COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr. Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Mick Sheath, Mr Ted Royds (local residents), Anna Thomas (Work Experience) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
Mr Sheath had sent in an email to the Council stating that due to people ordering more online purchases, there are far more items being delivered and requested that the Council look into Road Signs being installed in the village of Llangwm.
It was noted that once at the Bridge Inn on the B4235, GPS was lost so nobody could use their Sat Nav's, and very often van drivers were knocking on doors as they were lost. Post Codes are quite random, with a wide area covered by just one Post Code.
Emergency vehicles also have issues locating properties, as there are no street names.
Mr Royds stated that road names vary - the postal address for his property is on Llanynant Road yet on the Electors Roll, it's Chapel Road!
After a full discussion, it was thought that there should be at least 6 road identification signs in the village.
Mr Keeble from MCC would be attending the January meeting to discuss Speeding Traffic, and he would be able to answer signage issues such as Planning Permission, costs etc.
The Chair thanked Mr Sheath and Mr Royds for attending the meeting and at this stage they left the meeting.
POLICE REPORT - CSO Andy Jones gave his apologies and sent in a very short report stating that there has been 2 incidences, a stolen Quad Bike and the other was a Pressure Washer.
It was noted that there were travellers in the area, and members were warned to be vigilant.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Peter Gough and County Councillor Bob Greenland.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 18th October 2016 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record.
5 a) Casual Vacancy
Following discussions with MCC Election Office, it was noted that all new Councillors must sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office, and Cllr. Watkins to sign at the next meeting.
5b) 5d} Defibrillators/CPR Training
As Cllr Watkins was not in attendance, this will be held over to the next meeting for an update.
5c) 12c} Enforcement Order on Bridge Inn
The Clerk contacted the Building Control Section of MCC, and the Officer inspected the property the previous Wednesday and he rang to say that it was not deemed to be a dangerous structure, but if Health & Safety issues come up, to get back to him.
5d) 6b} Highway Issues
Overgrown Hedge
It was noted that the hedge at Brook House has not been cut, and the Clerk will find out the Timeline from MCC
5e) Community Speedwatch
Mr Keeble had been due to attended to discuss what MCC can do now that CSW has had to fold.
Due to Cllr Gough not being available, Paul Keeble thought the Police should also be present, and they could not attend, so it was AGREED that the Clerk invites Paul Keeble, Inspector Phillip Morris and Caroline Evans to the next meeting on 17th January.
a) Update on Matters Reported
The Clerk amalgamated the June report along with other missing issues.
1) 60.11 Bridge Inn to Pentre Farm. 2 x blocked gullies. Manhole cover on this stretch half way along on the right hand side has moved causing issues. We will inspect and carry out any cleansing/repair works required.
2) 63.1 On 15th May, it was noted that the water had run down Llanynant Road from the top, and had not gone its usual route - down the green lane opposite Cefn Bychan. A local resident stated that whilst they were busy putting sandbags around the properties, they noticed that there was damage to the left hand parapet of the first bridge from the B4235.
The stonework was cracked and needing URGENT attention to the bridge parapet.
3) Route 81 Grit Bin opposite New House Farm was severely damaged during verge cutting and needs replacing
We will arrange for the bin to be replaced
4) Route 60.9 Grit Bin at top of Court Robin Lane has had the back corner ripped off so cannot be filled and this damage was done during verge cutting
We will arrange for the bin to be replaced
5) 60.9 Cul de sac sign at bottom of Court Robin Lane has had the top bracket damaged so the sign falls forward
We will inspect and repair as required
6) 60.2 Potholes along the whole length of this lane but in particular south of Pen-y-Lan Farm. Local Cllr has put a bollard in the hole to warn motorists
We will add to ongoing pothole programme.
Cllr Williams stated that item 6. Had been completed the previous day.
b) New Issues raised by Councillors
1) B4235 - Cllr Evans reported that on the left hand side of the road approaching the Huntsman Inn, the road is falling away and a 200mt length was affected by a deep rut.
c) New highways issues raised by others
No other issues raised.
Barclays Bank
Balance at the Bank as of 29th October 2016 was £2,001.55
Monmouthshire Building Society
Balance as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45
Invoice - MCC - July/Sept Salary £470.04 Chq no 666
Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for Oct/Nov - £34.17 Chq no 667
AGREED that these invoices are paid.
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at end of October showed total for the 2016/17 year to date was:
Receipts £3,080.24
Payments £3,277.77
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.
