Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr Michael Foster (Chair), Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough,
Cllr David Williams, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, CSO Geraint ? and Shirley Hughes, Clerk
Police Report at end of Minutes
There were no members of the public present.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Lyn Bennett.
Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of 14th July and the Extraordinary Meeting on 18th August were both agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
5 a) Community Speedwatch
PC Parsons has been in contact and would like to move the Llangwm Scheme forward as he has run out of equipment, but has kept back a gun etc. for Llangwm. The Clerk reported that there are now 11 Volunteers signed up, but photographs are still required for 4 Volunteers.
Cllr. Evans stated that he had recruited an additional 2 volunteers, one of which, Mrs Caroline Morgan had offered to become the Speedwatch Co-ordinator.
Agreed that the Clerk send all the forms that she has to PC Parsons, and ask if the next step is to hold a meeting to commence training, and when would be the most convenient, daytime or evening?
5 b) Llangwm Bus Shelter
The Clerk is still waiting for a brief of works to be done, and Cllr Evans stated that it would be an ideal opportunity to change the colour of the guttering/paintwork so that it matches the colour scheme of the Village Hall. It was also suggested that a basic bench be added inside.
The Clerk will write out a brief and send it to several local builders.
Cllr Bob Trigg requested that this work to be done by June of 2016, in time for the ‘Best Kept Village Competition’
5 c) Signage to St Jerome’s Church
The Clerk reported that there had been no further correspondence from the Friends of Friendless Churches.
5 d) i. Enforcement Case E14/096 Mill Meadow Stables – no progress on this Case to date.
ii. Enforcement Case E15/29 Bridge Inn, Llangwm - no progress on this Case to date. Cllr Trigg reported that someone has started dumping green waste (fir trees) in the far end of the Car Park, and it was agreed that the Clerk write to the MCC Officer, attaching the photographs she had taken of the site.
a) Updates received from Highways
1. 60.6 – Lane between the Gliding Club and Llansoy – requires signage stating ‘ NOT SUITABLE FOR HEAVY GOODS VEHICLES’ at Jnt of R75 only. DONE
2. Signs at the bottom of George’s Delight are loose and swing around in the wind – Cllr Williams had turned the signs the correct way, but they still require tightening
3. George’s Delight/ top of Gaer Fawr - Replacement Grit Bin required, as whilst grass cutting, the bin has been damaged beyond repair – Will arrange for replacement in our pre Winter service inspections
4. Verge cutting required immediately on the B4235 – Has been completed ‘after a fashion’
b) New Highways issues raised by Councillors
1. Cllr Williams mentioned that a great deal of loose bark had been deposited near Mills Stables
which was holding rainwater on the road. Agreed to keep an eye of the situation.
c) New Issues raised by others - There were no additional Highways Issues
Balance at the Bank as of 28th August 2015 - £2,935.57
Monmouthshire Building Society - £2,344.39
· Invoice – Green Grafter May/June/July grass Cutting - £120.00 Chq no 100636
· Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for July/Aug/Sep - £85.58 Chq no 100637
The Clerk reported that unfortunately, there was a mistake on our Annual Return to Mazars, and it was returned. This was to do with:
a) The VAT had not been added
b) The Staff Costs should have included the mileage expenses
The Clerk has redone the figures and sent it back, but no response from Mazars as yet. Cllr Bennett had found a slight error on the Updated Financial Report, so this has now been updated and copies circulated to the Councillors, along with copies of the Budget Forecast.
Copies were circulated and it was AGREED that this item be deferred until the next meeting. AGREED to send flowers to Mrs Cawley who had done the Internal Audit at very short notice.
The Clerk reported that she had attended a Training Session put on by MCC regarding Finance for Community Councils which covered Internal & External Audits, and found it very useful and now have contacts of MCC Officers who could be called on if need be.
Councillors stated that they were aware that the Clerk had been doing far more than the 3 hours that she was contracted to do, and that they should be reviewed in the near future. The Clerk reported that she had calculated a monthly average since she had started in the post, and it worked out at 5 ½ hours per week. AGREED to put this item on the next Agenda for discussion.
