Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council





COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr Michael Foster (Chair) Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Peter Gough


IN ATTENDANCE: CSO Andy Jones and Shirley Hughes, Clerk,


Police report at end of minutes.



There were no members of the public present.



There were no apologies for absence received.



Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.


4.    MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING – 21st April 2015

Minutes of the meeting of 21st April were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.


       5 a) Community Speedwatch

Following the Presentation by Sgt Parsons at the April meeting, Cllr’s Bennett & Evans sent out an email around the local residents to see if there is enough support for the scheme. The Clerk reported that to date, 12 people have expressed an interest in knowing about the scheme.

AGREED that a Sub-Committee be formed and Cllrs Gough, Evans and Bennett put their names forward. The Clerk to write to Sgt. Parsons asking for several dates that he would be available to address a Public Meeting in Llangwm Village Hall.


      8 a) Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that she was still looking into suitable funding, and would now

            try Monmouthshire Building Society


8 b) Patches of land – The Clerk reported that she had written to Estates Department, but as yet not

      received a response.


8 c) Signage to St Jerome’s Church –The Clerk has written to the ‘Friends of Friendless Churches’ to

see if they intend to improve the signage to the Church, and if not, would it be in order for Llangwm CC to do so, but no reply as yet.


 8. Correspondence

Welsh Government (b) Electronic Publication of Information – Cllr Bennett volunteered to construct an additional page for the Llangwm website which will give Councillors names and details, with contact via the Clerk’s email address.


9.1 Enforcement Case E14/096 Mill Meadow Stables – an email had been received from Alison Pankhurst (Enforcement Officer) stating that the Officer dealing with Mill Meadow Stables is on Paternity Leave, and he will be asked to contact the Clerk direct.

9.1.2. Enforcement Case E15/29 Bridge Inn, Llangwm -   The Officer stated she had written to the landowner of the Bridge Inn but had not had any response to date.


6.         HIGHWAYS

a) Update on Matters reported – No new updates received from Highways

PLEASE NOTE: MCC replies are in italic.

60.6 – Lane between the gliding club and 60.6 – Cllr Rowlands stated that a good job has been done.

63.3 There is still a blocked gully between Nant y March farm & the bridge (complaint 013828) - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15

63.1 From jct with B4235 & 212 2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15

66.2 with junction of B4235 missing x roads sign & existing post rusted through – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

B4235 Grit bin between the Mill & Rycroft has not been replenished - Salt bins have all been refilled recently, and will be addressed prior to next winter. RP 10/3/15

63.3 Nant-y-March lane, 3 grit bins requested by residents of Trelay Farm, Ty-Gwyn, & Ty Wilson Farm - There is a bin near Ty Wilson Fm, but 2 new ones will be installed between Ty Wilson and the B4235 before next winter. RP 10/3/15

60.11 Pentre Lane, 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pentre Farm Holiday Homes – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15

Route 80, 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pwll Farm, Owl Barn & Ty Berllan – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15

Route 81 - Still problems with flooding at Pont-y-cath, gullies require cleaning near Duffryn Cottage – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

66.2 Drainage problems between New House Farm & jct with 66-2 (complaint 013828) – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

63.3 There is a blocked gully to the LHS of Nant-y-March Farm entrance & a gully covered by tarmac on the RHS of the entrance – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

B4235 Gullies covered by debris between 60-9 & Belmont Farm entrance causing flooding problems at the jct of 60-9 & B4235– Added to works list RP 9/3/15

63.3/60.1 Request from riders of Pentwyn Farm riding centre that ‘beware of horses’ signs be placed at either end of the village to warn traffic (1 near jct 63-3 & 1 near jct 60-10. 0). The request for Horse warning signs has been added to our Traffic Section current forward programme GK 13/02/15

60.11 Verge markers were needed to indicate dangerous drop at side of Pentre Lane. - Added to list of works to install when resources allow

B4235 Footpath by The Mill is obstructed by a branch; whole path needs attention. – Cleansing No obstruction, just lots of leaves/debris to be cleared

b) New Highways issues raised by Councillors

1.         Grit Bins – The criteria for Grit Bins had been received from MCC, and 63-3 & Route 80 both meet the criteria – Clerk to inform Highways Dept.  

2.         63.1/63.6 Chapel Lane - conifer hedge at Junction encroaching onto Highway – Clerk to

            write to residents of Nant-y-Gath                                                 

3.         Cllr Foster asked that Verge Markers be replaced and ruts on the edge of carriageway

            repair on Georges Delight plus potholes which are more than 4cm deep.

