Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council




COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg (Chair), Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Mike Foster     

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Martin (clerk)

APOLOGIES: PC Thorpe, PCSO A Jones, County Councillor Bob Greenland, Cllr Peter Gough




No police able to attend the meeting but PCSO Jones has forwarded the police report at the end of the minutes. 




Minutes from meeting of 17 September 2013 were agreed and signed by BT and CM.




3.1       Highways


1.       Highways Issues sent after the last meeting but response not yet received as email was undelivered and clerk only discovered 2 weeks ago:

a.       Llansoy – sign by the crossroads still needs repair – sign by Bush Farm, R71 and 60.2.

b.       Grit bin outside Llangwm village hall is damaged and needs replacing.

c.       End of 63.1 for about 150m – the grass verge has not been cut and routinely left uncut.  Please clarify the situation regarding this.

d.       Llangwm southern entrance to the village on B4235 – speed signs obscured by hedge and one spins around and is at 90 degrees to the correct orientation.

e.       Collapsed wall at Bridge Inn – request verge markers to make it safe as is a risk of vehicles going off the road.  PG will also contact the owner to request this – await report from PG.


Clerk to forward response as soon as received.


2.       Dog Fouling signs – stickers received from MCC and given to BT to be distributed.


3.2               Royal Welsh Agricultural Society - fund raising for Gwent Featured County 2015. Meeting discussed and decided that a donation would not be made.

3.3               Welsh National Memorial Flanders – agreed to forward a donation of £50 – see finance below.

3.4               Several emails received from Shaun Pritchard MCC regarding the closure of footpaths because of damaged bridges.  Still awaiting confirmation from Shaun that it will be permissible for LCC to fix the broken handrail on footpath 36.


4)           FINANCE


Balance at 29 October -   Barclays account £2156.48 Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51


4.1       Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by  GR and DW;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Invoice - C. Martin, clerk’s expenses £13.70 cheque 100590, clerks travel expenses, £18.03, cheque no. 100591

Invoice Mazars, annual audit, £72.00, cheque no. 100592

Welsh Memorial Flanders, donation of £50, cheque no. 100593

Llansoy Church – donation for grass cutting £50 agreed, cheque no. 100594


4.2       Receipt - £72.28 – HMRC, 2012/13 vat reclaim.

4.3       Reconciliation at 31 October presented and approved.  Signed by BT/CM.

4.4       Budget projection at end of October 2013 presented and distributed in blue box for review and signature at next meeting.





5.1              Eisteddfod Cymru – request for donation.  No action.

5.2              Urdd Eisteddfod – request for donation.  No action.

For information only – all circulated in blue box

5.3              Clerks and Council’s Direct - September and November.

5.4              Independent remuneration panel for Wales – annual report 2014/15.

5.5              OVW – area committee meeting 17 October.  Monmouthshire Charter for working with community councils.

5.6              Central Monmouthshire rural forum, agenda 10 October.




6.1              Plans approved by MCC :

6.1.1        DC/2013/00707 - Steel framed building to house machinery, fodder and storage, Ty Gwyn, Llangwm.

6.2              Plans refused by MCC – none. 

6.3              Enforcement cases for September received – nothing for Llangwm.

6.4              DC/2013/00707 - Steel framed building to house machinery, fodder and storage, Ty Gwyn, Llangwm. Distributed previously and no objections communicated to MCC planning (see 6.2 above).




County Councillor not in attendance.




BT presented a series of highways issues;

1.      B4235 gullies covered with leaves and debris from junction with 60/9 to Belmont Farm access.

2.      Route 81 from junction of the B4235 to Pont y Caith cottage, gullies covered with leaves and debris.  From Pont y Caith to Duffryn Cottage blocked side entry to gully RHS.  Newhouse Farm access to junction 66/3, gouts require opening.

3.      Route 80 from the junction with 60/2 to Pwll Farm gouts require opening and debris cleared from gullies.  From Trevine Farm access to junction of B4235 Llangwm, gullies covered with debris.

4.      63.1 from junction B4235 to junction of 212/2 gullies covered with debris.

5.      Numerous salt bins require topping up throughout the community.

6.      No salt bin been placed at Pentwyn farm on the 63/3.

7.      B4235 Llangwm to Gwernesney between Turnpike Cottage and Coal Chips Meadow Farm access, numerous deep potholes.


LB Street lights near Mill House Llangwm (B4235), No’s MGO2 and MGO4, not working.



Meeting closed: 8.45pm           

Meetings for 2014, all 7.30pm on a Tuesday evening – Jan 20 ( a Monday to accommodate councillors), Mar 18, May 20, Jun 24/Jul 1 (tbc depending on audit timescale), Sep 16, Nov 18.


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 16th September and 18 November 2013.


20/9/13 – Attempt break into the Star Inn at Llansoy, the rear gate lock was forced but no entry gained or anything taken.


6/10/13 – Report of a calf in the road just beyond Gwernesney village approaching Llangwm. Area search negative.


12/10/13 – Vehicle licence plate AE54 KTD found on the B4235 near Llangwm.


19/11/13 – A horse’s mane was found to be plaited by persons unknown at a farm in Llangwm. It is thought this may be a sign of the horse to be singled out and stolen.