d) Report on the 2016 Eisteddfod

e) MCC Draft Budget Proposals

f) Election 2017 - County & Community Council Election Briefing Sessions on 26th & 31st Jan 6pm in County Hall, Usk

g) Give Dog Fouling the Red Card

h) Usk Cluster Meting - 24th January 6pm in Usk Hub


One Voice Wales

a) Agenda & Minutes of the next OVW Meeting at 7pm on 26th January at Usk Sessions House

b) Training Schedule

c) Invitation for LCC Chair to attend Buckingham Palace Garden Party - forwarded to C Evans



Welsh Government

a) Details of Consultation on proposals to ban the use of Plastic Microbeads in Cosmetics

b) Poster encouraging people to become a County or Community Councillors

c) Details of the Bill to introduce a tax on disposals to landfill in Wales



a) Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales - dates of meetings

b) Zurich - Details of Local Council Advisory Services available

c) NHS 'Your Voice Matters' details of 'Talk Health' meeting on 17th February



a) Details of Battle's Over - A Nation's Tribute 100 years of Remembrance 11th Nov 2018

b) Details of Arts Council for Wales 'Night Out Scheme'

c) Copy of David Davies MP Westminster Report

d) Winter Newsletter form Noah's Ark

e) Letter from Macmillan Cancer Support asking for financial support



New Applications

a) Application Number DC/2016/01372   Ty-Gwair, Gaer Fawr, Llangwm Usk NP15 1HJ 

This application is 'For Information Only' as it is within Permitted Development under GDO, (General Development Order) subject only to siting and design considerations.


b) Application Number DC/2016/01282 Little Goytre Cottage, Bluebell Road, Earlswood, NP16 6AT

Erection of single storey timber garden building and reinstatement of residential curtilage previously approved in 1996

No objections and Cllrs. AGREED to recommend approval.


c) Application Number DC/2016/01307 Bay Tree Cottage, The Crosshands to Old Quarry Road, Llansoy NP15 1DF

Discharge of conditions 3 (copy of Licence) 4 (ecology) 7 (materials) 8 (drainage) 9 (photographic survey) and 10 (landscaping) from previous application DC/2014/01002

No objections and Cllrs. AGREED to leave the decision with the expertise of the MCC Planning Department.


NOTE: Community Councillor Gwyn Rowlands declared an interest in Application Number

DC/2016/01444 and left the room at this stage.


d) Application Number DC/2016/01444 Church Cottage, Church Lane, Llansoy NP15 1HL New single storey kitchen extension

No objections and Cllrs. AGREED to recommend approval.

CC Rowlands returned to the meeting



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance.


11.       WARD REPORTS

The Clerk had attended the Usk Cluster Group meeting on 28/11/16 and the following points were raised:

·        The meeting urged MCC to cut some of the 'red tape'

·        Costs of Road Closures will be reduced in 2017

·        New 'Shop Close to Home' website

·        RDP funding available for Broadband in Village Halls



a) Flash Flooding on Llanynant Road

 Cllr Heywood stated that he would be interested to find out what happened to the proposal several years ago to renew the culvert on Llanynant Road as the pipes were undersized when it was installed many years ago. Due to Climate Change there is far more rain falling, and the Brook Cottage Bridge cannot cope with the volume of water in the stream.

It was stated that this could be due to a pinch point upstream, and the water has nowhere else to go but flood the road and this could cause a fatality for drivers.

AGREED that Cllr Heywood would bring his findings to the next meeting.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 21st February 2017.



Meeting closed 9:40pm