Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council
PRESENT: Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams,
Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr
Mike Foster IN
ATTENDANCE: C Martin (clerk)
APOLOGIES: PC Thorpe, County Councillor Bob
Greenland 1) OPEN
SESSION PC Thorpe sent
her apologies and the report at the end of the minutes. Clerk instructed to thank
PC Thorpe for the recent speed monitoring in the village. CC Greenland
sent apologies and an email explaining that he had no involvement in the review
of ward boundaries. It was agreed that any correspondence regarding this
should also be copied to CC Greenland. 2) CONFIRMATION
meetings of 19 November 2013 and 6 January 2014 were agreed and signed by PG
and CM. 3) MATTERS
ARISING 3.1 Highways 1.
Highways Issues sent October 2013-
response received. File. Clerk to respond as follows: a.
Salt bin outside village hall
Llangwm is no longer useable as is letting in water. 2.
Form sent 8 December not yet
received; clerk chased w/c 13 January. Meeting requested that the following be
put back on next highways form for action: a.
No salt bin at Pentwyn Farm on
63/3. b.
Street lights No’s MGO2 and MGO4
near Mill House, Llangwm (B4235) are still not working and a lady from the WI
recently fell in the road because of this. 3.2
Still awaiting confirmation from Shaun
Pritchard that it will be permissible for LCC to fix the broken handrail on
footpath 36. Clerk to progress with Shaun Pritchard and find out what is
happening with both footpath closures. 3.3
Changes to Electoral districts – A
paper will be prepared by LB/PG following the consultation meeting at MCC on 21
January. Councillors thanked LB and PG for their responses to this. Clerk
will then send final version to MCC, Bob Greenland and the clerk of Llantrisant
Fawr. PG/CE and BT will attend the consultation meeting. 3.4
No response received from the Bridge
Inn regarding the dangerous state of the wall etc. PG will email owner again. 4) FINANCE Balance
at 27 December - Barclays account £2884.48 Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51 4.1 Agreed
for payment by the meeting and signed by PG and MF; Invoice
- C. Martin, clerk’s expenses and travel expenses, £28.72, cheque no. 100596 Invoice
- MCC, clerk’s salary and administration charge Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
2013 £553.50, cheque no 100597 Llangwm
Churches PCC – donation for grass cutting at 2 sites, £100, cheque no. 100599 Invoice
from Parish Hall Llangwm for hire and electricity £103.50, cheque no. 100600 4.2 Receipt - £900 MCC precept. 4.3 Reconciliation at 31 December presented
and approved. Signed by PG/CM. Clerk to email copies to all councillors. 4.4 Budget projection at end of December 2013
presented and distributed in blue box for review and signature at next meeting. 4.5 Precept Request from MCC. Councillors
agreed to retain this at the same level as last year of £2700. Clerk to notify
MCC. 4.6 Notification of section 137 expenditure
limit for 2014/5 of £7.20 per elector. 5)
Western Power.
Invitation to stakeholder workshop for business plan 2015-23. No action. 5.2
OVW – Invitation
to apply for allocated tickets on lottery basis to Buckingham Palace Garden
Party. No action 5.3
MCC – emergency
contacts directory – Clerk to confirm arrangements stay the same. 5.4
Woodland trust –
appeal for funding for Wentwood. No action. 5.5
Eistedfodd – request for funding. No action. 5.6
OVW Area
Committee agenda 16 January. File For
information only – all circulated in blue box 5.7
OVW – The Voice. 5.8
Clerks and
Councils direct January 2014. 5.9
consultation on potential site in Abergavenny. Monmouthshire Charter for
working with community councils. 5.10
Monmouthshire rural forum,
agenda 9 January. 5.11
MCC – Lower Wye
Area Committee 6) PLANNING 6.1
DC/2013/01044 – Alterations
and extension, Court Robin House, Llangwm. Distributed prior to meeting and no objections
communicated to MCC planning on 12/1/14. 6.2
Proposed changes
to planning systems – clerk sent email to all councillors. Agreed that all
councillors would review and communicate with the others to formulate a
conclusion and possible submission for the consultation. 7) COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT County Councillor not in attendance. 8) WARD
REPORTS BT – Reported that he would be contacting MCC
regarding the frequency of gritting. DW
– The
hedges of Nant
Y Bwthyn, Chapel Road, Llangwm, NP15 1HG have not been cut back despite writing
to the resident in June. Clerk to put on the highways form requesting MCC
issue a notice to cut. Meeting closed: 8.45pm
Meetings for 2014, all
7.30pm on a Tuesday evening – Jan 20 ( a Monday to accommodate councillors),
Mar 18, May 20, Jun 24/Jul 1 (tbc depending on audit timescale), Sep 16, Nov
18. Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 22nd November 2013 and
20th January 2014. 06/12 – road traffic collision between a lorry and a car
outside the Star Inn, Llansoy. A female suffered from minor injuries and shock. 19/12 – report of a tree having come down in Llangwm
blocking the road. 24/12 – report of a one vehicle traffic incident on the
B4235 Llangwm – no injury. 29/12 – report of a deer walking around in the road outside
the Star Inn, Llansoy – no trace. 09/01/14 – speed monitoring checks carried out by
Neighbourhood Team in Llangwm – two people issued tickets doing speeds of 51
and 52mph. 13/01 – speed monitoring checks carried out as above in
Llangwm. 17/01 – report of concern for the Hunt gathering in Llansoy
after last week’s Hunt was disrupted by Anti-Hunt protesters in Devauden.
Information was that they were going to come back and cause problems for the
Hunt on the 18th. All locations were checked and there was no trace
of the protesters.