COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr David Williams, Cllr John Watkins, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public at the meeting

POLICE REPORT - CSO Andy Jones sent his apologies and sent the following Police Report:

9/9/16 - Report of a car colliding with a tree in wet weather near the Star Inn at Llansoy. There were no injuries to the driver.

We have had no more reports of shed breaks in the area since the one on the 24th of June. But we have had two in the Tintern rural area in the last month so please be vigilant and report any suspicious activity at the time via either 101 or 999 if it is an emergency.

We have continued to monitor the traffic on the B4235 on the weekends Please email either myself or Louise if there are any issues you would like to raise. To report crime or suspicious activity please call at the time on the usual numbers.



There were no apologies for absence.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 12th July 2016 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.


5 a) Casual Vacancy

The Clerk had informed MCC Election Office of the retirement of Mike Foster, and the Notice was displayed on the Notice Boards and V Hall, with candidates having until 4th August to put their name forward.

Trevor Heywood from No 2 Cefn Bychan Close contacted the Clerk and declared his interest.


Mr Heywood was invited to attend this meeting to be co-opted, but unfortunately he is away tonight, and after sending the dates of our meetings, he is unable to make any meetings until January 2017.

AGREED that no co-options could take place until the candidate was in attendance, so this will be held over until the meeting on 17th January.


5 b) 1a} Cost of 2nd Verge cutting

The Clerk has written to MCC and as yet had not had a response. Cllr Williams stated that he had spoken to the contractor who is employed by MCC, and he confirmed that he would charge £15 per mile (both sides of the road) if LCC wished to employ him.

It was noted that there had been a 2nd cut on the B4325 in the last few days.


5c) 5d} Defibrillators/CPR Training

Cllr Watkins has spoken to the NHS and are keen to undertake CPR Training, and it was AGREED that Cllr Watkins will come back to the next meeting with costs of training, and Cllr Gough suggested that the training be opened up to all local residents.


5d) 6b} Highway Issues

Overgrown Hedge

The Clerk has written to the landowner from Nant y Bwthyn regarding cutting back their hedge on the B4235. It was noted that if no action takes place, CC Greenland confirmed that Martyn Evans from MCC can visit the landowner if there is a safety issue. AGREED that the Clerk contacts the MCC Officer.


Overgrown Footpath

The Clerk has reported the overgrown path opposite the Village Hall (365/23/1) to Countryside Services.


5e) 12c} Enforcement Order on Bridge Inn

The Clerk has contacted the Enforcement Officer and she has stated that:

'The landowner carried out the work I think the day before the notice expired which meant that we couldn't prosecute for non-compliance.  The notice will remain on the site so if it gets overgrown again they still need to comply. No unfortunately I only covered the land in poor state'

It was noted that one of the side windows has now been forced open and the window broken.


5e) Roger Evans Almshouse for Rent

Cllr Colin Evans reported that there still is time to apply for the vacancy for a 2 bedroom Almshouse.



a) Update on Matters Reported

The Clerk reported that she has not received any updates since June and County Cllr Greenland suggested contacting the Highways Department to see if there has been a change in personnel or reporting methods, plus ask for estimated dates for our Schedule of works.


b) New Issues raised by Councillors

1) Cllr Evans reported that the Chevron Sign was no longer in situ by Oakfield Farm on the B4235.

2) Cllr Trigg - B4235 bend to the left (diag no.512) + 76mm post damaged nr Belmont Farm

3) Cllr Trigg - B4235 between 60-9 & Belmont Farm 5no gullies covered with debris. This has been going on since November 2015

4) Cllr Evans - The Old Roman Road opposite Cefn Bychan Farm has been filled in by the landowner, so therefore water running down Route 63-1

5) Cllr Evans - reported that the layby on the B4235 between the Bus Shelter and the Village Hall need the 'Keep Clear' lettering renewed, as it was now very faint. Agricultural and large vehicles need the layby to turn into and out from Route 63-1, and vehicles were parking there for long periods of time.

