COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr David Williams


IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, John Watkins, Ted Royds and Shirley Hughes, Clerk




CSO Andy Jones had sent the following report:

There will be a new format in the way the Police report to Community Councils and a Ward Report Sheet will be sent each month:

Crimes - None

ASB - None

'The Police have continued to do high visibility patrols on the B4235 during weekends to help deter speed issues and will continue throughout the Summer months'.


Cllrs noted that the motorbike accident that occurred on the B4235 at Rockfield Farm was not reported on the above Police Report and the Clerk will contact the Police to ask why not? This entailed the rider receiving 'life changing injuries'.

Cllr Evans reported that a near miss had occurred at the Jnt. of the B4235 and Route 80. A tractor and trailer had indicated they were turning right into Route 80 and behind was a motorcycle followed by a witness who saw the whole incident. As the tractor/trailer went to pull across the white line, the motorbike went to overtake the tractor, and if it hadn’t been for the quick action of the tractor driver, there would have been another near fatality. ACTION - Cllr Evans will forward details of this incident to the Clerk who will pass it onto the Police and Paul Keeble from MCC.



Apologies for absence received - Cllr Gwyn Rowlands



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 17th May 2016 were agreed with the following amendments, and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.

a) FLOOD IN LLANGWM VILLAGE - Should be Cefn Bychan not Croes Bychan

b) HIGHWAYS - 6b Routes 60.11 should say that the manhole cover was not raised, it had been moved.


5 a) Casual Vacancy

The Clerk reported that the correct Notice was advertised and at the closing date of 8th June, Mr John Watkins was the only Llangwm resident to show an interest.

Llangwm Community Council can now use their powers to Co-opt a new Councillor.

Proposed by Cllr Peter Gough proposed John Watkins

Seconded by Cllr Bob Trigg

The Chairman Cllr Colin Evans welcomed Cllr John Watkins to the Council.


5 b) Report from Internal Auditor  

Mr Ted Royds reported that he had undertaken the Internal Audit on 15th June and gave the following Report:

'I am aware that the preparation of the 2014/2015 accounts by the present Clerk, Miss Shirley Hughes, was adversely affected by a difficult transference of documents, procedures and information from the previous occupant of the post. I have studied the very helpful comments and recommendations made by the previous Internal Auditor, Mrs Cawley, on 12th August 2015, and, to the best of my knowledge, these recommendations have been implemented by the present Clerk and by the Council'.

Copies of the full Report were circulated to Councillors.


The Chairman thanked Mr Royds for his work in doing the Audit and presented him with a small gift for his efforts.

Mr Royds then left the meeting.



a) Update on Matters Reported

No updates had been received


b) New Issues raised by Councillors

Cllr Evans mentioned 2 issues, which were both outside the Llangwm & Llansoy Ward area:

i) B4235 road near Huntsman Inn is falling away on the left as you travel to Chepstow

ii) Amount of cars who park on main road near the Fish & Chip Shop in Usk

AGREED CC Greenland offered to follow up both of the above with Highways


c) New highways issues raised by others

Cllr Trigg asked CC Greenland about the verge cutting and although some of the main roads had been cut, many of the side roads had not. CCC Greenland stated that some people were saying that the one cut was too early, others saying that it's too late!

There were no other highway issues raised by others.



       Balance at the Bank as of 27th May 2016 - £1,716.50

       Monmouthshire Building Society as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



·        Shirley Hughes expenses for May/June Expenses - £68.07  Chq no 660

AGREED that this invoice is paid

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation for May showed:

Receipts £1,580.24

Payments £1,867.43

This was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs.



The Clerk read through the Annual Governance Statement (Part 1) and (Part 2) and the Chairman of the Community Council, signed them as being a true and correct statement of the Council's Annual Financial situation. All AGREED, and these would be sent in prior to the closing date of 30th June.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 31 hrs since the last meeting, but that was due to the extra work for the Internal and External Audits.



