COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr David Williams, Cllr John Watkins
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
There were no members of the public at the meeting
The Chairman asked to bring Item 10 - County Councillors Report, to be discussed so County Councillor Greenland could leave the meeting early. The Councillors agreed.
1 a) County Councillors Report
The Eisteddfod will be held from 30th July to 6th August and the Festival has an expected economic impact of £6-£8 million on the local area during the week itself, with tourism and hospitality outlets benefiting. There will be Park & Ride car parks at Llanellen, Cwrt-y-Collen and Penpergwm.
The Maes D was the site for young people and this will be sited close to the main field and there will be a large Camping and Caravan site. Cllr Trigg asked why the Eisteddfod was not held on a better site, mainly Usk Showground. The reason given was that there would not be enough time to take down the build of the Eisteddfod prior to erection of the Usk Show.
Grass Cutting - Cllr Bob Trigg stated that the back roads are hanging with fern, even after it had been cut as when its cut low, the fern above hangs down into the road. Cllr Williams mentioned that the back road between Llangwm & Llansoy was in a state, and really needs two cuts. CC Greenland said that half the residents would agree to one cut, and the other half would want two cuts. Portskewett CC are paying for a 2nd cut in their ward.
AGREED that the Clerk write to Roger Hoggins to ask how much it would cost to do a 2nd cut in the Llangwm Ward.
Circuit for Wales - The Chair asked about the status of the build and CC Greenland confirmed that Monmouthshire CC would not be contributing to the massive build costs.
Capital City Regional Bid - CC Greenland confirmed that if it does go ahead it would be good for the area and bring 5-6k jobs to the area.
Highways - concerned was raised by Community Councillors that Highway Reports just say items that have been reported just stated that 'added to schedule'. CC Greenland suggested that the Clerk asks Highways for an estimation of time for the schedule of works.
Apologies for absence received - Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 21st June 2016 were agreed, and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
5 a) Casual Vacancy
Following the retirement of Mike Foster, the Clerk has been in contact with MCC Election Office and is awaiting the formal Notice which the Clerk will display on the Llangwm Notice Board /Village Hall/Nantygelli Notice Boards, and Llangwm residents will have a date when they can apply to MCC to become a Councillor. The Clerk will let Councillors know when the Notice is displayed and the date upon it.
It was noted that if nobody applies, LCC can use their powers to Co-opt a new Councillor.
5 b) External Audit
The Chair reported that he had signed all 64 pages of the paperwork for the External Audit and it had been sent off prior to the closing day of 30th June.
The Clerk noted that one query had already been received from them with regard to Adoption of Risk Assessment during 2015/16, and the query answered immediately.
5 c) Highway Incidents
The Clerk had written to Paul Keeble at Highways with regard to reporting road incidents to the Council and his response was that this was something that they encouraged county and community councillors to report. They don't have a database as such although this is something that he would like to develop, and he has shared the information we sent with his colleagues, in particular the Area Traffic Engineer in order that they may be aware of such incidents.
Colin Evans reported that the information he had reported at the June meeting was slightly incorrect, but he had now received the correct information regarding the near accident with a motorbike, and this will be relayed to the Police.
5 d) Defibrillators for Llangwm & Llansoy
Councillor Watkins had kindly prepared a paper which had been circulated to the Councillors stating the pros & cons of having a Defibrillator in the villages.
He stated that it was only good if the person using it had been trained in CPR, also that the casualty was seen within 2 mins or sooner. Therefore, if the Defibrillator was situated on the wall outside the Hall, it would be fine if someone collapsed at the Hall, but not if a cardiac arrest happened in the Church or any surrounding houses/farms.
County Councillor Bob Greenland mentioned that you can download an App on your phone which talks you through what to do if someone has a cardiac arrest.
Following further debate, it was AGREED that it would be more advantageous to hold training in CPR for anyone in the area who would like the training.
Councillor John Watkins offered to look into this training.
