Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr David Williams.
IN ATTENDANCE: Ted Royds, Acting Clerk, Shirley Hughes, Clerk, and PCSO Sally Parker
APOLOGIES: There were apologies from Cllr Mike Foster.
No members of the public present.
PCSO Parker gave the police report – see summary at end of minutes. She then left the meeting.
Minutes of the meeting of 18 November 2014 were agreed and signed the Chairman.
3.1 Highways Issues sent in 6/10/14 – comments returned.
3.2 Previous highways matters that need to be raised again:
3.2.1 - Cllr Foster had asked TR to report that he would wish to attend the site meeting at Georges Delight, and the bollards had not been replaced. Cllr Trigg was certain they had, apart from a few knocked over.
3.2.5 - 60.6 – Lane between the gliding club and R71 – a heavy vehicle drove along it and road has collapsed. Surface if the lane in very poor state and needs a ‘not suitable for HGVs’ sign. Recent incident caused the lane to be blocked for 2 days.
3.2.9 - 63.3 There is still a blocked gully between Nant y Marc farm & the bridge (complaint 013828)
3.2.11 - 63.1 From jct with B4235 & 212.2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass.
3.3 - Footpath closures. Cllr Bennett confirmed that residents would be willing to help maintain number 36.
3.4 - TR read out an undated letter from Tony Wallen, MCC, regarding switching off or dimming policy. TR confirmed lights were on all night in Llangwm.
The previous clerk had emailed TR 11/01/2015 an email from Brian Cleary, MCC, giving information about vehicle actuated speed signs. Added to file on this subject.
Previous item 3.5 deferred to Finance.
3.3 New highways issues raised as follows:
Raised by Cllr Trigg:-
3.3.1 Route 80 approx 100m Wolvesnewton side of Trevine Farm, missing LLANGWM place name.
3.3.2 66-2 with junction of B4235 missing x roads sign & existing post rusted through
3.3.3 B 4235 Grit bin between the Mill & Rycroft has not been replenished
3.3.4 63-3 Nant-y-March lane 3 grit bins requested by residents of Trelay Farm, Ty-Gwyn, & Ty Wilson farm
3.3.5 60-11 Pentre Lane 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pentre Farm Holiday Homes
3.3.6 Route 80 1 grit bin requested by residents of Pwll Farm, Owl Barn & Ty Berllan
3.3.7 Route 81 still problems with flooding at Pont-y-cath, gullies require cleaning near Duffryn Cottage
3.3.8 Drainage problems between New House Farm & jct with 66-2 (complaint 013828)
3.3.9 63-3 There is a blocked gully to the LHS of Nant-y-March Farm entrance & a gully covered by tarmac on the RHS of the entrance
3.3.10 B4235 gullies covered by debris between 60-9 & Belmont Farm entrance causing flooding problems at the jct of 60-9 & B4235
3.3.11 Request from riders of Pentwyn Farm riding centre that beware of horses signs be placed at either end of the village to warn traffic (1 near jct 63-3 & 1 near jct 60-10.)
Raised by others:-
3.3.12 Verge markers were needed to indicate dangerous drop at side of Pentre Lane, 60.11.
3.3.13 Footpath by The Mill is obstructed by a branch; whole path needs attention.
3.3.14 A conifer hedge on the corner of 63.1 and 63.6 is encroaching on the road.
3.3.15 The Bridge Inn continues to be an embarrassment to the village. Approach MCC again for a “tidy-up” order.
Barclays Bank balance at 29/12/2014 – £3,240.68. Last meeting’s balance was dated 29/08/14.
No cheques issued since 18/11 meeting; last tranche of precept, £900, received 22/12.
Monmouthshire Building Society balance at 31/03/2014, £2330.43, TR having obtained update on interest payment since 2013. Change of officer mandate forms obtained.
4.1 Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by PG, GR and DW.
Invoice - Abergavenny Chronicle, advertisement, £80.00, cheque no. 100618.
Invoice - Monmouthshire Beacon, advertisement, £78.00, cheque no. 100619
Invoice - Hire of Parish Hall, £117.60, cheque no. 100621. (Cheque no. 100620 cancelled.)
Llangwm Baptist Chapel, help with grass cutting, £50.00, cheque no. 100622.
