Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MINUTES OF LLANGWM COMMUNITY COUNCIL



COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr Peter Gough (Chair), Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams, Cllr. Colin Evans, Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, County Councillor Bob Greenland, Cllr Mike Foster     

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Martin (clerk) PCSO A Jones





PCSO Jones presented the police report at the end of the minutes.  Cllr Trigg reported he had spoken to the police about the speed of motorbikes through the village.  PCSO Jones confirmed that the police had set up an operation outside Chepstow to look at bikes speeding and issued several notices. 

It was agreed that PCSO Jones would provide LCC with 4 posters regarding contacting the police.  Finally PCSO Jones introduced a scheme in conjunction with Usk prison to supply reasonably priced house name plates for rural properties.  PCSO Jones agreed to email further details to clerk for the councillors.





Minutes from meeting of 25 June 2013 were agreed and signed by PG and CM.




3.1       Highways


1.       Highways form sent on 31/5/13 response received 28/6/13. Llansoy cross roads to the Glider Club is very poor and needs repair – this actually refers to the 60.6 between the R75 and R71 – is in disrepair and soon will not be passable by vehicles.

2.       New Highways Issues to report:

a.       Llansoy – sign by the crossroads still needs repair – sign by Bush Farm, R71 and 60.2.

b.       Grit bin outside Llangwm village hall is damaged and needs replacing.

c.       End of 63.1 for about 150m – the grass verge has not been cut and routinely left uncut.  Please clarify the situation regarding this.

d.       Llangwm southern entrance to the village on B4235 – speed signs obscured by hedge and one spins around and is at 90 degrees to the correct orientation.

e.       Collapsed wall at Bridge Inn – request verge markers to make it safe as is a risk of vehicles going off the road.  PG will also contact the owner to request this.

3.       LB asked CC Greenland if it is MCC’s intention to do anything about the closure of the footpath in Llangwm because of the collapsed bridge.  CC Greenland referred to tight budgets and that it was now put back in the programme to December 2013.  It was agreed that if the community wanted to take action sooner CC Greenland would find out if there would be any implications.  Clerk will also write to MCC asking what the implications are.

4.       Dog Fouling signs – meeting agreed that clerk would pass BT details to relevant officer for siting of a metal sign and request details of supplier for more and request stickers that are now available.


3.2              PG reported on the progress with rural broadband – meeting planned 1 October.  There is no one in Llansoy signed up to the scheme yet.  CC Greenland reported that timetable for the next phase of BT work to install broadband will be published shortly.  CC Greenland will let PG know when timetable is published.

3.3              LB raised a letter received from OVW stating that communities can have the £500 grant for web development even if they do not join the web portal project.  Clerk to write to OVW to see if it would be possible to have the grant for web hosting.


4)           FINANCE


Balance at 29 August -   Barclays account £2551.19 Monmouthshire Building Society £2316.51


4.1       Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by  PG and CE;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Invoice - C. Martin, clerk’s expenses £29.37, Cheque no. 100585

Invoice MCC – clerks salary and admin fee, April/May/June, £262.62, cheque no. 100586

Invoice Green Grafters Grass cutting April and May. £70, cheque no 100587

Invoice Green Grafters Grass cutting June and Aug. £70, cheque no 100588

Invoice Green Grafters Grass cutting September. £35, cheque no 100589

4.2       Reconciliation at 31 July and budget forecast at 31 August presented and approved.  Signed by P Gough.


4.3 Authorisation of increase to clerk’s salary - Based on National Salary Awards 2013/14- July 22 to be backdated to 1 April 2013:


April 2013 to March 2014

Salary set according to NALC/SLCC guidelines published July 2013, by One Voice Wales.  Scale LC1 for part time clerks - Spinal Column point 17 (3rd year of service), set at £8.835 per hour. Two hours per week plus pro rata 21 days per annum = £998.27 per annum or £83.18per month.


Mileage at 60.1p per mile up to 8,500 miles per annum


The holiday entitlement for the year is 21 days per year pro rata and has been rolled into the monthly figure

Authorisation of Back pay April to September (6 months)

£83.18 per month less £80.04 per month = £3.14 * 6 = £18.84.  Note MCC had not, as instructed, increased the clerk’s salary to £82.37 for 2013/14, therefore the difference is calculated on the difference between 2013/14 salary and 2012/13 salary.


Authorisation signed by PG and GR. 


