Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Michael Foster
IN ATTENDANCE: County Councillor Bob Greenland, and CSO Andy Jones and Shirley Hughes, Clerk,
No members of the public present.
CSO Jones gave the police report – see summary at end of minutes.
Report on Meeting held with Police regarding Speeding Traffic
County Councillor Bob Greenland attended along with 3 – 4 other Community Councils that are affected by the speeding traffic on the B4235. PC Thorpe stated that there would be a crackdown across the County involving various agencies such as VOSA, and this will take place during 1st or 2nd Bank Holiday this year. It would not only address speed, but state of vehicles etc. CC Greenland circulated the stats of accidents and complaints, which showed that Llangwm was the highest for complaints regarding speeding.
‘Speed Watch’ was a method by which the Public could be trained to use a Speed Gun, and if a motorist is recorded 3 times, they will be sent a fine. The Police Camera Safety Unit was leading on this, and it was AGREED to invite Sgt Stephen Parson to come to our next meeting to explain Speed Watch.
It was also mentioned that the Speed Limit between Usk and the Charthouse was being reduced from 60 to 50 mph and CC Greenland explained that this was very costly due to signage etc. but in the future, there could be a reduction on all roads in Monmouthshire.
CSO Jones then left the meeting.
There were no apologies for absence.
of interest will be made as and when required.
Minutes of the meeting of 20th January were agreed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman.
5.1.1. Talk by Nick Ramsay AM – Cllr L Bennett attended the joint talk with Llantrisant CC, and it was stated that it was hoped that the Tax Collection Authority should come to Wales and that Air Passenger duty may be reduced!
5.1.10 Terms of Employment of Clerk – with the Chairs approval, this item will be discussed at the end of the meeting.
8 a) Defibrillator – The Clerk reported that she had contacted the British Heart Foundation and they require a £400 donation towards the costs – AGREED the Clerk will undertake further investigations to find out where other villages got theirs for free. County Councillor Greenland mentioned that Devauden have theirs in the disused Phone Box, as the Defibrillators need a power supply, and Spectrum had organised this.
8 b) Patches of land – The Clerk had spoken to Ben Winstanley from Estates and he said that if the Council write to Estates, they will get the rights formalised. CC Bob Greenland stated that there was no intention by MCC to charge Llangwm CC for the Noticeboard on the land.
8 c) Signage to St Jerome’s Church –Mark Lloyd MCC Tourism has stated that unless the facility has 4,000 plus visitors per annum, they would not qualify for Brown Signs. It was noted that St Jerome’s Church has now been taken over by the ‘Friends of Friendless Churches’ and CC Greenland mentioned the MCC Welsh Church Fund, who may give a grant to improve signage.
a) Update on Matters reported – returned 016944 Highways Form on 14/3/15
PLEASE NOTE: MCC replies are in italic.
60.6 – Lane between the gliding club and 60.6 – a heavy vehicle drove along it and road has collapsed. Surface if the lane in very poor state and needs a not suitable for HGVs sign. Recent incident caused the lane to be blocked for 2 days - The road has been added to our list for sweeping, and then for hot potholing works when resources are available. RP 10/03/15
63.3 There is still a blocked gully between Nant y Marc farm & the bridge (complaint 013828) - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15
63.1 From jct with B4235 & 212 2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass - Added to vactor list/ RP 9/03/15
Footpath 36 Footpath closures. Cllr Bennett confirmed that residents would be willing to help maintain number 36. - Not Highway Sent to Shaun Pritchard PROW
Route 80 approx 100m Wolvesnewton side of Trevine Farm, missing LLANGWM place name - Awaiting delivery of replacement sign. RP 10/3/15
66.2 with junction of B4235 missing x roads sign & existing post rusted through – Added to works list RP 9/3/15
B 4235 Grit bin between the Mill & Rycroft has not been replenished - Salt bins have all been refilled recently, and will be addressed prior to next winter. RP 10/3/15
63.3 Nant-y-March lane 3 grit bins requested by residents of Trelay Farm, Ty-Gwyn, & Ty Wilson farm - There is a bin near Ty Wilson Fm, but 2 new ones will be installed between Ty Wilson and the B4235 before next winter. RP 10/3/15
60.11 Pentre Lane 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pentre Farm Holiday Homes – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15
Route 80 -1 grit bin requested by residents of Pwll Farm, Owl Barn & Ty Berllan – Location does not meet criteria 10/3/15
Route 81 - Still problems with flooding at Pont-y-cath, gullies require cleaning near Duffryn Cottage – Added to works list RP 9/3/15
66.2 Drainage problems between New House Farm & jct with 66-2 (complaint 013828) – Added to works list RP 9/3/15
63.3 There is a blocked gully to the LHS of Nant-y-March Farm entrance & a gully covered by tarmac on the RHS of the entrance – Added to works list RP 9/3/15
B4235 Gullies covered by debris between 60-9 & Belmont Farm entrance causing flooding problems at the jct of 60-9 & B4235– Added to works list RP 9/3/15
63.3/60.1 Request from riders of Pentwyn Farm riding centre that beware of horses signs be placed at either end of the village to warn traffic (1 near jct 63-3 & 1 near jct 60-10. 0 The request for Horse warning signs has been added to our Traffic Section current forward programme GK 13/02/15
60.11 Verge markers were needed to indicate dangerous drop at side of Pentre Lane. - Added to list of works to install when resources allow
B4235 Footpath by The Mill is obstructed by a branch; whole path needs attention. – Cleansing No obstruction, just lots of leaves/debris to be cleared
63.1/63.2 A conifer hedge on the corner of 63.1 and 63.2 is encroaching on the road. - Hedge belonging to Bank House has been cut back and is outside highway limits passed to Martyn Evans