County Councillor Bob Greenland left the meeting at this stage.
a) Update on Matters Reported
No updates had been received, and as mentioned earlier in the meeting, the Clerk will write to Highways asking for estimated dates for our Schedule of works.
b) New Issues raised by Councillors
a) Cllrs mentioned that the hedge at Brook Cottage has still not been cut and was causing danger to road users pulling out onto the B4235. AGREED that the Clerk write to the landowners.
c) New highways issues raised by others
The Clerk received a phone call from John Pask who mentioned that the 2 footpaths leading from Route 63.1 to the B4235 were very overgrown and asks if the CC could arrange to get them cut? He started to strim them and was told to leave it by a resident who didn't want people using the path as she didn't want her privacy impeded!
AGREED that the Clerk asks Countryside to cut the path opposite the Village Hall as it is very overgrown.
There were no other highway issues raised by others.
Balance at the Bank as of 29th June 2016 - £1,217.68
Monmouthshire Building Society as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45
· Shirley Hughes expenses for June/July Expenses - £46.99 Chq no 661
AGREED that this invoice is paid
The Monthly Finance Reconciliation at end of June showed total for the 2016/17 year to date was:
Receipts £1,580.24
Payments £1,925.50
This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs.
Cllrs reported that there still needs work done at Llangwm Bus Shelter, namely the soil dug out from behind the shelter which will aid the damp penetration. Cllr Colin Evans will ask someone local to see if they would do this work.
At a previous meeting, it was suggested that Llansoy Bus Shelter should get a facelift in 2017. As there were no longer buses through the village, would this will be necessary?
The Clerk reported that she had worked 17.5 hrs since the last meeting.
From MCC
a) Agenda's for various MCC Meetings
b) Various Press Releases - ranging from Update on RDP grants, Play provision during the Summer Holidays, Plans for the Eisteddfod, Still time to enter the MBA's etc.
c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed for June - nothing for the Ward
d) Letter from the CEO Paul Matthews
e) Information about the Community Garden at MCC County Hall
One Voice Wales
a) Updated Model for Financial Regulations
b) Details of Seminar on Redesigning Public Services - The Strategic Importance on Information Technology on 13th Sept in Cardiff
c) Open Data Webinar on 10th August
d) 'Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth' 13th March 2017
e) Gwent PCC Outlines his Vision for Policing and Community Safety, and is looking for comments prior to writing his PCC Plan in March 2017
Welsh Government
a) Public Services Staff Commission Annual Report
b) The Building Regulations Advisory Committee for Wales and recruiting additional Members
c) Statement from Mark Drakeford titled Collection and Management of Devolved Taxes
d) Information regarding Appointment of Vice-Chairs and Independent Members to NHS Wales
e) Consultation details on Planning advice for The Historic Environment
a) Entries still required for MVAA - closing date 29th July
a) Regen Wales - Sustaining Welsh Communities Conference - 26th Sept at Greenmeadow Golf Club
b) Have your say in our Local Authority Consultation on PRS
c) Invitation from Jeff Cuthbert PCC for the Chair and 2 members to attend a meeting on 27th Sept in the Shire Hall in Monmouth - Cllrs to let the Clerk know if they would like to attend.
a) Letter from Ted Royds thanking the Council for his gift for his help with the Internal Audit
b) Annual Report from Monmouthshire Homestart
New Applications
There were no new applications
Due to another commitment by County Councillor Bob Greenland, he gave his report under item 1a) above.
There were no Ward Reports.
12 a) Almshouse Vacancy
The Clerk had been informed that there will shortly be a 2 bedroom vacancy in the Roger Edwards Almshouses, Llangeview. If anyone knows of someone from the three parishes of Llangeview, Llangwm or Gwernesney, or someone with connections to them, who would like to apply for occupancy, please ask them to contact the Almshouses Secretary.
12 b) Best Kept Village - Cllr Bob Trigg informed the meeting that the Judging has now taken place and the results will be announced in September.
12 c) Enforcement Order on Bridge Inn - It was noted that the Car Park at the Bridge Inn had been cleared, with most of the greenery pushed down onto the bank of the brook which runs at the edge of the Car Park. The Clerk was asked to write to the Enforcement Officer and ask a) was the order to tidy up the building as well as the Car Park as the roof is falling in and b) did the Council do the work or did the Landowner? Also thank them for this enforcement.
Date of Next Meeting,
It was noted that the next meeting will be held on the Tuesday 20th September 2016.
Meeting closed 9:20pm