Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council





COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Michael Foster


IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs J Bennett, Sgt Steve Parsons & Shirley Hughes, Clerk,



Sgt. Steve Parsons gave an address on the Police Community Speedwatch.

He explained that this was a scheme taken up by 4 Police Forces in Wales, and he was the Coordinator for Wales. In Monmouthshire there were 3 schemes running: Llandogo, Tintern and Llanfair Kilgeddin.

This was a Welsh Assembly and Police Commissioner funded project.

Drivers would receive a letter each time they were recorded speeding:

1st offence - the registered keeper would receive a letter which would be worded to try and educate the driver about speeding

2nd offence - would be a warning letter

3rd offence - could result in Police knocking on your door with a fine

This was not an enforcement project, more of an educational tool that concerned residents could help the Police to monitor, especially on the B4325. It was noted that there had been 8 accidents reported in the area. If the Speedwatch showed that there is a continuous problem with speeding vehicles, covert cameras could be installed.

The Community could decide where/when the Speedwatch would take place, and this could be several points throughout the village, but the Police would have to do a Risk Assessment of the sites.


6 – 8 Volunteers would be required from the village, with all training, equipment and Insurance provided by the Police. This would include Signage, Speed gun, tripod, visual display unit, High Vis Vests and reporting sheets. The Speed Gun will cost approx. £1,600, and all equipment would be left in the village. Also a letter from Gwent Police stating the reasons for the Speedwatch which volunteers could show to the motorist if they were challenged.

Volunteers are asked to complete just 3 forms: Honesty for Vetting purposes, Application Form and Volunteer Form. Volunteers would be asked to work 3 at a time: 1 holding the speed gun, and 2 taking down speed, date, time, registration number, colour and make and model of the vehicle.

Councillors stated that the main offenders were motorbikes on the weekend, especially during fine weather, and it would be difficult to read their number plates. Sgt. Parsons stated that a photograph could always be taken in these cases. Always handy to have a set of binoculars, but not allowed to video vehicles.


Sgt Parsons and CSO’s would support the volunteers during the start-up period, and it was estimated that volunteers training would last approx. 1hr, and it was suggested that volunteers man the speed gun for a minimum of 1 ½ hrs at a time – once a week.


The co-ordinator of the group would be required to email the completed sheets by excel to North Wales Police who would issue the letters to the car registration owner.


Cllrs asked Sgt Parsons several questions and made comments about the scheme:

Q.    When vehicles come out of the 40mph areas, bikes are speeding at approx. 90mph in a 60mph limit, what could be done about that?

A.     A covert camera could be installed in that area

Q.  Are there any rules about pushbikes riding 2 plus abreast, and depositing their energy bars/drinks cans along the highway?

A.  No there is not

Sgt Parsons was thanked by the Chairman for taking time out to address the meeting on the Community Speedwatch Scheme.


Sgt. Parsons then left the meeting.


Cllr Bennett suggested organising an Open Meeting for the general public to come along and see what interest there is, before inviting Sgt Parsons back to the village.

Cllr Trigg stated that it would most probably be left to the same few residents, but he stated that he had no interest in the scheme.

AGREED That Cllrs Bennett and Evans take a lead on trying to promote the scheme to local concerned residents and try and recruit at least 5 – 8 volunteers, and Sgt Parsons would then be invited to return to Llangwm to talk to a larger audience of concerned residents.



Apologies for absence were received from County Councillor Bob Greenland and Cllr. Peter Gough.


Declarations of interest will be made as and when required.


Minutes of the meeting of 17th March were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.



8 a) Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that she had received an email from Debbie McCarty to say that the Area Committee funds had been frozen for the time being as a review was being undertaken. The Clerk stated that she would continue to look for suitable funding.


8 b) Patches of land – The Clerk reported that she had written to Estates Department, but as yet not received a response.


8 c) Signage to St Jerome’s Church –The Clerk had got an Application Form from the MCC Welsh Church Fund who may give a grant to improve signage, but it was agreed that in the first instance, the Clerk contact the ‘Friends of Friendless Churches’ to see if they intend to improve the signage to the Church, and if not, would it be in order for Llangwm CC to do so? Cllrs also thought that local Hospitality providers should organise their own signage.