6) Cllr Trigg reported that the Grit Bin on Route 81 opposite New House Farm was severely damaged during verge cutting


c) New highways issues raised by others

Erica Dunster reported that since the verge cutting had been done, the following damage had been done:

Route 60-9: Grit Bin at top of Court Robin Lane (back corner ripped off so that it cannot be filled)

Route 60-9 Cul de sac sign at bottom of Court Robin Lane (top bracket damaged so that sign falls forward).


d) Speeding Traffic

Cllr Gough had received a phone call from a member of Shirenewton Community Council who has succeeded in getting the speed limit decreased and double white lines installed along a length of roadway in their area. He had spent time with Go Safe monitoring speed, which although averaged at only 37mph, that did include farm vehicles and cycles. The idea was that the Community Councils join force to tackle the speed of both cars and motorbikes on the B4235. County Councillor Bob Greenland stated he would support the joined up working, and maybe a meeting with the new Police Crime Commissioner could be set up. It was noted that the Llangwm Community Speed Watch has been stopped due to H & S, as it was deemed that there was not a 'safe place' within the village to carry out the CSW.

After a full discussion, it was AGREED that Cllr Gough arranges a meeting with Shirenewton CC.


There were no other highway issues raised by others.



Balance at the Bank as of 29th July 2016 - £1,102.62

It was noted that there had not been a Bank Statement received since the end of July due to no cheques being issued during the month of August.


Monmouthshire Building Society as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



·        MCC Clerks Salary for April/May/June - £507.26 chq no 662

·        Shirley Hughes Expenses for July/Aug/Sept  - £44.99  Chq no 663

AGREED that these invoices are paid.

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at end of August showed total for the 2016/17 year to date was:

Receipts £1,580.24

Payments £2,521.99

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs in the near future.


7 a) Update of External Auditors Progress

The Clerk reported that unfortunately the Audit has come back due the following reason:

·        Box 12 Total Fixed Assets should now read £9,755 due to the new valuations of the Asset Register for the Ward

It was Proposed and Seconded that the External Audit Form be amended and counter signed and be sent back to BDP LLP


The other comments they have made will be on the October agenda for discussion.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 36.5 hrs since the last meeting, which was approx. the correct amount since the last meeting on 12th July.


The 2016 - 2018 National Salary Award had just come to the Clerks attention that Clerks Hourly Rate has increased from April 1st 2016 from £8.82 per hour to £8.924.

AGREED that the Chairman will inform MCC People's Services.



From MCC

a) 15 Agenda's for various MCC Meetings

b) Various Press Releases Monmouthshire Business Awards shortlist, Armed Forces Funding, Rural Project Funding from RDP, Chepstow TIC open until Nov 10th, Recycling Rate hits a new High, Parks get Green Flag etc.

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for July & Aug - nothing for the Ward

d) Help to Shape the Future - take part in Online Survey

e) MCC Chairman's Charity Afternoon Tea and Tour at Caldicot Castle on 25th September

f) Confirmation of Emergency Contacts - Cllr Bob Trigg for Llangwm & Cllr Gwyn Rowlands for Llansoy

g) Car Parking Order Report

h) Update of contact details for Community & Town Councils with MCC


One Voice Wales

a) Advice to C & T Councils on Working with Young People

b) Details of Training up until December

c) Minutes of OVW AGM & Meeting on 7th July

d) Flyer for the Conference on 1st October in Builth Wells

e) Motions for the AGM


Welsh Government

a) Public Appointments National Library etc.

