Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council
COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr David Williams, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Cllr Mike Foster, Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, County Councillor Bob Greenland
IN ATTENDANCE: C Martin (Clerk), PCSO A Jones
PCSO Jones gave the police report – see summary at end of minutes. PCSO Jones referred to the meeting on 8 December to meet with Inspector Morgan. PG, BT and CE confirmed they intended to attend.
PCSO Jones left the meeting.
Minutes from the meeting of 16 September 2014 were agreed and signed by BT and CM.
3.1 Clerk tendered her resignation to take affect 31 December 2014. Meeting agreed that an advertisement would be placed in Monmouth Beacon and Abergavenny Chronicle. Replies will be forwarded to all councillors. As of 1 January Clerk will disable clerk@llangwm.org.uk email address and councillors will need to arrange its redistribution with Sylvia Fowles of the Llangwm website. Clerk to inform MCC payroll of leave date.
3.2 Highways Issues sent in September – comments returned. New highways issues raised as follows:
3.2.1 George’s Delight 66.3 – request site visit with Cllr. Trigg as previous response was not understood.
3.2.2 George’s Delight – needs sweeping, ‘not suitable for HGV’ sign has slipped down the post.
3.2.3 New grit bin to be sited at the junction near Pentwyn Farm 63.2 - request information on why this location?
3.2.4 B4235 – Gullies and drain near Bridge Inn is poor and is causing flooding on the road in rain.
3.2.5 60.6 – Lane between the gliding club and 60.6 – a heavy vehicle drove along it and road has collapsed. Surface if the lane in very poor state and needs a ‘not suitable for HGVs’ sign. Recent incident caused the lane to be blocked for 2 days.
3.2.6 3 Grit bins required at Nant y March Lane 63.3.
3.2.7 Route 80 from junction with B4235 to junction with 60.2 – gullies covered with grass and numerous gouts require cleaning.
3.2.8 R81 – B4235 to Duffryn Cottage – gullies covered with grass. Problem with flooding at Pont y Cath. Gully blocked at Duffryn Cottage LHS. Drainage problems between New House Farm and jct with 66.2 with ground water running down a WWA water pipe & escaping via a sluice just above the farm entrance (all complaint no 013828).
3.2.9 63.3 There is still a blocked gully between Nant y Marc farm & the bridge (complaint 013828)
3.2.10 63.3 Between Ty Gwyn & jct with 212.2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass
3.2.11 63.1 From jct with B4235 & 212.2 there are numerous gullies covered with grass.
3.3 Footpath closures 36 and 96 – residents are willing to assist with maintenance work. Clerk to contact MCC regarding this.
3.4 Councillors requested that clerk contacts Roger Hoggins again regarding the letter about turning off the street lights. Emailed again – no response. CC Greenland suggested contact A.wallen@Monmouthshire.org.uk
3.5 One Voice Wales – Adoption of financial regulations – defer to next meeting.
Balance at Barclays account – £2625.43
Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51
4.1 Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by PG and MF:
Invoice - C. Martin, Clerk’s expenses and travel expenses, £36.10, cheque no. 100614
Invoice – Mazars LLP – audit fee, £96.00, cheque no.100615
Invoice – MCC clerks salary reimbursement and admin fee 100616
St Tysoi Church Llansoy – donation for grass cutting request. Agreed cheque no 100617
4.2 The auditors of the annual return, Mazars LLP, have confirmed that there are no matters they wish to draw to the Council’s attention. Chair and RFO signed the approval and certification of the audit on the original form to be sent to Mazars.
5.1 Nick Ramsey AM – offer to speak at council or public meeting on devolution of tax raising powers. Agreed to contact and suggest that as a small council if there were dates at adjacent councils could attend these.
5.2 Llangollen Eisteddfod Request for funding. No action
For information only – all circulated in blue box
5.3 One Voice Wales – Meeting 16 October and minutes of 10 July.
5.4 GAVO – AGM 14 October.
5.5 Eistedfodd Cymru – annual report and accounts
5.6 MCC – LDP
6.1 Plans Approved by MCC
6.1.1 DC/2014/01087 - Convert Garage to kitchen, Capel Newydd, Llansoy. Recommend approval.
6.1.1 DC/2014/01180 – Demolition of conservatory and proposed two storey rear extension providing ground floor living space, first floor bedroom with ensuite and enlarged bathroom, Ty Graig, Llangwm. Recommend approval.
6.1.2 DC/2014/00899 – Removal of poor quality ground floor extensions and conservatory, renovation of original cottage, Rose Cottage, Llansoy. No objections and MCC informed 26 October to comply with timeframes.
6.1.3 DC/2014/01002 – Substantial demolition of existing dwelling and erection of replacement dwelling, Bay Tree Cottage, Llansoy. No objections and MCC informed 26 October to comply with timeframes. No further action
6.2 Reply from MCC regarding LCC comments about the timeframes for responding to planning consultations.
6.3 CE queried whether we have had a response from Planning Enforcement regarding The Stables at Llangwm. CM to contact Enforcement and copy CC Greenland to follow up.
Budgets – minister for public service proposals for budget cuts have been revised as further £2 million has to be taken out of the budget. Likely to impact on schools through efficiency savings.
Williams Commission – WAG appointed new minister for public service Leighton Andrews but nothing likely to happen for about 5 years (2019).
All council meetings are now broadcast on YouTube.
CABs have had their funding cut and finding it difficult. Requested that LCC consider the benefit of CABs to local residents when it receives any requests for funding.
LB – discussion required at next meeting about potential charge from MCC for siting the George’s Delight and Llangwm noticeboards on MCC Highways land.
Also discussion at next meeting re patches of land in Llangwm that are not being maintained by MCC being designated as community open land.
PG – has contacted owner of Bridge Inn but no response to date and will continue to chase.
Meeting closed: 9.00pm
Meetings for 2015, all 7:30 p.m. on a Tuesday evening 20 Jan, 17 March, 19 May, 14 July, 15 September, 17 November
Police Report
19/10 – Shots were heard and lights seen on land owned by a farm in Llansoy. Officers attended and spoke with the individuals firing guns. Their licences were checked and found to be in order. No offences were committed.
06/10 – Vehicle crashed into the caller’s hedge and truck. Driver swerved on road to avoid small animal. Police attended and no offences were committed.
25/09 – Report of complaint regarding the manner of driving of a member of public. No evidence available to progress the complaint, so no action taken.