5.1 Recording Highway issues in the Minutes

The Clerk asked if Cllrs were in favour of recording all Highway issues within the Minutes, and Cllrs agreed that this would help in seeing which had been completed and which were still outstanding.


6.            HIGHWAYS

a) Update on Matters reported – returned 016944 Highways Form on 14/3/15

PLEASE NOTE: MCC replies are in italic.

60.6 – Lane between the gliding club and 60.6 – a heavy vehicle drove along it and road has collapsed.  Surface of the lane in very poor state and needs a ‘not suitable for HGVs’ sign.  Recent incident caused the lane to be blocked for 2 days - The road has been added to our list for sweeping, and then for hot potholing works when resources are available. RP 10/03/15 - WORK IS IN PROGRESS

63.3 There is still a blocked gully between Nant y Marc farm & the bridge (complaint 013828) - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15

63.1 From jct with B4235 & 212 2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15

Footpath 36 Footpath closures. Cllr Bennett confirmed that residents would be willing to help maintain number 36. - Not Highway Sent to Shaun Pritchard PROW – ITEMS ON SITE READY TO REBUILD BRIDGE

Route 80 approx 100m Wolvesnewton side of Trevine Farm, missing LLANGWM place name - Awaiting delivery of replacement sign. RP 10/3/15 – SIGN NOW REPLACED

66.2 with junction of B4235 missing x roads sign & existing post rusted through – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

B 4235 Grit bin between the Mill & Rycroft has not been replenished - Salt bins have all been refilled recently, and will be addressed prior to next winter. RP 10/3/15

63.3 Nant-y-March lane 3 grit bins requested by residents of Trelay Farm, Ty-Gwyn, & Ty Wilson farm - There is a bin near Ty Wilson Fm, but 2 new ones will be installed between Ty Wilson and the B4235 before next winter. RP 10/3/15

60.11 Pentre Lane 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pentre Farm Holiday Homes – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15

Route 80 -1 grit bin requested by residents of Pwll Farm, Owl Barn & Ty Berllan – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15

Route 81 - Still problems with flooding at Pont-y-cath, gullies require cleaning near Duffryn Cottage – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

66.2 Drainage problems between New House Farm & jct with 66-2 (complaint 013828) – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

63.3 There is a blocked gully to the LHS of Nant-y-March Farm entrance & a gully covered by tarmac on the RHS of the entrance – Added to works list RP 9/3/15

B4235 Gullies covered by debris between 60-9 & Belmont Farm entrance causing flooding problems at the jct of 60-9 & B4235– Added to works list RP 9/3/15

63.3/60.1 Request from riders of Pentwyn Farm riding centre that ‘beware of horses’ signs be placed at either end of the village to warn traffic (1 near jct 63-3 & 1 near jct 60-10. 0 The request for Horse warning signs has been added to our Traffic Section current forward programme GK 13/02/15

60.11 Verge markers were needed to indicate dangerous drop at side of Pentre Lane. - Added to list of works to install when resources allow

B4235 Footpath by The Mill is obstructed by a branch; whole path needs attention. – Cleansing No obstruction, just lots of leaves/debris to be cleared

b) New Highways issues raised by Councillors

1.         Grit Bins – ask MCC what criteria are required for Grit Bins.

2.         63.1/63.6 Chapel Lane - conifer hedge at Junction encroaching onto Highway  

3.         Cllr Foster asked that Verge Markers be replaced and ruts on the edge of carriageway

            repaired on Georges Delight plus potholes and hedges need attention.

            4.         Footpath 36 – Closure signs are missing

5.         Neighbourhood Watch Signs have been knocked down near Georges Delight – The Chair 

asked for Volunteers to re-erect these signs. The Clerk to enquire if Neighbourhood Watch still exists, and if so, who is the local co-ordinator? CLLR TRIGG HAD NOW ERECTED THESE SIGNS

            6.         Bridge Inn – The Clerk had not received any further news from the Enforcement Officer

            7.         Verge Markers require replacing opposite Mill House on the B4325

            8.         Verge markers require replacing on the approach road 60.9 to the B4235

             c) New Issues raised by others

            There were no additional Highways Issues


The Chair stated that he was very disappointed that so few of the Highways issues had been undertaken by MCC.



7.      FINANCE


The Clerk has visited both Barclays Bank and also Monmouthshire Building Society to try and amend contact details for statements & correspondence.

