COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Mike Foster (Chair) Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Lyn Bennett, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: CSO Emma Studley and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present, but CSO Emma Studley gave the following Police Report on behalf of CSO Andy Jones:

There had not been any crimes within the area in the last month but Councillors were asked to be aware of suspicious behaviour. Via 'Your Voice' residents had highlighted Speeding Vehicles and Motorbikes were once again as their priorities. Police Motorbikes had been patrolling on the B4235 over the previous weekend.

Now that OWL has been ended, 'Gwent Now' had taken its place and it was noted that CSO's would soon would be trained up to use it and send messages out.

Cllr Trigg stated he had seen a TV programme from Derbyshire where the Chief Constable had made it too difficult to operate the Community Speedwatch Scheme as volunteers were asked to record so many details of speeding vehicles, even down to car series number. Cllr Gough stated that the volunteers had been told to record as many details as they could.

The Clerk reported that the CSW Co-ordinator had hoped to attend the meeting but had sent her apologies, and intended to come to the May meeting. It was noted that CSO Andy Jones would attend as many CSW sessions as often as he could.

The Chairman thanked CSO Studley for her attendance, and she left the meeting at this point.



Apologies for absence received - County Councillor Bob Greenland.



Cllr Colin Evans declared an interest on Agenda Item 9 b). Other declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 15th March 2016 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.


5 a) To Receive Report on Llangwm & Llansoy Asset Register Inspection - Cllr Colin Evans had undertaken the Annual Inspection of the Council's Assets on 11th April, and gave the following report.

Llangwm Notice Board - needs repainting and slight repair to hinge

Llansoy Notice Board - Needs repainting otherwise in good order

Gaer Fawr Noticeboard - Support post snapped off and key missing

Litter Bins x 2 in Llangwm - Good order

Llangwm Bus Shelter - Good order, newly repaired roof and barge boards. Ground level at rear needs lowering to stop water egress

Llansoy Bus Shelter - Rear guttering blocked. Front downpipe missing. Barge board needs repair and painting. Roof in good order. Bus shelter dry


AGREED that works on Llansoy Bus Shelter would have to wait until 2017/18 and that the Clerk would notify MCC Countryside Services of the broken post at Nantygelli crossroads.


5 b) Community Speedwatch

It was noted that the Llangwm CSW Co-ordinator Caroline Evans was due to attend this meeting, but will now attend the May Meeting.

Cllr Gough stated that perhaps the CSW group should plan their Action Days well in advance, so that they get Police attendance.


5 c) Enforcement Case E14/096 Mill Meadow Stables - The Clerk had written to MCC following the last meeting and had the following response from the Enforcement Officer:


I visited the site last week which was vacant at the time of my visit. Looking at your complaint regarding the permanent occupation of the holiday accommodation, I saw no evidence of that at the time & the unit was unoccupied. I did notice a small caravan structure on wheels which was also unoccupied at the time.


If you have any evidence of the livery business or of any other breach then by all means pass it on to me but i could not see anything I could take action against at this particular time.


Cllrs expressed that they wanted this item to be followed up as it was known that the occupants leave the premises between 7.30am - 8am, and that on a Wednesday they put their litter out.



a) Update on Matters Reported

60.11 Bridge Inn to Pentre Farm. 2 x blocked gullies. Manhole cover on this stretch half way along on the right hand side is raised - Re-added to schedule.

63.1 Gullies and ditches require clearing out - Re-added to schedule

63.3 This route has been sided and cleaned but gullies still covered - Re-added to schedule

80 Numerous gullies left uncovered - Re-added to schedule

66.4 Cross Roads sign needs replacing - I found no cross road signs on C66-4. Having a look at roads nearby, has this been mixed up with C66-2.This is the only crossroad sign that needs attention and looking at this, it seems this sign is incorrect as it conflicts with the crossroad signs on the 'B' road. There is no legal requirement for a sign here as there are give way road markings. Removal of post will be programmed.

B4235 Footpath between Mill Bridge towards Yew Tree Cottage is covered in moss and dangerous to walk on - Will program to be swept and cleaned. Timescale on this is unknown as other high priority works are to be done first.

