Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council




COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr David Williams,

Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Peter Gough, Cllr. Cllr Mike Foster     

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Martin (clerk), PCSO A Jones

APOLOGIES: Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr. Colin Evans, County Councillor Bob Greenland




PCSO Jones gave the police report – see summary at end of minutes.  Cllr Rowlands enquired about a police officer in plain clothes who questioned people who left a party on 15 July in Llansoy.  PCSO Jones confirmed it was a police officer.  Cllr Gough informed PCSO Jones that again there were problems with motorbikes in Llangwm and Shirenewton.  Cllr Gough informed the meeting that he would attend a meeting in Shirenewton about this and CC Greenland would probably be in attendance too.


PCSO Jones left the meeting.




Minutes from the meeting of 15 July 2014 were agreed and signed by BT and CM.




3.1              Highways Issues sent in July – comments returned.     Councillors requested that the following points are carried over to the next list:

3.1.1        George’s Delight 66.3 – verge cutting is poor and not done in places.  Verge markers have been pushed over and the grit bin smashed –this still needs replacing.

3.1.2        Street lights No’s MGO2 and MGO4 near Mill House, Llangwm (B4235)  awaiting works by Western Power

3.2              New highways issues:

3.2.1        Councillors requested a list of works so they can see where sites requiring excavation are on the list.

3.2.2        Speed limit signs at Llangwm village are twisted round and not visible – please check and secure.

3.2.3        B4235 – Llangwm Village, The Duffryn opposite Ivy Cottage – the drain cover has lots of erosion around it and it is not effective.

3.2.4        Grit bin needs replacing outside village hall in Llangwm

3.2.5        New grit bin required at Pentwyn Farm 63.2

3.2.6        B4235 – outside Belmont Farm, about half mile outside Llangwm Village – the manhole cover was moved when grass cutting

3.2.7        Ruts in the road on George’s Delight makes driving difficult and causes vehicles to go into the hedge 

3.3              Footpath closures 36 and 96 – Clerk followed up previous email to Ruth Rourke on 6 July following previous email of 22 April.  To date no reply received.  County Councillor asked for a copy to be sent to him. Awaiting response.

3.4              Bridge Inn – PG reported that the owner has said he is planning to do some tidying up and is taking some planning advice.

3.5              Councillors requested that clerk contacts Roger Hoggins again regarding the letter about turning off the street lights.


 4)         FINANCE


Balance at 29 August – £2625.43 Barclays account

Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51


4.1       Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by PG and MF:


Invoice - C. Martin, clerk’s expenses and travel expenses, £30.65, cheque no. 100611

Invoice - Green Grafter – grass cutting July and August, £72.00, cheque no.100612

4.2       The auditors of the annual return, Mazars LLP, have confirmed that there are no matters they wish to draw to the council’s attention.  Chair and RFO signed the approval and certification of the audit on the original form to be sent to Mazars.





5.1              Wales Audit Office – confirmation of distribution of reserves to Local Government bodies.  Clerk to complete the form to receive the £30 allocated to LCC

For information only – all circulated in blue box

5.2              One Voice Wales – Brochure of courses

5.3              One Voice Wales – motions for 2014 AGM



6.1              Plans Approved by MCC

6.1.1        DC/2014/00557 - Erection of new garage & store, Court Robin House, Court Robin Lane, Llangwm, Monmouthshire, NP15 1ET

6.1.2        DC/2014/00842 - Double garage and garden/log store, Ynys y Bont Cottage, Llangwm, Usk, NP15 1HA

6.2              Clerk to contact planning to inform them that insufficient time is available for LCC to see plans and request that the plans are emailed to the clerk to avoid them not arriving in good time.

6.3              New enforcement to be reported to Planning – Permanent residents at The Stables, Mill Meadow when is supposed to be a holiday let.  Believe this is a breach of the original planning consent and as yet not aware of any retrospective application coming in. Are enforcement aware when one is likely to be forthcoming?





County Councillor not present.




PG – reported that broadband for the community now has a scheme in place but residents need to make the decision to make grant applications and he offered to help anyone to do this.  PG asked that the councillors pass this on to residents.


Also there is a hog roast on Saturday 4 October in the Village Hall.


Meeting closed: 9.00pm           


Meetings for 2014, all 7:30 p.m. on a Tuesday evening –  Nov 18.


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 19th May and 16th September 2014.


29/06 – a large cow on the B4293 Llangwm.

05/07 – garage break in Llangwm (just off the main road) – garden tools stolen.

12/07 – a non-suspicious tractor fire on the old road between Usk and Llangwm (we were told Llan Y Nant Road).

15/07 – a suspicious incident was reported in Llansoy – it was that a male reporting to be a Police Officer in plain clothes, offering lifts to party guests leaving an address – it turned out that it was an on duty Detective Sergeant from Abergavenny who was concerned about a vehicle driving slowly through the village and people walking along the lanes at 2am!

08/08 – report of 10-20 sheep walking along the B4235 in Llangwm – they were gone on Police arrival.

02/09 – a road traffic collision involving one vehicle occurred on the B4235 in Llangwm – minor injury, caused possible through driver illness.