Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council




COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams, Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Mike Foster     

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Martin (clerk) PCSO Sally Parker

APOLOGIES: PC Thorpe, County Councillor Bob Greenland, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands,




PCSO Parker gave the police report summarised at the end of the minutes.  She also reported on speed checks that had been done recently in Llansoy as follows:

·        3 separate checks at different times of the day – morning and afternoon rush hours and school pick up time.

·        381 vehicles were monitored showing average speed of 32.62 mph in a 40 mph zone.

·        18 were travelling at over 40mph and highest recorded was 52mph.

·        2 highest recorded were issued with fixed penalty notices, the others were less than 45mph.




Minutes from meetings of 20 January 2014 were agreed and signed by PG and CM.




3.1       Highways Issues sent January 2014- response received.  File.  Clerk to respond as follows:

·         Retain the street lights MG02 and MG04 on the list as awaiting works by Western Power

·         Hedge at Nant Y Bwthyn has not been cut back as of 18 March and still needs to be

3.2              New Highways issues – The following have already been forwarded to MCC by BT:

3.2.1        Flooding at Pont-y-Cath- This flooding has been here since the 16-12-13.This road has only flooded here since WWA went through with their thrust boring machine in 2011-12 although not deep it causes icy conditions.

3.2.2        Flooding Near Duffryn Cottage - This flooding is caused by a blocked gully on the LHS of photo - this has previously been reported via the Community Council

3.2.3        Running water on Carriageway between New House farm entrance & Junction with the 66-2 - caused by ground water running down a WWA water pipe and escaping via a sluice valve just above the entrance. This then flows down towards & finishes outside Duffryn Cottage. This ground water emanates from 3 stone culverts that have been cut off during WWA trench works several years previously. Residents are concerned about the edge of carriageway erosion  damaging wheels, tyres  as this route is particularly narrow through this section

3.2.4        Drainage 66-3 -Between Ty Wilson & Ty Gwyn there are 3 gullies surcharging due to blocked carrier drains

3.2.5        Between Nant-y-march farm entrance & the bridge is a gully surcharging due to a blocked carrier drain 

3.2.6        Issue reported by DW – craters and pot holes along whole length of the 60.2

3.2.7        MF reported pot holes at the edge of 66.3 George’s delight


3.3              Footpath 36 – Have had a response from Shaun Pritchard at MCC that the issue with the footpath has been forwarded to Ruth Rourke.  Councillors instructed to request that LCC want to fix the handrail and are seeking permission.  Copy email to CC Greenland.  Also check progress with footpath 96 closure as notice is no longer there.

3.4              Changes to Electoral districts –No further response - awaiting consultation phase.

3.5              Bridge Inn – PG has received an email from the owner saying he has been working on other projects but will be putting his attention into this in due course.  PG reported that lead had been stolen from the roof at an unknown date.  PCSO suggested it is reported to the police for the record.


4)         FINANCE


Balance at February 27 – £2195.75  Barclays account

Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51


4.1       Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by PG and MF;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Invoice - C. Martin, clerk’s expenses and travel expenses, £28.71, cheque no. 100601

Invoice – OVW annual subscription, £48.00, cheque no.100602

Mrs J Bennett – reimbursement for supplies for best kept village competition £98.41 cheque no. 100603

Llangwm Baptist church donation for grass cutting £50 cheque no. 100603

4.4       Budget for 2014/5 presented and agreed.  Copies to be distributed by email.

4.5       MCC confirmation of precept request for 2014/5.





5.1              MCC – Schools music showcase 27 March, Chepstow.  No action

5.2              MCC – Adoption of LDP. File


For information only – all circulated in blue box

5.3              Central Monmouthshire rural forum agenda 20 February 2014 and minutes of meeting 9 January.

5.4              Walk for Life 2014 fundraising – Kidney Wales Foundation.

5.5              National Road Race Championships 26-9 June 2014 in Monmouthshire – leaflets to distribute.

5.6              Clerks and council’s direct magazine

5.7              Letter of thanks for grass cutting donation from Llansoy PCC.




6.1              Plans Approved by MCC:

6.1.1        DC/2013/01044- Alterations & rear extension  Court Robin House, Court Robin Lane, Llangwm

6.2              DC/2013/00078 – Wood store for additional fuel storage supplying bio mass boiler, The Barn, Llangwm Isaf, Llangwm.  No response required as already approved by delegated decision at MCC.




County Councillor reported that the budget is settled for this year with a £3.9 million saving made by increasing council tax and changes to services. Over the next 2 years £14 million of savings is required which means budgets other than social services and education have to be cut by 40%.

He also reported that the original timescales of the Williams Commission will not be met.  MCC joining with Newport is unlikely to happen before 2017. CC Greenland reminded the meeting of the NATO conference at Celtic Manor in September.  CC Greenland had met with the Police and Crime Commissioner last week and confirmed that the view of all 4 Welsh forces is that they should stay as they are and not be amalgamated.  There is also a move in Gwent to reopen and stop the closure of police stations.  LB asked about the future of mobile police stations and CC Greenland said that there has been a mixed response to them.

BT asked CC Greenland about car parking charges in Usk.  CC Greenland replied that the proposal to charge has gone to committee and will then have to go out to consultation.




CE – The bin by the bus shelter has not been emptied.  Meeting concluded that this was probably an oversight and the situation would be monitored.

BT – Suggested that a seat be put at the bus shelter – BT will investigate the possibility.  Also green-grafter will do cuts this year at an extra cost of £1 per cut.  Clerk to reply to confirm we are happy with this.


Meeting closed: 9.00pm           


Meetings for 2014, all 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening – May 20 (AGM) , Jun 24/Jul 1 (tbc depending on audit timescale), Sep 16, Nov 18.


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 20th January and 18th March 2014.


21/01 – suspicious vehicle driving around Llangwm for two days – an electric blue Subaru with a spoiler on the back. No offences reported.

30/01 – report of 10 deer on the road in Llansoy – caller concerned about a vehicle driving into them as it was dark and unlit.

31/01 – report of flooding on the B4235, Llangwm, by the Usk Showground – Highways informed.

09/02 – report of a phone line across the road by The Star, Llansoy – BT called.

12/02 – two calls received about a tree down on the B4235 between Shirenewton and Llangwm.

16/02 – report of a car having spun off the road into a ditch, between Llansoy and Raglan – no injuries.

20/02 – report of possible poaching near to a house in Llansoy – couple a vehicles were seen nearby, one with a trailer – one person was seen wearing camouflage.

21/02 – a suspicious male in a Landrover attended a location in Llangwm – he left a business card with “Regency Nurseries” on it – he drove on the owner’s land and not on his driveway.

05/03 – report of about 20 deer in the road by The Star, Llansoy, but in the daytime this time.

13/03 – report of a driver hitting a tree that was down in the road, early morning on the B4235, Llangwm – thankfully, no injuries.