            4.         The Clerk to write to Highways Dept. to ask if we could receive a copy of the Plan of Works

                        for the Vactor works


            c) New Issues raised by others - There were no additional Highways Issues


7.         FINANCE


The Clerk reported that there were still major issues with both Barclays Bank and Monmouthshire Building Society in trying to amend contact details for statements & correspondence.


Barclays – The Clerk has received several letters from the Bank asking for further forms to be filled in, and it seems that Cllr Foster was not a signatory on the account.

Cllr David Williams and the Clerk arranged to visit the bank on 21st May with the hope of finally sorting out this issue.


Monmouthshire Building Society – Cllr Colin Evans had attended, but further signatories were required. The Clerk will visit the Usk Branch along with Cllr Williams.


Unfortunately the Clerk was unable to provide any balances until the above issues have been resolved.



·        Invoice - Shirley Hughes expenses for April  - £41.82  Chq no 100632

·        Invoice - Zurich Insurance - £288.24  Chq no 100633



From MCC

a)      Planning Enforcement Lists – none for either Llangwm or Llansoy

b)      Planning Application for Ysgubor, Belmont Farm, Llangwm DC/2015/00552

c)      Highway Response Re: Grit Bins Criteria

d)      Workshop Re: Commercial Obstruction of Public Highway – emailed to Cllrs

e)      Info Re: new Waste Collection days (Blue Box)

f)        Email Re: Enforcement cases in the Village

g)      Letter regarding getting involved in the local Eisteddfod Committee (Blue Box)

h)      Invite for 2 Cllrs to take part in the Proclamation Ceremony on 27th June in Caldicot – Clerk to reply stating that Llangwm CC would not be represented on 27th June.


One Voice Wales

a)      CCCW Workshop for the Communities Sectorial Adaption Plan on 15th June (Blue Box)

b)      List of Training Courses on the next few months (Blue Box)


Welsh Government

a)      Local Government Act 2013 Order 2015 coming into Force 1st May – regarding the Electronic Publication of Information (emailed out to Councillors)



a)      AON Insurance looking for new Business

b)      NRW April Bulletin (Blue Box)

c)      Email from Green Grafters confirming cutting grass – Cllr Trigg suggested that an email is sent to Green Grafters in January each year asking for a quote for the coming cutting season.



a)      Raglan Festival Brochures (12th – 14th June)

b)      WHAM Poster & Brochures for events and Open Day on 20th June - Cllr Bennett asked if he could receive an electronic Poster so this event could be disseminated around the Local History Group. The Clerk to organise.





9.1 DC/2015/00552

Ysgubor, Belmont Farm, Llangwm, NP15 1HA

Fenestration alterations, minor increase in eaves and ridge height due to excavated ground levels.

No objections, recommend approval


Update on other applications 

9.2 Bay Tree Cottage Llansoy - Appeal approved by MCC

9.3 Tyr Berllan - Removal of Agricultural Tie - not decided as yet



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not present so no report came forward.


11.       WARD REPORTS

No report



12.1    Standing Orders for Llangwm CC

The Clerk had prepared a draft set of Standing Orders to present to the Cllrs, but the Clerk suggested that Cllrs take them home and look through to see if there is anything that is missing or not correct and that they are presented and voted upon at the next meeting?

PLEASE NOTE - The bold text is for mandatory rules.


12.2     Best Kept Village

Cllr Trigg reminded Cllrs. that the Best Kept Village Competition will be judged during the month of June, but noted that the weatherboards on the Bus Shelter need painting. AGREED that both Cllrs Evans & Trigg get quotes for the work.


Date of Next Meeting,

Tuesday, 16th June 2015


Meeting closed: 9.00pm           


CSO Andy Jones gave the following report:

Crime in the area was very low at this present time, but there had been several house burglaries in Mathern and Pwllmeyric. Cllrs were reminded to be good neighbours, and keep an eye on local properties, especially when they were away on holidays or work. Use timer lights and leave vehicles on the drive.    ‘Your Voice’ (which had taken over the role of PACT Meetings) showed that the main issue was speeding traffic on the B4325. Over the last 5 weekends, the Police have been out and about doing patrols on the Main Road and hopefully this may have made a difference to offenders. Cllr Trigg asked if cyclists were breaking the law by riding 2 abreast. CSO Jones stated that this was not against the law as they were no wider than a small car when it came to overtaking them

CSO Jones was informed that it was hoped to start up a Community Speed Watch in Llangwm following Sgt Steve Parsons visit at the previous Council meeting. He pledged to help the group as much as possible.