b) New Highways issues raised by Councillors
1. Grit Bins – ask MCC what criteria are required for Grit Bins?
2. 63.1/63.2 A conifer hedge at Bank House – has not been cut back as of 17/3/15
3. Cllr Foster asked that Verge Markers be replaced and ruts on the edge of carriageway
repaired on Georges Delight
4. Footpath 36 – Closure signs are missing
5. Neighbourhood Watch Signs have been knocked down near Georges Delight – The Chair
asked for Volunteers to re-erect these signs. The Clerk to enquire if Neighbourhood Watch still exists, and if so, who is the local co-ordinator?
6. Bridge Inn – The Clerk has spoken to the Enforcement Officer and they have opened a Case File and will be pursuing the owner. SH did search online, and found another address for Buttermere Properties, so have sent the Officer the other address. The Chair stated that the building was in very poor condition, and a gust of wind would blow some of the windows out.
c) New Issues raised by others
There were no additional Highways Issues
Barclays Bank balance as of 29/1/15 £2,774.64. Hire of Hall cheque for £117.60 had not cleared by that time.
Invoices agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by PG & DW
· Mrs Jean Bennett for expenditure for Best Kept Village items - £100.97 Cheque no. 100623
· One Voice Wales for Annual Membership Fee - £49.00 Cheque no. 100624
· Mr Lyn Bennett for purchase of USB Memory Stick - £15.49 Cheque no. 100625
· MCC for Clerk’s salary for Oct 14 – Dec 14 - £272.04 Cheque no.100626
· Mrs Sylvia Fowls for Website Fee - £30 Cheque no. 100627
· Vicar & Church Warden of Llangwm for Grass Cutting - £100 Cheque no. 100628
7.1 An invoice from Mr Ted Royds was received for Expenses incurred whilst he was Acting Clerk to
the sum of £182.60 was approved, but not written due to lack of new Cheque Book.
7.2 The Clerk pointed out that Mrs Martin has been paid for January, and MCC Employee Services have
been told and are writing to her to retrieve the amount
7.3 The Clerk asked if Mr Royds had sent off the bank mandate to Barclays so that Statements are sent to address of new Clerk? CC Greenland offered information on which forms need to be signed, and forwarded to Cllr Williams.
From MCC
a) Agenda for Rural Forum on 5th March plus future meeting dates for 2015.
b) Central Mon Rural Forum – MCC can offer some advice and guidance on Community Councils financial arrangements.
c) Letter & Posters for Chairman’s Charity Events – Sugar Loaf Walk – 4th April, Charity Golf Day – 17th April, Fashion Show – 19th April (emailed to Councillors)
d) Consultation on Community Infrastructure Levy: Prelim Draft Charging Schedule
e) Letter confirming CC Precept 2015 – 2016 with 1st payment of £900 being deposited on 30/4/15
f) LDP Consultation on Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Documents and Draft Planning Advice Note
g) Agenda for Planning Committee on 3rd March (no Llangwm or Llansoy listings)
One Voice Wales
a) Copy of 2015 Training Programme
b) List of Training being held locally on Community engagement/H&S/Chairing Skills
c) Info from SWEA regarding Energy Audits of Community Buildings and Community Energy Savings
d) Info from Resource Efficient Wales – similar to above
e) Launch of the new Website and Log-in Details for all Councillors to use.
f) Consultancy Services Available to Member Councils on personnel & Employment Law, H & S, Internal Audit
g) Joint OVW/SCLL Event – 14th May in Llandrindod Wells
Welsh Government
a) PR RE: Consultation Paper on proposals for a Land Transaction Tax to replace Stamp Duty Land Tax in Wales in 2018 (emailed to CC)
b) Statement from the Minister ‘The Cost of Senior Management in Local Government’
c) Independent Remuneration Panel for Wales Annual Report - February 2015 (emailed to CC)
d) Minister for Finance and Government Business issued a Consultation Document on proposals for a Landfill Disposals Tax to replace Landfill Tax in Wales in 2018. (emailed to CC)
e) Natural Resource Management Bulletin – February 2015
f) Spring newsletter from the Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales
a) Letter from Mazers regarding change of their office address and key contacts (emailed with new Clerk’s details)
b) ‘Come on Board’ NRW are looking for new Board Members – to find out more drop in session in Merthyr Tydfil on 17th April
c) Superfast Cymru Community Council Newsletter – Issue 2
d) Email re: Police Meeting on 6/3/15 regarding Speeding Traffic on B4235 (emailed to CC)
e) Newport City Council – Consultation on proposal to establish a new Welsh Medium School at Duffryn High School . Details at www.newport.gov.uk/wm2
a) Ten Tenors in Concert on 12th April at Cardiff Cathedral in aid of Welsh Hearts Charity
b) Letter from Teenage Cancer Trust asking for financial support. No action.