From MCC

a) Agendas for 14 separate MCC Council Meetings BB

b) Various Press Releases - ranging from Council makes preparation for Eisteddfod, Massed Choirs at Caldicot Castle, Council urge high turnout in referendum BB

c) Enforcement Cases Open and Closed - nothing for the Ward

d)  List of villages that have got Defibrillators in Monmouthshire BB

CC John Watkins stated that unless people knew how to do CPR, a Defibrillator was no good unless it was used within 2mins of a person who had stopped breathing. It was important that if Llangwm & Llansoy were thinking about purchasing the equipment, the following must be taken into consideration:

a) Siting  b) Access c) Publicity d) Training of volunteers on CPR as well as equipment

e) Late Invitation to attend a meeting regarding Clusters - last night and was circulated yesterday via email BB NOTED that the original email invitation was erroneously sent to clerk@llangwym.org.uk

f) Letter and email from Library Services wanting financial support for their Summer Reading Challenge BB

g) Following consultation, Newport City Council will be opening a Welsh medium Secondary School in September BB

g) Programme of Energy Day and events in Monmouthshire BB


One Voice Wales

a) Training on The Council Meeting on 14th July BB

b) Training taking place in South Wales BB


Welsh Government

a) Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales - Annual Return (This is regarding Councillors Expenses and the Clerk has sent this in)

b) Appointment of Members to the Arts Council of Wales BB

c) Appointment of 2 new Committee Members for HLF BB



a) Disability Awareness Week - 2nd - 10th July - any events the new PCC can attend? BB

b) Monmouthshire Third Sector Network on 6th July BB

c) Free Training in Powys for MIDAS and First Aid BB



a) Info from Monmouthshire Building Society informing change in Interest Rates

b) Investment Statement from MBS



a) Letter from Shelter Cymru looking for a donation BB

b) Aneurin Bevan - Patients Voice News Bulletin BB

c) Note from Llanbadoc CC to say they are working with Usk Primary School to have a Sponsored Walk in September to raise money for a Defib BB

d) British Heart Foundation re: funding for Defibrillators - has been forwarded to Llansoy & Llangwm Councillors. Cllr Peter Gough AGREED to look into this funding stream.

e) The Clerk had received an email from Councillor Mike Foster stating that he was retiring from the Council due to his failing hearing loss and that he was 83 years of age!

In his absence, the Chairman thanked Councillor Mike Foster for all he had done over the many years as Councillor for Llangwm and wished him all the best for the future.


The Clerk had contacted the Election Office of MCC informing them of the Casual Vacancy, but the Notice to display in the community had not been received to date.


New Applications

There were no new applications, but it was confirmed that the application for Kiln Cottage had been approved by MCC.



County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report:

The re-organisation of Counties will now not take place and had been shelved completely. A meeting had been held with the AM Mark Drakeford and the Boundary changes are all part of the Wales Bill and these will be looked at in due course. The recent meeting called by the CEO of MCC regarding forming clusters of local Community & Town Councils, was a way of asking rural Community Councils to help fund the facilities that they use in the towns, such as car parks, Leisure Centres etc.

The National Eisteddfod would be held in Abergavenny between 29th July and 6th August. It was hoped that approx. 80k people will attend and has an economic impact of £6-£8 million which will come into the local area.

The Velothon went well this year and the new organisers had taken on board the 47 recommendation from the 2015 event and the Council had received very few complaints.

CC Greenland was asked who had paid for the road repairs that had been carried out in readiness for the race, and it was confirmed that MCC would have, but the meeting thought that the sponsors should pay for this work.

Cllr Evans asked who had paid for the Alpaca Crossing signs and CC Greenland confirmed that the owners had paid for these signs.    


11.       WARD REPORTS

a) Best Kept Village - Cllr Bob Trigg reminded members the Best Kept Village Competition was being judged very soon, so Cllrs were asked to keep the village tidy prior to judging.

b) The Stables at Mill Meadow - the Clerk was asked to forward the most recent correspondence she had received from the Enforcement Officer and he will follow this up.



12 a) Burning Commercial Waste - Cllrs were concerned about a local resident burning commercial waste on a regular basis which engulfs the village with black smoke with an odour. Cllr Trigg will speak to the resident and this may be followed up with an official letter from the Community Council if need be,


Date of Next Meeting,

It was reiterated that the next meeting will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, due to school holidays and therefore this will be held on 12th July 2016.


Meeting closed 9:25pm