COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr. Colin Evans (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands


IN ATTENDANCE: PC Louise Thorpe and Shirley Hughes, Clerk



There were no members of the public present.


POLICE REPORT - PC Louise Thorpe

PC Louise Thorpe reported that there had been two incidents to report:

a) Damage to the bridge on the Llanynant Road but the driver had driven off

b) Damage to a new fence at the archaeological site at Gaer Fawr


Hot spots for crimes seemed to be St Arvans and Shirenewton, where houses were being burgled and cars taken from the drive.


Cllrs reported that there was still speeding on B4235 at 60mph through the village and that the Community Speedwatch had enough volunteers so was now about to commence the training.

PC Thorpe stated that Tintern Speedwatch had a system to record actions, and suggested that the Llangwm co-ordinator contact her, to get the details of Steve Evans from the Tintern group.

Shirenewton now have double white lines through their village, which had helped slow traffic up.


PC Thorpe addressed the query regarding cyclists and stated that they are allowed ride 2 a breast, and if staggered, 3 a breast. Cllr Trigg stated that when there are large groups of cyclists, he had witnessed some near misses with cars. PC Thorpe asked that these should be reported, but stated that most cyclist were responsible cyclists.


Cllr Bennett asked if the Police had been consulted on the 2016 Velothon which is due to take place on 22nd May. It was stated that she had no direct knowledge, but could ask their Lead Officer to come to talk to the CC about their plans.


Due to lack of staffing, PC Thorpe stated that we would have Police presence every other month, and that the Local Inspector will be inviting the CC to a meeting in the near future.



Apologies for absence received - Cllr Michael Foster



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.



Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 20th October 2015 were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman, with 1 small amendment:

a) The sign at Georges Delight was loose and not missing


       5 a) Community Speedwatch

Cllr Gough and Mrs Gough's photographs have now been forwarded to Emily, but to date still waiting for 2 other photographs.

AGREED that the Clerk contact Sgt Parsons and arrange a date for the training to commence with the volunteers we have.


5 b) Llangwm Bus Shelter

The Clerk reported that out of the 4 Builders contacted, only one has come back with a quote and that was John Powell from Raglan.

AGREED that the Clerk contact the others by phone to see if they intend to quote for the work or not.


5 c) i. Enforcement Case E14/096 Mill Meadow Stables - Following on from last month's meeting, the Clerk wrote to Guy Delamere stating the factual evidence provided by Councillors and had the following response:

I can by all means open a new case if need be but I have not had a complaint previously about any stables / commercial activity there. As in all enforcement cases I would need to gather evidence of there being breaches and in regard to the previous case regarding the holiday let there was no way I could take enforcement action on the evidence I had, it would certainly not stand up on appeal. If you / your council has any further evidence of a breach by all means pass it on to me.

Unfortunately I can't provide you a copy of the Enforcement Report but as I said it was in relation to the building work on the stables & it was approved to be closed by the delegated planning committee.


Councillors stated that this breach would show that a precedent has been set with nothing being done about it by the LA. The owner had openly advertised the business, and this was definitely a breach of the conditions stated in the 2005 Planning Application.


ii. Enforcement Case E15/29 Bridge Inn, Llangwm - Clerk sent a reminder to the Enforcement Officer, and she stated that they had not received any response from the owners and they were now considering whether to serve a Section 215 notice on the landowner.



a) Update on Matters Reported

Highways Enquiry Form 019486 - response has not been received from MCC to date

b) New Highways issues raised by Councillors

1) B4235 - Footpath between the Mill Bridge towards Yew Tree Cottage is covered in moss and  

    very dangerous for walkers

2) Grit Bins in Ward have not been filled or replaced

3) Route 60.11 Bridge Inn to Pentre Farm there are 2 blocked gullies. Manhole cover on this stretch

     half way along on the right hand side is raised

4) Route 60.11 between Pentre Farm and Church Farm blocked gully on left hand side

5) Route 63.1 Gullies and ditches require clearing out

6) Route 63.3 This route has been sided and cleaned but gullies still covered

7) Route 80 Numerous gullies left uncovered

8) Route 66.4 Cross Roads sign needs replacing


          c) New Issues raised by others - There were no additional Highways Issues



       Balance at the Bank as of 29th October 2015 - £2,684.82

       Monmouthshire Building Society - £2,344.39




·        Invoice - One Voice Wales - Finance Training for Clerk - £35.00 Chq No 00641

·        Invoice - Green Grafter - August Grass Cutting - £40 Chq No 00642

·        Invoice - Shirley Hughes - Expenses for Oct/Nov  -   £ 95.11 Chq No  00643


The above Invoices were agreed for payment.