4.4       Annual Return - Mazars have completed the audit and instructed that the annual return be approved.  Unanimous agreement of the community councillors to approve the annual return, Chair signed section 3.  Clerk to send off the annual return to Mazars.

4.5       LCC Risk Assessment approved and signed by P Gough.

4.6       LCC Asset register checked and signed by councillors who inspected assets.





5.1              Welsh National Memorial Flanders – request for funding support - placed in blue box.

5.2              Shelter Cymru – request for support. No action

5.3              Royal Welsh Agricultural Society - fund raising for Gwent Featured County 2015. No action

For information only – all circulated in blue box

5.4              Rural Forum Meeting 18 July

5.5              MCC LDP consultation on amended sites

5.6              OVW – AGM 11 July.  The Voice newsletter

5.7              Clerks and Councils Direct

5.8              NAW – consultation on Designated Persons Order – web link.






6.1              Plans approved by MCC :

6.1.1        DC/2012/00954, Replace extant approval DC/2007/01416 (conversion of building to dwelling), New House Farm, Llangwm. 

6.1.2        DC/2013/00526 -Proposed single storey lean to extension and internal alterations, Pentwyn Barn, Llangwm.

6.1.3        DC/2012/00218Two storey side extension (Design amendment to planning approval DC/2007/00488) ; detached garage MILL HOUSE Usk RoadUsk  - 

6.2              Plans refused by MCC – none  

6.3              Enforcement cases for July/August– nothing relevant to LCC.

6.4              DC/2013/00526 – Proposed single storey lean to extension and internal alterations, Pentwyn Barn.  LCC recommended approval.

6.5              DC/2013/00605 Modification or removal of condition, The Laurels Llansoy.  Previously approved by MCC between meetings.  Noted decision made by MCC to approve and LCC expressed disappointment in this decision.




BG reported that in the next months officers and members of MCC will be visiting community councils and groups to look at how cutbacks can be made over the next 5 years to save £20 million.  He reported that it would be a genuine consultation and MCC are looking for ideas. 


Area Committee has funds available to community groups (not community councils) – suggested councillors who may have any ideas should contact Alan Browne at MCC.




DW informed meeting that consultation regarding water supply pipes from Dwr Cymru relates to the pipes between the mains and a property.  There are no results as yet of the consultation.


Meeting closed: 9.30pm            Next Meeting:  19 November

Dates to be agreed for 2014  


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 21st May and 16th July 2013.


02/06 – Llansoy - road traffic incident – one vehicle, no injury. The female driver was travelling too fast and has been reported for driving without due care and attention.

06/06 – Llansoy - road traffic collision – two vehicles, minor injury. The two vehicles passed too close to each other and hit each others wing mirrors.

20/06 – Llansoy – cows in the road, late evening – officers placed them in a field, believed local keeper.

30/06 – Llansoy – four people found in a property’s grounds with metal detectors, digging up the earth. They left when asked to in a white/silver Peugeot, registration CE12UTB, from out of the area.

07/07 – Llangwm – house alarm sounding, all appears in order, no further calls.

09/07 – Llangwm – road traffic incident – one motorbike, minor injuries. Appears that the rider lost control and went into a hedge.

13/07 – Llansoy – large fight broke out in the early hours at the Young Farmers Barn Dance. It had all broken up shortly afterwards and Police were stood down.


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 16th July and 16th September 2013.


22/07 – a suspicious male was seen in a white 4x4 with “Cobra” on the side, on Irish plates – 11-L-411 – in Llangwm. He was selling cheap chain saws/strimmers and brush cutters. Described as late 30’s, 5ft6, stocky build with dark hair and a pencil moustache. There was also a young lad in the vehicle. The vehicle was later seen in Devauden.

29/07 – a cow was found on the B4235 near to The Bridge, Llangwm.

30/07 – lots of gravel was reported to be on the Llansoy to Raglan road. Highways informed.

11/08 – fly tipping on private land in Llangwm – reported to the Council.

22/08 – report of dangerous driving on the B4293 Llansoy – Landrover overtaking on a blind bend. The owner was traced and given strong words of advice.

30/08 – a black Citroen, registration number similar to ND51BYR was seen parked in the entrance to a farm, late at night, for over an hour in Llangwm.

12/09 – a green Landrover was found in a ditch long the B4235, Llangwm at approximately 7.30am. No-one was with the vehicle – it was reported stolen that morning from Bristol.