B4235 Close to Bridge Inn, culvert and gullies blocked with stones - Re-added to schedule - DONE

81 Potholes between Jnt of B4235 and Jnt 66.4 - Added to schedule - SOME POTHOLES HAVE BEEN FILLED

80 Potholes between Jnt of B4235 and Jnt 60.2 - Added to schedule

63.9 Gullies blocked on Reddings Lane near Belmont Farm - Re-added to schedule.

No reply back from the following:

B4235 - Very bad accident occurred due to ice across the carriageway between Pant Onnen and

Grove Cottage

B4235 - Between Ty Coch and Oakfield chevron sign damaged and needs replacing

Route 66.3 - George's Delight near to Cae-Twyn-Cyn very deep potholes on the side of the carriageway with 2 no. over 6 inches deep


The Clerk informed members that there would only be 1 verge cutting this year, and any additional cuts would have to be funded by LCC


b) New Issues raised by Councillors

63.1 - A new 'road narrowing' sign has been erected by the bridge and it has made a hazard for residents from 'The Croft' from exiting their drive as it obscures their visibility onto the highway.


     c) New highways issues raised by others

       Little Goitre Cottage - The Clerk had made enquiries regarding the Alpaca crossing signs, and it

       appears that the Local Member had been campaigning for these for some time.



       Balance at the Bank as of 29th March 2016 - £1,681.98

       Monmouthshire Building Society as of 31st March 2016 - £2,358.45



·        Invoice - MCC - Clerks Salary Jan - March - £358.38  Chq No 011655

·        Shirley Hughes - March/April Expenses - £27.34 Chq No 011656

·        John Powell - Repairs to Bus Shelter - £1,160.00 Chq No 011657


AGREED that 100% of the Bus Shelter costs to be paid out of the Bank Account, but the Clerk would check balances, and would hold back from paying until the first payment of the Precept is received.


The Monthly Finance Reconciliation was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs It was noted that these figures would be the same for the end of year.



The Clerk reported that it seems as if most other local CC's don't have Risk Assessments and AGREED the Clerk have a good look through others and present a draft copy at a later meeting.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 24.30 hrs since the last meeting



From MCC

a) April Update for Register of Electors - Deletions & Additions

b) Consultation on Community Infrastructure Levy - open until 5th May BB

c) Confirmation of Closure of Llanfair Kilgeddin School BB

d) Confirmation of alterations at Monmouth Comprehensive School BB

e) Chairman's invitation to Monmouthshire Schools Music Showcase at Caldicot LC on Friday 22nd April

f) Numerous Press Releases - ranging from Changes to Planning Guidance for 18 Conservation areas, Council devotes webpage to Armed Forces Event Details, Council to engage with Businesses, Give your views on Monmouthshire's Improvement Objectives etc. - all in BB


One Voice Wales

a) Training opportunities on Finance & Chairing Skills BB

b) Views requested on proposed changes to Planning Policy Wales BB

c) OVW & SLCC Joint Event - 22nd June in Liberty Stadium Swansea BB

d) Invitation to put forward Motions for the 2016 AGM - by 1st July BB

e) Community Asset Transfer Guide - revised update BB

f) Report on Consultation on powers of the Public Service Ombudsman for Wales BB


Welsh Government

a) NALC Legal Briefing - Public Contracts Regulations RE: impact on Standing Orders and Financial Regulations BB

b) External Auditors Paperwork for 2015/2016



a) GAVO Training Programme April - Sep BB

b) AON Insurance

c) Planning Aid - How to respond to Planning Application - 16th May £25 per person BB



a) Email from Cllr Lyn Bennett tendering his resignation as a Community Councillor


Members expressed their disappointment at the loss of Cllr Bennett, as his contribution to the Council was immense.


AGREED that the Clerk will investigate the procedure to issue notice of a Casual Vacancy position via a Poster in the local Notice Boards.

Cllr Mike Foster had also commented that he wished to stand down at the AGM due to his hearing problems. It was mentioned that the Parish Hall Hearing Loop System could be used for meetings, or a small portable loop system possibly could be purchased.



New Applications

a) DC/2016/00305 - Garden utility and storage shed incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house at Little Trevella, Uplands Road to Newchurch, Gaer Fawr

No objections, all in favour and recommend approval


b) DC/2016/00341 - Proposed garage/workshop/store at Kiln Cottage, Usk Road, Llangwm

Cllr Colin Evans left the room at this stage and took no part in determination of this item.

No objections, all in favour and recommend approval


Cllr Colin Evans returned to the meeting.



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance.


11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports



12 a)    AGM Nominations

Provisional nominations were received as follows for the AGM to be held in May:

Chair - Cllr Colin Evans

Vice Chair - Cllr David Williams

Parish Hall Representative - Cllr Peter Gough

Other positions:

One Voice Wales Representative

Central Mon Rural Forum


12 b) Council Website

 Cllr Lyndon Bennett offered to continue to keep the LCC Website page up to date and Cllr Gough gave a vote of thanks from the members to Cllr Bennett for his service on the Council since 1999.


The Clerk also added her personal thanks to Cllr Bennett for his help and guidance over the last 16 months


Date of Next Meeting,

Tuesday, 17th May 2016


Meeting closed 9:15pm