The Monthly Finance Reconciliation was circulated and signed by the Chair.


The Clerk reported that she had written to HMRC to claim back £80.24 for the VAT for the 2 year period up until March 2015



A copy of the last 3 years Budgets were distributed and the Clerk stated that on looking through the figures from last year, compared to this financial year, plus some of the recommendations from the Internal Auditor, that our payments will increase for the forthcoming year, so the Precept will have to be increased.

For example:

·        Subscriptions - SLCC Membership - £70 plus OVW £50 = £120

·        Training - There has been nothing in the budget previously, and OVW Training is approx. £35 per session, so if the Clerk did 2 training events per year = £70

·        Admin - This is the cost of the Payroll from MCC, and at £6.75 per month = £75

·        Grass Cutting - anticipate it will be = £200

·        Hall Hire - due to meeting 10 times a year instead of 5, so double the cost = £200

·        Audit - new company so not sure how much = £100

·        Insurance - Slight increase on 2015 = £300

·        Grants to Churches/Best Kept Village = £300


Together with other items these payments roughly add up to £1,935, with the Clerks salary to be added.


a) Repairs to the Bus Shelter be met by taking 1/4 of the cost from reserves and the remainder from the Precept

b) Clerks Salary Increment be taken into consideration plus if hours are increased

It was noted that there will not be any Election costs in 2016, as they are now taking place in 2017.



From MCC

a) Enforcement Lists for October - no listings for Llangwm or Llansoy

b) Rural Forum - dates for the 2016 round of meetings (BB)

c) Press Release - New Lottery Funding available for Monmouthshire's Countryside Communities (BB)

d) Breakdown of Enterprise Directorate Structure Chart - emailed to Cllrs

e) Email from Electoral Register apologising for not sending the Register in Jan - copy for each Cllr.


One Voice Wales

a) Details of the PCC Consultation ‘Are we fair?’ which is open until 16th Dec  (Link to survey highlighted) (BB)

b) Details of Managing Your Staff Training on 26th Nov (BB)

c) Application Form for Councillor Training Bursary

d) OVW Response on the Strategy Guidance for the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 (BB)


Welsh Government

a) Vacancy for Chair of Arts Council of Wales (BB)

b) Copy of WG Update for Community and Town Councils Oct 2015 (BB)



a) Police report on 13th Nov - no crimes reported (BB)

b) Email from CSO Andy Jones asking everyone to take part in ‘Your Voice’ survey

c) Community Foundation in Wales List of grant opportunities (BB)

d) Diary Marker for 11th Jan from the PCC regarding a Consultation for 2016/17 Budget (BB)

e) News from the Ramblers Association - emailed to Cllrs (BB)

f) Capita Conference a One Day Conference on 28th January regarding Devolution Wales (BB)

g) Email from Roger Edwards Almshouse Charity - new Trustee required from LCC. Councillors were asked if anyone was willing to represent the Council on this Charity, but unfortunately nobody was forthcoming. ACTION Clerk will write to the Charity.



a) Info from Broxap RE: Bins etc. (BB)

b) Info from Kompan on play equipment (BB)

c) Details of Monmouth Santa Run - 6th Dec in aid of Monmouthshire Home Start (BB)



a) New Applications - There were no new applications


b) Update on other applications 

9.1 DC/2014/01163 - Appeal on the refusal of Condition 5 - Removal of Agricultural Tie on Tyr Berllan, Llangwm. The Informal Hearing will take place in Room 1 County Hall, Usk on 2nd February 2016



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not in attendance.


11.       WARD REPORTS

There were no Ward Reports



12.1     SIGNS FOR ST JEROME'S CHURCH - The Clerk will chase up the Friends of Friendless



Date of Next Meeting,

Tuesday, 19th January 2016

Agenda items to include:

·        Set 2016/2017 Budget

·        Agree 2016/2017 Precept

·        Appoint Internal Auditor

·        Adopt draft Financial Regulations

·        Draft Risk Assessment

·        Review Clerks hours


Meeting closed: 9.35pm