COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland (part time), PCO Andy Jones (part time), Caroline Evans (part time) and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no other members of the public at the meeting


POLICE REPORT - CSO Andy Jones was in attendance and gave the following report:  ‘there had been a non-injury minor RTC near the Star Inn on 13th October. We have continued with our patrols on the B4235 with marked cars and motorbikes, and as you are aware as Autumn and Winter approaches the issues will start to generally subside, where numbers are concerned at least. We will continue to monitor as a priority and attend when able. A few bikes have been prosecuted for crossing double white lines’.
Cllrs were urged to fill in the Our Voice Survey which is open until the end of October.


With the Chairman’s permission Item 10. County Councillor’s Report was brought forward to this point, and County Councillor Bob Greenland gave his report. This is reported later under item 10, and then CC Greenland left the meeting.



Apologies for absence were received from Cllr John Watkins and Cllr Peter Gough.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 20th September 2016 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman following clarification on item 6d, that the gentlemen from Shirenewton was a resident and not a Community Councillor. This was amended.


5 a) Casual Vacancy

The Clerk has written to Mr Heywood explaining that his co-option cannot take place until he is present at a meeting.

Following discussions with MCC Election Office, it was noted that all new Councillors must sign a Declaration of Acceptance of Office. 


5 b) 1a} Cost of 2nd Verge cutting

Still no response from MCC on their costs for verge cutting.


5c) 5d} Defibrillators/CPR Training

As Cllr Watkins was not in attendance, this will be held over to the next meeting for an update.


5d) 6b} Highway Issues

Overgrown Hedge

It was confirmed that the owner of Brook House has now been served written notice by MCC, as the Officer said that the hedge is growing over the highway.

5e) 12c} Enforcement Order on Bridge Inn

MCC Enforcement Officer has stated that they can take another look if LCC wish, but if the building is deemed unsafe it may well be worth contacting Building Control Section for them to have a look at with regards to Health & Safety of the premises. AGREED to pass this issue on to the Building Control Department.



a) Update on Matters Reported

The Clerk had received the April (020696) report again and part of the September (022945) but still nothing from the June Enquiry Form (021922)

September issues received are as follows:

B4235 Chevron sign is no longer in situ by Oakfield Farm

Have no record of chevrons at this location. Could CC provide exact location?

B4235 Bend to the left of (diag no.512) + 76mm post damaged near Belmont Farm

Will add to program.

B4235 Between 60-9 & Belmont Farm 5no gullies covered with debris. This has been ongoing since November 2015  

We are aware of this. Owing to layout of road some traffic management is needed which means extra resources which are thin on the ground - hence why it is still to be done.

Route 63.1 The Old Roman Road opposite Cefn Bychan Farm has been filled in by the local landowner so water is now running down Route 63.1  

Inspected the original outlet that empties surface water from highway gullies has just been extended further down from where it originally emptied. At the moment I cannot see how water is going down the lane by the changes made. Will observe for the time being

B4235 Layby between the Bus Shelter and the Village Hall in Llangwm require ‘Keep Clear’ lettering renewed as is now very faint. Agricultural and large vehicles use the layby to turn into and out from Route 63.1. There are vehicles who are now parking there for long periods of time, therefore tractors/trailers have to do a detours.

Added to 2017 schedule.


b) New Issues raised by Councillors

1)  Cllr Trigg - Fingerpost on footpath 74 Court Robin Lane by the stile & grit bin pointing towards Cwrt Farm has been totally destroyed by hedge cutter

2) Cllr Evans - Finger Post at Nantygelli Cross Roads rotten and falling over

3) Cllr Williams - Route 60.2 Potholes along the whole length of this lane but in particular south of Pen-y-Lan Farm.

Items 1 & 2 will be reported to Countryside Services.


c) New highways issues raised by others

 No other issues raised.


d) Community Speedwatch

Caroline Evans Co-ordinator from Llangwm Community Speedwatch gave an update on the Project.

Caroline had met with a person from Go Safe, and it was noted that it seems that the 2 sites for positioning of the Volunteers with the camera in Llangwm was now seen to be unsuitable due to drivers being able to see the camera from a certain distance, and a Risk Assessment needs to be done. Llangwm volunteers are only able to stand outside the Bus Shelter and monitoring vehicles coming along the B4235 from the Usk direction, and not allowed to monitor vehicles from the Chepstow direction.


A countywide Speedwatch Co-ordinators meeting had taken place and it seems that there are a great deal of barriers which have been put in the way by various Agencies, thus making this scheme impossible to operate, plus it seems very unclear who is now supporting the CSW.

Several volunteers had now left the scheme, which left approx. 5 in Llangwm which makes the scheme untenable. Therefore it was AGREED to close the CSW in Llangwm, but to look at other solutions to the speeding vehicles on the B4235 through Llangwm.


Caroline mentioned that anything permanent such as signage and ‘Golden River Box’ (with wires across the road, which can monitor the speed of vehicles but not their registration number) are the responsibility of MCC.