7 a) To Discuss Draft Budget and Precept
A copy of the last 3 year's Budgets were distributed and the Clerk stated that on looking through the figures from last year, compared to this financial year, plus some of the recommendations from the Internal Auditor, that our payments will increase slightly for the forthcoming year,
For example:
· Subscriptions - SLCC Membership - £70 plus OVW £50 = £120
· Training - £35 per session, so if the Clerk did 2 training events per year = £70
· Admin - This is the cost of the Payroll from MCC, and at £6.75 per month = £75
· Grass Cutting - anticipate it will be = £220
· Hall Hire - approx.=. £220
· Audit - new company so not sure how much = £120
· Insurance - Slight increase = £320
· Election Costs - Election in May 2017, an inflation on the previous Election Costs has been made by Anna, which showed if the seats were not contested it would cost approx. £250, BUT if seats were contested, it would cost Llangwm Community Council circa £3,000
· Grants to Churches/Best Kept Village = £300
Along with the Clerk's Salary and expenses, these payments roughly add up to £4,915.
a) To add in £500 under Street Furniture, due to work being required on Notice Boards across the Ward.
b) To look at possible repairs to Llansoy Bus Shelter
Receipts - £6,873 - this includes Precept of £4,500 and Building Society of £2,358
Payments - £5,415
A Final decision on the Budget and Precept will take place at the January Meeting.
The Clerk reported that she had worked 29.75 hrs since the last meeting.
From MCC
a) 6 Agenda's for various Area and MCC Meetings BB
b) Various Press Releases including: Blaenau Gwent signs up for SRS, Council to act on Rate increases, Chairman raised over £12,000, Delighted with the announcement of the new Super Hospital in Llanfrechfa, Consultation coming up on the future of Outdoor Education BB
c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for October - Mill Stables has been closed after 909 days as it was deemed No Breach regarding outbuilding
d) Control of A Boards/Tables/Signage in the future BB
e) Minutes of the Usk Cluster Meeting - Next meeting will be on
f) Electoral Register 2016/17 - Request from Councillors as to receiving Electronic/Paper Electoral Role
g) Request of funding from Llangwm CC to help Chepstow TIC
h) Request for feedback on Usk Community Hub (emailed to Cllrs) BB
i) MCC to provide free parking on the 3rd, 10th & 17th Dec BB
One Voice Wales
a) 2017 Innovation Practice National Awards - Nomination Guide BB
b) OVW Consultancy Services BB
c) Training events in the next few months BB
d) Minutes of Newport & Monmouthshire Area meeting - next meeting 26th January BB
e) Consultation of Welsh Language Strategy
f) One Voice Wales - asking if meetings are held at the wrong time
Welsh Government
a) Appointment of Vice Chair and Members to NHS Wales (emailed to Cllrs) BB
b) Letter and Posters from Nick Ramsay AM - to be put up in various boards
c) Invite to Welsh Government Diversity in Democracy Workshops BB
a) Questionnaire from South Wales Fire & Rescue asking for feedback on how they did BB
b) Review of the National Standards Community Health Councils (emailed to Cllrs) BB
c) NRW - New contact phone number and posters saying what they do and what they don't do (emailed to Cllrs) BB
a) Details of Funding Opportunities
b) Primary Care Supplies - offers on defibs BB
c) Copy of Patient Voice Newsletter
New Applications
DC/2016/01119 - Replacement Dwelling at Rockfield Farm, Llangwm
No objections and Cllrs. AGREED to recommend approval.
The Clerk reported that in January 2017, MCC will no longer be sending out paper plans unless the Community Council pay for them and without WiFi in the Hall, we can't look at them online. Anna has managed to download onto the Clerk's Tablet to show how it could work.
Several Cllrs. stated that they would prefer to see the applications via paper copies rather than on-line or on a Laptop or Tablet.
AGREED that the Clerk would send Cllrs the links before the meetings, so they can look at them at home.
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave his apologies and asked that any issues that Community Councillors wish to bring to his attention, the Clerk pass onto him.
a) Cllrs. asked where the 20pmh signs and limit were going to be in Usk? Is it from the School all the way through Bridge Street and out towards County Hall?
b) Cllr B Trigg mentioned that the signs from the Bike Race on 8th September were still in situ.
These questions would be passed onto County Councillor Bob Greenland.
There were no Ward Reports
a) Water Discharge on Llanynant Road
Cllr. Trigg mentioned that Cllr. Watkins had contacted him regarding the law on discharging water onto a Highway, and although Cllr. Trigg thought it was illegal, the Clerk was asked by the Chair to contact MCC to see the ruling on this, and report back to the next meeting.
Date of Next Meeting,
It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th January 2017 and good wishes were given to all for a Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year.
Meeting closed 9:25pm