b) Summary of Scoping Paper RE Planning Law in Wales

c) Planning Policy Wales Questionnaire

d) Draft Local Government Bill - emailed to Councillors

e) Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee Consultation



a) Our Monmouthshire Engagement for Our Monmouthshire

b) Notes from the Monmouthshire Network Meeting

c) The Commonwealth War Graves Commission Living Memory Project Funding

d) Celebrate Wales Funding - have sent to Colin, Dave and Peter



a) HM Courts & Tribunals Service - new mergers

b) Ombudsman's Casebook. Can forward the full document if requested

c) Copy of the updated Ombudsman's Code of Conduct - Can forward the full document if requested

d) Invitation from Jeff Cuthbert PCC for the Chair and 2 members to attend a meeting on 27th Sept in the Shire Hall in Monmouth

e) Aneurin Bevan Community Health Council Patient Voice New Bulletin

f) Letter from MBS informing of Interest Rate Reduction as of 1st October

g) Letter from Zurich RE: increase in the rate of Insurance Premium Tax from 9.5% to 10% from 1st Oct

h) Natural Resources Newsletter from Welsh Government

i) 2018 Review of Parliamentary Constituencies in Wales initial Proposals - very little changes for Gwent.



a) Explore Newport's Diverse Heritage

b) Notice RE The Severn Tunnel Closure

c) Thank You letter from Lyn Bennett for his gift on his retirement



New Applications

The Clerk reported that on 27th July, an application was received for Notice or Modifications or Removal of Conditions on Old Uplands Farm, Uplands Road, Gaer Fawr DC/2016/00824.

Due to no meeting in August, the Clerk spoke to the Planning Officer who said that a decision would take place prior to LCC next Meeting.

Councillors were emailed and AGREED that there was no objections to this application.



County Councillor Bob Greenland, gave the following report:

The Eisteddfod was highly successful and all the feedback was very positive. All accommodation within Monmouthshire was booked up and it was thought that £7-£8 million had been spent within the County during the 10 day period. The event had made the National news and there had been extremely good PR. CC Greenland confirmed that it had cost MCC £100k.

Waste and recycling targets were being reached and MCC no longer puts anything into landfill, as all residue waste is burnt in a unit in Cardiff which makes electricity. A trial of splitting glass away from the purple bag is being held in Abergavenny and if successful will be rolled out across the County. All collection vehicles will be designed to take all kerbside waste (except food waste), so will cut down on journeys.

Cllr Trigg asked about continuous damage to vehicles in Usk Car Park and was there any chance of CCTV being installed? CC Greenland stated that MCC were at present in talks with Usk Town Council regarding their takeover of the Car Park and Toilets, so it would be their decision.

Cllr Evans asked about the Car Parking outside the Chip shop in Usk on the double yellow lines, which causes congestion at peak times in Monmouth Road. This has been an ongoing issue.


11.       WARD REPORTS

The Clerk had attended a 'Cluster Meeting' with other Community Councillors on 15/9/16 in Usk Community Hub where Kellie Beirne led a discussion on Future Monmouthshire and what was important to local residents? It was agreed that the 'Charter' that was written to show how MCC and Community & Town Councils should work together had not worked, and now was the time to look at other ways of engagement. It was agreed that communication was the biggest issue, and after further items discussed, it was agreed to hold another meeting in mid-November.



12 a) Mike Foster - The Clerk made a Hamper to present to Mr Foster on his retirement from the Council, and Cllr Williams agreed to deliver the Hamper. It was noted that Mr Foster had joined the Council in the May election of 1991, so he had spent 25 years serving as a Community Councillor.


12 b) Dog Fouling - Cllr John Watkins informed the meeting that although there were signs up, there was a great deal of dog walkers who were allowing their animals to foul along the Pentre Lane towards the Church. It was noted that no action could be taken on this lane as it was outside the 40mph zone, and therefore owners could not be prosecuted. It was AGREED that the Council should put out the message that everyone should be responsible for cleaning up after their own animal.


Date of Next Meeting,

It was noted that the next meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 18th October 2016.


County Councillor Bob Greenland gave his apologies for the next meeting.


Meeting closed 9:20pm