Barclays – Cllr David Williams & Cllr Michael Foster signed the change of address forms for the new Clerk.

Cllr Williams offered to take the documents to Barclays Bank in Usk, along with a letter confirming the changes.


Monmouthshire Building Society - All statements have been sent back to MBS and this is because the past Clerk moved house and didn’t change address.

The 3 signatories at present are Cllrs David Williams and Michael Foster and the past Clerk, Carleen Martin.

Cllr Colin Evans offered to be the 3rd signatory, and along with the relevant forms which will allow Shirley Hughes to update the Passbook, he will attend the MBS Office in Usk and make the changes necessary. 

·        Invoice – Ted Royds for expenses - £182.60 (this was agreed at last meeting but due to lack of cheque was not paid)    Cheque no 100629 

·        Invoice – MCC for Clerk salary for Jan/Feb – March 2015 - £307.82 Cheque no 100630

·        Invoice – Shirley Hughes expenses for Jan/Feb/Mar - £43.14     Cheque no 100631 



From MCC

a)      Planning Enforcement Lists – none for Llangwm or Llansoy

b)      Agenda for Planning Meeting on 14th April – nothing for Llangwm or Llansoy

c)      Agenda, Minutes and future dates for Central Mon Rural Forum – this Thursday 23rd April (Clerk would like to attend these meetings, but can’t make this Thursday)

d)      Information from Mike Moran on ‘The Centenary Fields Programme’


One Voice Wales

a)      Agenda for Monmouth/Newport area Committee on 16th April (emailed out to Cllrs)

b)      The Review of Designated Landscapes in Wales Stage 2 – doesn’t concern Llangwm or Llansoy

c)      Seminar with Julian Dobson, author of the book ‘How to save our town centres’

d)      Acknowledgement of receiving cheque for Membership of OVW

e)      Copies of The Voice – (blue box)

f)        Details of Understanding the Law Training on 5th May & Finance Training on 27th April

g)      Asking for Motions for the One Voice Wales AGM on 3rd Oct, but required by 30th April (Blue Box)


Welsh Government

a)      Circular: Code of Practice on Workforce Matters (emailed out to Cllrs and hard copy in Blue Box)

b)      Local Government Act 2013 Order 2015 coming into Force – regarding the Electronic Publication of Information (emailed out to Councillors) AGREED to put this item on the Agenda for the next meeting as there are Statutory Guidelines that must be adhered to.


a)      Meet your Local Police Inspector – (emailed out to Councillors)

b)      Wales Remembers 1914 – 1918 (emailed out to Councillors)

c)      From Mazers - Notice of Audit of Accounts for the year ended 31st March 2015



a)      Gwent Beekeepers with information on how to report Swarms (emailed out to Cllrs)

b)      Details from The Big Ben Litter Bin Company

All the above correspondence was listed (for reference) on the reverse of the meeting agenda, and relevant papers were placed in the Blue Box for circulation of Council members.



There were no current Planning Applications for Llangwm or Llansoy


9.1       Enforcement case E14/096 - Mill Meadow Stables. The Clerk will chase up the status of this Enforcement case



County Councillor Bob Greenland was not present so no report came forward.


11.       WARD REPORTS

No report



12.1    Setting up Standing Orders for Llangwm CC

The Clerk had sent around the draft Model Standing Orders from OVW and she also had copies from several other local Community Councils.

AGREED that they be put in the Blue Box so that Cllrs could read prior to the next meeting.


12.2     Archive Items

The Clerk is still going through the documents, but can inform Cllr Rowlands that he started as a CC in 1983.


12.3      AGM Nominations

Cllrs were asked to put thoughts into Officers for the AGM which would take place immediately prior to the May meeting.

Provisional nominations were received as follows:

Chair – Cllr Michael Foster

Vice Chair – Cllr Colin Evans

Parish Hall Representative – Cllr Peter Gough

Other positions:

One Voice Wales Representative

Central Mon Rural Forum


12.4     Green Grafter

The Chairman had been given a quote of £40 per cut for Green Grafter to cut the 2 pieces of land outside the Village Hall. The Cllrs AGREED to accept this quote, and the Clerk was asked to email the decision of the Council.


Date of Next Meeting,

Tuesday, 19th May 2015


Meeting closed: 9.29pm