4.2 Remittance from Wales Audit Office for £30.00. TR will pay in.
4.3 Section 137 (“Free Resource”) expenditure for 2015/16 increased to £7.36 per elector.
4.4 TR advised that this year’s precept needed to be set immediately. Since this amount could be affected, BT proposed that council meet every month. After discussion, it was agreed that this year, on a trial basis, council would meet more frequently. The dates for this year are 17 March, 21 April, 19 May, 16 June, 14 July, 15 September, 20 October, 17 November. CE agreed to check Hall availability.
It was agreed to maintain the precept at £2,700.
4.5 Draft Financial Regulations for Councils circulated by OVW, deferred from last meeting.
TR commented that in his opinion council were currently carrying out most of the suggested procedures, apart from three procedures for query:
Item 2.2, Quarterly internal audit by a councillor who may, or may not, be a cheque signatory, but not the Chairman, should verify accounts once a quarter and at year end.
Item 6.11, PIN/password protection procedure. It was agreed this would only apply to a computer owned by the Council.
Item 6.13 Need for separate regular backup copies stored away from the computer. It was agreed to do this, and LB undertook to purchase a suitable memory stick on behalf of the Clerk.
For Decision:
5.1 Circulated by email:
OVW; forms for planning, response required 16/01;
OVW; Use of Land – overriding easements
OVW; training for Community Engagement.
Severnside group against dog fouling. Into blue box.
Request to Join Home Start. Into blue box.
Chairman’s invitation to St Valentine Day’s Ball. Into blue box.
5.1.1. It appeared that Nick Ramsey had not been contacted re visit to Community Councils. Clerk to pursue.
5.1.2. Imperial War Museum; invitation to centenary partnership event, Cardiff Bay, Friday 23/01.
5.1.3. National Library of Wales request to archive our village web site. Into blue box.
5.1.4. MCC Emergency Contacts Directory. It was agreed BT and GR would be nominated.
5.1.5. Request for Electoral Register – forms distributed, Clerk to send in.
5.1.6. Leigh Day (law firm) offering advice on challenging decisions on environmental issues. Into blue box.
5.1.7. OVW/SLCC joint event. Into blue box.
5.1.8. Get involved in community projects leading up to the Eisteddfod. No action.
5.1.9. Appeal from Noah’s Ark charity. No action.
5.1.10. Discussion on terms of employment of new clerk. Draft Conditions of Contract, drawn up by TR, based on NALC model but modified as felt necessary, were discussed with the Clerk. TR to take account of the further alterations and submit for consideration and eventual agreement by Clerk and Council.
For information only – all circulated in blue box
Nothing except as indicated above. Some items of correspondence deferred to next meeting.
6.1 Email from MCC Planning replying to our complaint, explaining their situation.
6.2 Consultation on MCC LDP draft Supplementary Planning Guidance, responses by 22/01. In blue box.
6.3 Application DC/2014/01150, vehicular access at New House, Llangwm. After discussion, TR was asked to advise approval, with several caveats, including on the hedge, rights of way, and drainage.
6.4 Application DC/2014/01472, single storey side extension, Old Shop, Llansoy. This was approved.
6.5 Enforcement case E14/096, Mill Meadow Stables. Lights were visible here over Christmas and New Year; there is a photograph of stables for rent in Llangwm village noticeboard.
6.6 BT had been told the new Monmouth School would not have a swimming pool, but was advised that facilities would still be available.
No report.
MHF reported that Llangybi C. C. had acquired several defibrillators and were attending training courses. He proposed our Council should have two. The Clerk confirmed they had three, with trained people, and that grants were available through the Heart Foundation. To be discussed at the next meeting.
LB asked the Clerk to find out if council could adopt the two patches of green outside the Parish Hall.
Discussion of improved signage to St Jerome’s Church was deferred to the next meeting.
Date of Next Meeting,
Tuesday, 17th March
Meeting closed: 9.45pm
Police Report
Here are the incidents reported for Llansoy and Llangwm for the period 18th November 2014 – 19th January 2015.
17/12 - Report of a vehicle beeping it’s horn at 0500 hours, which the caller thought was suspicious. No vehicle was seen or index number taken to make enquiries. Reported for information only.
13/12 - Report of debris in the road near to Llangwm village, possibly from a collision. Police, and Police Dogs attended the scene to look for the vehicle which was not found. No offences committed.
05/12 - Report of an abandoned vehicle with front end damage, in the car park at the Star Inn, Llansoy. Enquiries confirmed everything was in order, and that the owner of the vehicle had a damaged rear axle, so had to park the vehicle up and await recovery.
28/11 - A silver Mondeo was stolen from a farm in LLangwm. The car was traced and an arrest was made.