Llangwm Home:Llangwm Community Council




COUNCILLORS PRESENT:  Cllr. Bob Trigg, Cllr. Lyn Bennett, Cllr David Williams (Chair), Cllr Gwyn Rowlands, Cllr Peter Gough

IN ATTENDANCE:  C Martin (clerk), PCSO Jones

APOLOGIES: PC Thorpe, Cllr. Colin Evans, County Councillor Bob Greenland, Cllr Mike Foster     




PC Thorpe sent her apologies and the incident report which can be found below at the end of the minutes. PCSO Jones went through the incidents and then alerted the meeting to several incidents of sheep worrying recently.  Cllr Williams informed PCSO Jones that he had found a drum with red diesel, pipe and funnel by a gate in Llansoy.  PCSO Jones said he had not heard of any diesel thefts but would take a note and look into this.  No members of the public attended.  PCSO Jones left the meeting.




Minutes from meeting of 20 November 2012 were agreed and signed by DW and CM.




3.1       Highways


Reply to the highways form not yet received.  Chased the form sent in September and November – nothing yet received.  Clerk will follow up.


Cllr Bennett reported that the work on the brook at Chapel lane has now been carried out.


New items for the highways department as follows;

1.      Between The Bridge Inn ph & Pentre farm, Llangwm there are 2 damaged manhole covers in the verge, also several gullies that are covered with debris and could exacerbate flooding.

2.      Grit bin required at Pentwyn Farm – see previous request from 20 November meeting.

3.      Nanty March Lane (63.3) is covered in debris and needs clearing

4.      60.2 – layby between Llansoy and Llangwm is silted up and holding water on the road, North of Hill View.

5.      Majority of grit bins in the area require refill.


Cllr Bennett took the highways map to scan in and forward to all councillors.


3.2       Cllr Gough provided an update on the BiGDiG initiative to bring broadband to the local area.  He reported that Llangwm would require a cabinet with equipment and 20-30 people to sign up for the service.  Cllr Gough will acquire more information and circulate it.  Clerk will invite Cllr Andy Williams (Devauden CC) to the next meeting to talk about BiGDiG.


3.3       Cllr Bennett reported that PC Thorpe has yet to speak to Cllr Foster about Neighbourhood Watch so clerk will email her with a reminder.


3.4       Cllr Gough reported that he still has heard nothing from Welsh Water regarding work in the village.





4)           FINANCE


Balance at 31/12/12 -   Barclays account £2169.02, Monmouthshire Building Society £2302.70


4.1       Agreed for payment by the meeting and signed by DW and GR:         

Invoice - C. Martin, clerk’s expenses for Dec/Jan £33.12, Cheque no. 100574
Invoice Llangwm Parish Hall – 7 meetings and electricity £122.74, cheque no. 100575

4.2       Receipts - £52.03 from HMRC for 2011/12 VAT reclaim.  £900 precept payment received from MCC

4.3       Precept request to MCC of £2700 for 2013/14 as agreed at last meeting. Clerk to complete documentation.

4.3       Reconciliation and Budget forecast at 31/12/12 presented to the meeting and put in the blue box for review and sign off at the next meeting.

4.4       Cllr Bennett explained the Independent Remuneration Panel For Wales has published latest guidance for councillor remuneration.  Put in Blue Box for councillors to consider for decision at the next meeting.





5.1              MCC – Review of electoral arrangements for Monmouthshire - seminars. File.

5.2              MCC – Have your say on children’s play questionnaire.  Completed and clerk will forward to MCC.

5.3              Ambulance service improvement campaign – offer to make a presentation to the community council. No action required.  File.

5.4              Email communication for MCC regarding flood risk management strategy.  Agreed that Cllr Gough will forward the email to local residents whose property is affected to ensure they are aware of the work being carried out.


For information only – all circulated in blue box

5.5              One Voice Wales -  The Voice

5.6              Aneurin Bevan Health Council agenda 15 January and minutes from 6 November

5.7              Discover Wales calendar

5.8              Christmas card from MCC Chief executive and chair.

5.9              NAW – consultation on the local government bill – deadline 31 January.

5.10          Lower Wye Area Committee agenda 12 December

5.11          MCC – minutes of November meeting of rural forum 15 November.

5.12          MCC – LDP consultation – further information and schedule of focussed changes.

5.13          OVW – area meeting 19 January 2013 and minutes of 10 October.




6.1              Plans approved by MCC  - DC/2011/1232 – Removal of condition (agricultural occupancy)  Coed Ceirw, Trevella Farm Llangwm.

6.2              Plans refused by MCC – DC/2010/00501 – retention of single storey side extension, Coed Ceirw, Llangwm.

6.3              E6840/AA/12/2187055 (Re; DC/2011/01163 – Appeal for retrospective application for altered access and gates at Bush Farm, Llansoy. LCC recommended approval for the original application so no response made.




CC Greenland not in attendance, so no report on MCC procedure in respect of delegated planning decisions.  This will be followed up at the next meeting.





Community Councillors had nothing further to report



Meeting closed: 8.45pm            Next Meeting:  19 March

Dates agreed for 2013 meetings as; 21 May, 9 July, 17 September, 19 November


Police Report


Llangwm and Llansoy incidents between 20th November 2012 and 11th January 2013.


02/12 – suspicious male seen in a car in the lanes in the Llangwm area during the afternoon – male spoken to by a local and he said he was walking his dogs, but there were no dogs! He was in a silver VW Golf, reg. S665JCY.

13/12 – a suspicious vehicle was seen in the Llansoy area late at night, turning in driveways – described as a white Pajero partial reg. LG54….

18/12 – a complaint was made about a tractor driver being on his mobile phone whilst driving in the Llansoy area – action to be taken.

20/12 – theft from a car overnight whilst parked in the Llangwm area – laptop stolen.