From MCC
a) Enforcement Lists for July & August – Nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy
b) Letter of Introduction from Mark Hand, new Head of Planning (BB)
c) Agenda for Audit Committee on 23rd September (BB)
d) LDP – Primary Shopping Frontages Consultation (BB)
e) Planning Aid Wales – Free Planning Training on Monday 12th Oct 9.30am – 12.30pm at Little Mill Village Hall
f) Invite to MCC Chairman’s Harvest Supper on 11th Oct at Glen-yr-Afon (BB)
g) Agenda for Central Mon Area Committee – 16th Sept (BB)
h) Minutes of Rural Forum Meeting on 15th July (BB)
i) Electoral Numbers for L & L
One Voice Wales
a) Advance Government Training – 21st Sept (BB)
b) Council Meeting Training – 24th September (BB)
c) Performance Appraisal Training – 12th October (BB)
d) One Voice Wales Conference & AGM – 3rd October (BB)
f) List of Motions to go to the AGM (BB)
g) List of Training available from OVW (BB)
h) OVW – Requiring Update of Area Committee Representatives
Welsh Government
a) Details of Consultation on Proposed changes to the Planning Policy for Wales (BB)
b) Environment & Sustainable Development Small Scales Project Funding (BB)
c) Consultation on Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales Paper (BB)
d) NALC Legal Briefing on a) Public Contracts Regulations b) Duty to publish information on CC Website (BB)
a) Aneurin Bevam Community Health Council Annual Report 2014-2015 (BB)
b) GAVO Training Programme (BB)
c) Letter from MBS asking about our Account
d) Gwent Wide Third Sector Provider Fair – 13th October (BB)
e) NRW – Funding Update
f) Details from SLCC Conference on 15th – 17th October
a) WDP Community Chest Grants (BB)
b) ASDA Grants (BB)
c) Chepstow Police – PC Louise Thorpe has asked for Councillors contact details –AGREED to send this info
d) Brochure from HAGS/SMA of Play equipment
e) Brochure from Broxap re; Bins
f) Letter from Shelter Cymru requesting a donation
a) New Applications
9.1 There were no new Applications
b) Update on other applications
9.1 10 St Tysoi’s Close – approval made on 26th August
County Councillor Bob Greenland gave the following report:
stated that the Council were going to have to make further cuts of £5m in the next financial year, and therefore there would be some services that MCC would not be able to provide, and how would the Community Council feel about taking on some of the services, such as grass cutting, if MCC provided the funding?
He continued by saying that MCC had already been approached by 2-3 Community Councils who have proposed that they take over the direction of work to be done in their local area, and that it would be down to local Councillors to get a local person to do the contract work.
Cllr Gough asked if this would be done under a formal contract. CC Greenland stated that MCC would take over the H&S and Employer side of the Contractor, but the local Community Council would take over who did the work. Cllr Evans asked what would happen if we can’t do the work, would it still be done by MCC? The answer being was that in the future, the service may not be available.
CC Greenland stated that MCC were looking at ways on how to keep Museums, Leisure Centre etc. open, and were looking at forming Trusts and Companies.
Cllr Trigg asked why MCC were now renting out the Old Adult Education Centre in Usk, and not selling it to raise capital but CC Greenland stated that MCC do not own the building, it’s owned by the Roger Edwards Trust and therefore it was the Trust had the For Rent sign up.
There were no Ward Reports
There was no further business
Date of Next Meeting,
Tuesday, 20th October 2015
Meeting closed: 8.45pm
Police Report
7/8/15 – Report of two mountain bikes stolen overnight from a property in Llangwm. One bike was taken from a secure shed and the other was taken off a bike rack on a car.
30/8/15 – A Road Safety Operation was set up by ourselves and our area support team in the large layby on the B4235 near to Gaerllewyd crossroads. 17 cars and 27 motorcycles were stopped with safety advice given. 1 car was advised on their front tyres and 4 motorcyclists were advised on the size of their number plates. No other issues recorded at this time.
CSO Geriant stated that they would run a similar Operation next summer.
Please remain vigilant for yourselves and your neighbours and report any suspicious activity at the time via either 101 or 999 if you deem it an emergency.
Cllr Bob Trigg and CC Bob Greenland had both witnessed near accidents with pedal cyclists and motorbikes, on the B4235 and asked if there were any Directives stating that only single or double breasted riding should be allowed?
The CSO stated that he was not aware of such Directive, but would find out for the Councillors.