COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Mike Foster (Chair) Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present, but PC Louise Thorpe sent the following Police Report:

Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 16th February and 12th March 2016.

28/02 - an incident was reported involving a pedal cyclist in Llansoy - the official findings are yet to be finalised, but it does appear that no motorised vehicles were involved in this incident.

10/03 - report of a one vehicle traffic incident on the B4245 Llangwm where a vehicle left the road due to ice on the road. The driver had minor injuries and no-one else was involved.

Cllr Trigg reported that when they retrieved the car from the field, they left the gate open.



Apologies for absence received - Cllr Peter Gough, & County Councillor Bob Greenland.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 16th February 2016 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.


5 a) i Enforcement Case E15/29 Bridge Inn, Llangwm - On the 1st March, the Clerk received notice from the Case Enforcement Officer to say that a Section 215 Notice has been served as of 1/3/16 on the landowner to clear the land of all overgrowth etc.  A notice will be placed on site.  The notice takes effect on the 8th April 2016 and they have 3 months to comply with the notice.  There is no right of appeal, they just have to comply with the notice within the specified period or the LPA will prosecute the owner for noncompliance.


5 b) ii. Enforcement Case E14/096 Mill Meadow Stables - The Clerk had written to MCC following the last meeting and the Enforcement Officer stated that he can by all means open up a new enforcement case at the above site, if LCC could elaborate on what building work exactly has been undertaken recently & also what advertising there has been for a livery business.

AGREED that until substantial evidence came forward, this couldn't be pursued any further


5 c) Community Speedwatch

Cllr Bennett reported that they had set up one Sunday morning and clocked 6 speeding vehicles in total, but then Sgt Parsons stated that he was being moved on and the volunteers were concerned that the Speedwatch would not be supported in the future. Caroline Evans the co-ordinator was going to speak to other local co-ordinators to see what the future may hold for the scheme. The Clerk would also try and find out what the future of the scheme will be.






a) Update on Matters Reported

60.2 Collapsed gully by Ty-Llwyd Wood needing immediate attention - Drove through location this morning. Checked all gullies that I could see and found no 'collapsed' gullies. However, near the area you said was a very deep and large pothole adjacent to a gully. I will be sending a gang to reinstate the pothole and get them to look again for the gully.


No further responses have been received so the Clerk will put them through on the Enquiry Form once again:

1) B4235 - Close to Bridge Inn culvert and gullies blocked

2) Route 81 - Potholes between Jnt of B4235 and Jnt 66.4

3) Route 80 - Potholes between Jnt B4235 and Jnt 60.2

4) Route 63.9 - Reddings Lane near Belmont Farm - Gullies blocked

     b) New Issues raised by Councillors

     1) B4235 - Culvert by Bridge Inn is blocked once again

     2) B4235 - Very bad accident occurred due to ice across the carriageway between Pant Onnen and

         Grove Cottage

     3) B4235 - Between Ty Coch and Oakfield chevron sign damaged and needs replacing

     4) Route 66.3 - George's Delight near to Cae-Twyn-Cyn very deep potholes on the side of the

         carriageway with 2 no. over 6 inches deep


     c) New highways issues raised by others

     There were no additional Highways Issues



       Balance at the Bank as of 26th February 2016 - £2,023.49

       Monmouthshire Building Society - £2,344.39



·        Invoice - Mrs J Bennett - Best Kept Village Expenses  - £101.72 Chq No 011653

·        Shirley Hughes - Feb/March Expenses - £39.79 Chq No 011654


The Monthly Finance Reconciliation was signed by the Chair, and will be circulated to the Cllrs



   The Clerk has made a few amendments and it was agreed that the Bench outside the Hall belongs to the

   Village Hall Committee and not the Community Council.

   It was AGREED that the document needs to be used once a year for an inspection of the Council's

  Assets, and Cllr Evans offered to do this during the month of April.



Following the document the Clerk presented at the last meeting, she has now written to several local CC to see what degree their Risk Assessment covers, but as yet have not had sufficient replies to make any comparisons. AGREED that this item be held over until the April Meeting.



The Clerk reported that she had worked 22.20 hrs since the last meeting







From MCC

a) Troy Waste Recycling Centre closed for maintenance 14th - 16th March BB

b) Draft MCC Parking Places Order 2016 BB

c) Can you help Monmouthshire shine at this year's Eisteddfod?  BB

d) Agenda for Children & Young People Select Committee - 17th March BB

e) Notice that Consultation Period over closure of Deri View Special Needs Centre BB

f) Notice of briefing on the new Wellbeing of Future Generation Act - 16th March at 6.30pm BB

g) Take a Stand Against Scams Poster (Notice Board)

h) Various Press Releases ranging from RDP Meeting dates, New Guidance for Waste Oil Burners, Superfast Broadband, Easter Celebrations for Egg-Citement for the National Eisteddfod and others BB

i) Give Dog Fouling the Red Card - Invite to attend a meeting on 19th April at 2.30pm in County Hall  BB

j) March Update for Register of Electors - Deletions


One Voice Wales

a) March & April Training Schedule for Clerks and Community Councillors BB

b) Details of 'Hold a Fish & Chip Supper' on 20th May to raise money for Spinal Cord Injury BB


Welsh Government

a) Local Government Ethical Framework includes the Local Authorities Model Code of Conduct (Wales)  and The Local Government (Standards Committees, Investigation, Dispensation and Referral) (Wales) BB 

b) Dates for Exhibitions planned for M4 Corridor around Newport BB

c) Map and Details from the Boundary Commission for Wales 2018 Review BB

d) Welsh Government Natural Resources Bulletin Issue 5 March 2016 BB



a) Details from the South Wales Safety Groups Alliance Conference on 13th April BB

b) Sample for The Queens 90th Birthday Commemorative Medal for Schools and Councils

c) Letter from Llanhennock Community Council inviting representatives from local CC to attend a meeting on 4th April when the Head of Velothon delivery will be in attendance.

Cllr Bennett reported that he had attended the Velothon meeting at County Hall and stated that the roads would be opened after the each group of riders had gone through, and would not be closed all day.



a) St David's Hospice Care E-Newsletter BB


8 a) To discuss Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report - February 2016

Following circulation of this document prior to the meeting, it was AGREED that Section 10, which deals with Community and Town Councils, Determinations 49 to 54 would be adopted by Llangwm Community Council. These points covered:

·        Reimbursement of travel costs

·        Reimbursement of subsistence

·        Attendance Allowance

·         Financial Loss Allowance

·        Care allowance


Determinations 46 to 48 would not be adopted. It was noted that any payments made under the Determinations must be recorded on the Council website and reported to the Panel annually.



a) New Applications

DC/2014/01002 - Discharge of Condition No 4 at Bay Tree Cottage Llansoy.

The Discharge was in relation to the conditions laid down regarding making provisions for housing bats.

Cllrs agreed that they had no comments to make regarding Condition No 4.



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance.


11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports



12 i)     Defibrillator - The Clerk reported that she was still awaiting news of available funding for this, and maybe the Lower Wye Valley Area Grant could be applied for.


Date of Next Meeting,

Tuesday, 19th April 2016

Agenda items to include:

·        Risk Assessment

·        Nominations for Chairman, Vice-chairman, Parish Hall Representative, One Voice Wales Representative & Central Mon Rural Forum Representative


Meeting closed 9:00pm