c) Gwent Young Farmer’s Clubs asking for financial assistance towards running the Movement at County Level. No action.
d) Kidney Wales Foundation – Walk for Life on 26th April. No action.
All the above correspondence was listed (for reference) on the reverse of the meeting agenda, and relevant papers were placed in the Blue Box for circulation of Council members.
9.1 Appeal - Against a Refusal E6840/A/A/15/2230071 Bay Tree Cottage Llansoy. Mr & Mrs Grant and Harriet Challis have lodged an Appeal against MCC’s decision to refuse their Planning Application, and there will be an Informal Hearing which will be held at County Hall Usk on 12th May commencing at 10am.
9.2 Enforcement case E14/096 - Mill Meadow Stables. Councillors raised concerns that a residential caravan had been put on the site without Planning Permission, and that the site may become a permanent residence. CC Bob Greenland offered to look into this.
9.3 Application DC/2014/01163 – Removal of condition 5 (Agricultural Tie) from Ty Berllan, Llangwm.
The Clerk sent this application around via email, and 4 Councillors replied stating they didn’t have any problems with removing Condition 5, so conscious that the closing date for comments was prior to the next meeting. Approval Response was sent to the Planning Department.
A discussion took place as to if all Planning Applications should be discussed at a Council meeting, The Chair stated that as the majority of Cllrs had approved the application via email, this was sufficient.
The Clerk asked if this was stated in the Councils Standing Orders and Cllrs were not aware of this document. The Clerk was asked to contact One Voice Wales to get a Template for Standing Orders and agenda the item for the next meeting.
County Councillor Greenland stated that many were aware that Hubs would be formed in the four major towns, and in Usk, the Library, Youth Service, Adult Education and One Stop Shop Services will all move into the Old School in Maryport Street. There will be a dedicated Call Centre which will open later in the year. This would take all calls regardless of which area the call comes from.
Highways – there is a 30% cutback in the Highways budget, so issues that CC report, will most probably take longer to complete.
All services were being streamlined and maybe Trusts will have to be set up in the future to run some of the services, (such as Libraries, Leisure facilities etc.) which will cut down on running costs.
The Williams Report on the future of County Councils in Wales merging, are now wanting a more radical change, but Cllr. Greenland stated that he thought this would not happen until 2020, but reorganisation of Community Councils will most probably take place.
No report
The Clerk reported that she had been slowly sifting through the boxes and boxes of paperwork which Ted Royds gave her and found that there was a great deal of filing to be done, but there was also a great deal of records which should be saved in a safe place for posterity. Minutes from 1974 through to 2011 were found, also financial records and other papers.
SH had spoken to Democratic Services and OVW about what documents need to be kept, and also talked to Gwent Archives in Ebbw Vale, where many other CC have their records stored.
Records can be stored with them by either Gifted or Deposited.
AGREED that the Clerk sorts through all the boxes, and all the retained documents should be deposited with Gwent Archives, and Newsletters etc. from other organisation should be shredded. Cllr Bennett asked about Planning Applications, and the Clerk said that they should be retained for 5yrs.
Cllr Rowlands asked if the Clerk could find out how long he had been a Community Councillor.
The Clerk apologised to Cllr Rowlands for the mix up with his email address, but all now restored.
Cllr Bennett presented copies of the Amended Contract of Employment and it was AGREED and Signed
by the Chair, Cllr Bob Trigg and The Clerk, Shirley Hughes.
County Councillor Bob Greenland asked if he could be sent Minutes and Agendas in the future.
Date of Next Meeting,
Tuesday, 21st April 2015
Meeting closed: 9.25pm
Police Report
CSO Jones informed members that there were no instances to report this month, and that the area was going through a good period at the moment. Monmouth was seeing an unheard increase in household burglaries, with 26 houses in Osbaston broken into over the last 9 months.
There were some minor petty thefts in the outlying areas, and Councillors were asked to look out for neighbours, and report anything suspicious on 101.
CSO Jones asked all if everyone had undertaken the ‘Your Voice’ survey via OWL? This was a new way of setting the priorities for their area, and would be done every 4 months.
At this stage, CSO Jones filled in the survey with the Councillors who had not already completed it on-line.