AGREED to invite Paul Keeble from MCC Highways to attend the next meeting to look at some other alternatives as the community had tried CSW, and now need some other measures to slow down the traffic on the B4235.


The Chairman, Cllr Evans thanked Caroline for all she had done with the Community Speedwatch and invited her to the meeting when Mr Keeble was in attendance.



Balance at the Bank as of 29th September 2016 - £2,556.63

Monmouthshire Building Society as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



·        Green Grafter for 5 x grass cuttings  - £207.50 chq no 664

·        Shirley Hughes Expenses for Sept/Oct   - £47.82  Chq no 665

AGREED that these invoices are paid.

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at end of September showed total for the 2016/17 year to date was:

Receipts £3,080.24

Payments £2,784.81

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


7 a) To Discuss Internal Auditors Report

The Internal Auditors Report were circulated to all Councillors and the Clerk confirmed that all the points that Mr Royds had made have been taken into consideration and has/will be acted upon.


7 b) Update of External Auditors Report

The Conclusion Notice of the Audit has now been received and will be put on the Village Notice Board informing residents that they can inspect the Accounts at the Clerks home for up to 14 days from the 18th Oct.

Three items have been highlighted:

a) Budget - ‘although the precept was set by due date and a budget was prepared to support this, the document did not take into consideration the level of reserves held by the Council’  

NOTED - that the reserves have been put in place for any major costs such as repairs to Assets such as Llansoy Bus Shelter

b) Asset Register - incomplete and does not contain the following information for each asset held:

1) date acquired

2) purchase cost

3) location held

NOTED - the Clerk will look into old Minutes to see if she can retrieve this information

c) No engagement letter with Internal Auditor

NOTED - The Clerk will make sure this is in place for 2016/17 Audit



The Clerk reported that she had worked 26½ hrs since the last meeting.




From MCC

a) 11 Agenda’s for various Area and MCC Meetings

b) Various Press Releases including: How we Performed 2015/16 Improvement Plan, Fight against criminal scams, New Aluk business opening in Chepstow, My Monmouthshire app launched, Caldicot & Monmouth new schools are in progress, Nominations invited for Community Volunteers (emailed)  LED street lights being installed

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for September - nothing for the Ward

d) List of Who’s who in Planning Dept

e) Notice of informal meeting last night for prospective Cllrs who want to know more about Democracy (17th) Noted - very late notice

f) Email from Tracey Thomas asking if she could come along to talk to LCC to share some of the work they are doing for reducing costs etc.


One Voice Wales

a)  Annual Report

b) Training events in the next few months

c) IRP for Wales - any comments by 21st Nov

d) Positive results of OVW Conference and talk by Mark Drakeford AM on the future of Community & Town (emailed)

e) Community Energy Wales Newsletter (emailed)

f) Agenda for Thurs 20th Meeting and Minutes of OVW meeting


Welsh Government

a) Statement by Mark Drakeford on update on Local Government Reform



a) Planning Aid invitation to free session on 17th Nov at Little Mill Village Hall on ‘How to respond effectively to Planning Applications’

b) GOV.UK - Notice for Places of Worship for security funding schemes



a) Details of Llangwm Local History Group meetings (emailed)

b) Details of Welsh Hearts Christmas with the Stars concert with Lesley Garrett

c) Email from Llangollen 2017 asking for support

d) Info from Greenfingers Grounds Maintenance

c) Thank You Letter from Mike Foster



New Applications

There were no new Planning Applications



County Councillor Bob Greenland, gave the following report:

The Minister in Cardiff has said that there will be no further changes regarding amalgamating Councils but hope that they will voluntary work together. MCC are already working with Newport on Transport. IT has been running for several years along with Gwent Police, Torfaen CC, MCC and now Blaenau Gwent have joined in, and discussions are taking place with Newport City Council. The School Improvement (used to be called School Inspectors) covers the 5 Councils of Gwent, and there will be further collaborations when the Cardiff City Deal commences.

Elections of County and Community Councillors will take place in 2017 and 2022, and it was thought that the Minister may look at the structure of Community Councils following elections.


MCC have launched ‘My Monmouthshire’ app where anyone can report such things as potholes, Highways, Waste etc. Cllr Greenland stated that you would receive a reference number and your complaint/comments would go to the relevant Officer.


Cllr B Trigg mentioned that the signs from the Bike Race on 8th September were still in situ, and CC Greenland stated he would speak with the relevant department.


11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports




The Clerk circulated a draft list of meeting dates for 2017 and these were approved.



Notice in the phone box states that it is to be removed but there was a Consultation period, so Mike Foster asked if LCC could write to MCC Planning to stating that it was necessary due to poor mobile signal in the area, back up for residents when lines are down, only payphone within 800mts and landmark.

AGREED to send comments into MCC. Cllr Evans volunteered to see if the Llangwm phone under threat.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 15th November 2016.



Meeting closed 9:30pm